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India Boosts Its Limited War Capability With Unmanned System Capable of Pinpoint Strikes

You cant reduce the price of research you put in order to develop quality products ..you are right mass production can reduce the cost but upto a certain limit only F22 cost remained more of less same irrespective of numbers due to huge R&D cost
Yes u can...R&D costs are INCLUDED in the unit price(in addition to the manufacturing cost). So the more units built means the lesser fraction of the R&D costs distributed per unit. The F22 example u gave is just plain wrong...one of the biggest reasons why its price was high and remains high is bcuz USAF acquired it in limited numbers and banned its export. If u take a look at F35(also 5th gen)...bcuz it's being acquired not just by US(airforce and navy) but also other countries...its per unit price has been dropping.
yeah we know why they didn't responded. They were planning the missile strikes, until they were given the warning by IK that we would have no choice but to respond. They heard it before so, they backed off.
But if we have given them bloody mouth, the whole idea of limited war would have been buried forever.
What more of a bloody mouth did you want? 1 jet shot, pilot captured. 1 probable kill. Capability demonstrated. Both parties got what they needed. Any thing more could have been bad. What do you think will happen when indians attack our 4 5 F-16s in an area with 48 or 80 SU-30s? They can take the losses. We can't. What I am trying to say is that any kinda conflict is bad for us.
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