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India: BJP MLA, 4 security personnel killed in Maoist attack in Chhattisgarh

Let me ask you one think, when and how did Pakistan decided to use overwhelming brute force against TTP, BLA etc ???

And yes, the Name Maoist is synonyms to MAO, but has little to do with Chinese communist ideologies other than Mao's principle of Revolution through Guns. :-)
When it was thought necessary and how both by political leverage and then force. They had local support in terms local political autonomy and Islam but when they start killing locals and sradars for ransom, for personal enmity and for influence then they lost ground... Pak couldnt take any action due to many reason at first
Anyway, situation was complex.. IK wanted a polticla dialogue but TTP and Baloch separatists were too much divided... some layed down weapon due to Military actions and some groups went to AFG.. then APS happened and Army went on full throttle.
When it was thought necessary and how both by political leverage and then force. They had local support in terms local political autonomy and Islam but when they start killing locals and sradars for ransom, for personal enmity and for influence then they lost ground... Pak couldnt take any action due to many reason at first
Anyway, situation was complex.. IK wanted a polticla dialogue but TTP and Baloch separatists were too much divided... some layed down weapon due to Military actions and some groups went to AFG.. then APS happened and Army went on full throttle.

So to put in simple words. They crossed the red line, right ???

Irrespective of who is ruling the Center. The MAOIST in India are an endangered species, and they are mostly tackled through a three prong strategy.

1) Incentives

For example.

More incentive for Maoists laying down their weapons in Jharkhand

2) Denying ground/local support

3) Counter insurgency.
Largely done by Para-Military, and special police commandos.

It is actually painstaking since, the plan is never to eliminate them but to reintegrate them back into the society. But TBH there are certain factors like misconduct and human rights violations by few local level commanders/cops as well as corruption in the tribal belt which is a deterrent on the genuine efforts of government. But its only a matter of time until this thing get resolved slowly, dead slow though. :(

But if they or any groups within India cross the read line. The option of using overwhelming force always exist. ;)
The option of using overwhelming force always exist
my whole point is when they lose local support then you can send your strike corps for sure... insurgency cannot last until there is local support... so maoist doing something good whereas centre is missing in that area... as maoist are modestly armed compared to TTP... even afghan taliban beat US bcz they had local support..they can blame all day Pakistan but it is locals sympathy which provided them foot holdings. as Hameed Gul siad
" War is nothing, but a continuous line of communication"

you have to break that chain
my whole point is when they lose local support then you can send your strike corps for sure... insurgency cannot last until there is local support... so maoist doing something good whereas centre is missing in that area... as maoist are modestly armed compared to TTP... even afghan taliban beat US bcz they had local support..they can blame all day Pakistan but it is locals sympathy which provided them foot holdings. as Hameed Gul siad
" War is nothing, but a continuous line of communication"

you have to break that chain

Agreed. And if you see the statistics the number of Maoist attacks, arrests and surrenders had consistently and substantially increased over past two decades that it's only a matter of time when this is gonna end. Using more force have the possibility of reversing the gain all together. Remember violence begets violence. Kashmir is a classic example. ;)

Agreed. And if you see the statistics the number of Maoist attacks, arrests and surrenders had consistently and substantially increased over past two decades that it's only a matter of time when this is gonna end. Using more force have the possibility of reversing the gain all together. Remember violence begets violence. Kashmir is a classic example. ;)


Violence isnt always the answer

But Kashmir today is more anti indian then at any point in recent memory

The "center" becoming increasingly hindutva has helped alot
Violence isnt always the answer

But Kashmir today is more anti indian then at any point in recent memory

The "center" becoming increasingly hindutva has helped alot

Indeed, your last sentence is absolutely correct.

But Kashmir was never like this for long 40+ years after our independence. The violence started only 3 decades back. And I reiterate violence only begets violence. When the J&K was peaceful from 1947 to 1988/89 there were no military forces or paramilitary there. Better the sane people of Kashmir introspect there it all went wrong. I do agree GOI of the time and subsequent governments have mismanaged things, but all blame can't be put on GOI.
Indeed, your last sentence is absolutely correct.

But Kashmir was never like this for long 40+ years after our independence. The violence started only 3 decades back. And I reiterate violence only begets violence. When the J&K was peaceful from 1947 to 1988/89 there were no military forces or paramilitary there. Better the sane people of Kashmir introspect there it all went wrong. I do agree GOI of the time and subsequent governments have mismanaged things, but all blame can't be put on GOI.

Your denying the Kashmiris right to determine their future

Your becoming increasingly hindutva and expecting the Kashmiris to sit tight and smile

They dont want to be part of india, your refusal to listen has created decades of instability
Your denying the Kashmiris right to determine their future

Your becoming increasingly hindutva and expecting the Kashmiris to sit tight and smile

They dont want to be part of india, your refusal to listen has created decades of instability

Well I expected this reply from you. But can you please enlighten why the Kashmir's didn't had any problem up until 1989 i.e. long 42 Years (to be precise) since independence that they turned to violent means ??? ;)

Ironically the U.S.S.R/Soviets lost their Afghan war in the same year. What a strange coincidence right ?? ;)
Well I expected this reply from you. But can you please enlighten why the Kashmir's didn't had any problem up until 1989 i.e. long 42 Years (to be precise) since independence that they turned to violent means ??? ;)

Ironically the U.S.S.R/Soviets lost their Afghan war in the same year. What a strange coincidence right ?? ;)

They always had a problem

Your not giving them a option except for staying within a country full of hindus that they dont trust

The hindutva types make their intentions clear on a daily basis and if it were upto them they would flood kashmir with ganga dwellers to subjugate the Kashmiri

Whole point of Partition was so that we could divide and spare ourselves the turmoil of such endeavours

As a minority you should atleast see the writing on the wall
They always had a problem

If that was even remotely true prior to 1989, your "Operation Gibraltar" wouldn't have failed gloriously.

Your not giving them a option except for staying within a country full of hindus that they dont trust

The hindutva types make their intentions clear on a daily basis and if it were upto them they would flood kashmir with ganga dwellers to subjugate the Kashmiri

Whole point of Partition was so that we could divide and spare ourselves the turmoil of such endeavours

As a minority you should atleast see the writing on the wall

The increasingly Hindutuva phenomenon that you are talking about is a quite recent development. If India was that much religiously inclined/Hindutuva, BJP and Sangh Parival parties would have ruled the country long before immediately after the independence.

I bet you won't agree, just wait for a month and more and see for yourself, how the NDA/BJP's vote share are gonna decrease substantially.

Minority, you mean Christian's right ???? FYI, I may be a Christian by birth, but I'm very much an atheist. So forget about us, we are proud and more than happy to be Indian. :-)

Lal salam Comrade. :tup:

Well feeling too happy few days back, huh ??? :(

Now look how it feels when it happen back home. :hitwall:


Yah so true about u idiot

This was what I was talking about. Some people will never learn it the hard way.
You reap what you sow. India sponsored insurgency in Pakistan, funded espionage, terror in Pakistan now karma will haunt them. More will come as civil war/riots will start in India after Modi comes in power again. Write it down folks.
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