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India asks BBC to apologize for ‘offensive’ comments on Top Gear

Jeremy Clarkson is a jingoistic jerk. He ridicules everything that isn't English (or at least British).

Haha, the things he's said about British Leyland, the Morris Mariner, the Welsh, Theresa May (the current Home Secretary), Gordon Brown... I'd have to set aside some time to name them all, but don't think that he's above hurling abuse at Brits and British places and products.
Hell, he even joked that British Trade Union protestors on strike across the UK should have been executed in front of their families if he was in charge! Albeit, in context.
Haha, the things he's said about British Leyland, the Morris Mariner, the Welsh, Theresa May (the current Home Secretary), Gordon Brown... I'd have to set aside some time to name them all, but don't think that he's above hurling abuse at Brits and British places and products.
Hell, he even joked that British Trade Union protestors on strike across the UK should have been executed in front of their families if he was in charge! Albeit, in context.

leave it mate,the lad doesn't understand that the British do not have the same sense of humor as Indians.The British have an amazing sense of humor,I watch the commentary in "come dine with me"to laugh my a** off,its so funny.
Clarkson is just reporting the Indian reality. The Indians are living in a virtual world portrayed by Bollywood films and cricket. This virtual world has been made for the billions of poor and slumdogs to dream that they are living in a super rich country with beautiful and whitening people all around so that they do not protest against their inhuman living conditions. But this is not the reality. The reality is slum, darkness and dirtiness. India is the dirtiest country in the World with crumbling infrastructure, crowded trains with rats and human defeacation, human wastes all around etc. So why India is so upset when the reality is being reported. This reality has been again thrown to the world during the shameful Delhi Commonwealth Games. When a tourist travels to India, he should be warned about the reality, that what he sees in Bollywood films do not exist. This tourist must be vaccinated against all the 18 and 19th centuries disease like polio, malaria, hepatitis, leprosy, smallpox, cholera etc, he must be warned not to drink tape water which is contaminated by faecal wastes and infested with all sorts of bacteria which lead to gastroenteristis, he must be warned not to eat the Indian food as the high level of spices lead to throat soaring and Delhi Belly. During the shameful Delhi Commonwealth Games athletes had been contaminated by diseases due to contaminated food and the contaminated water of the swimming pool. The delhi Belly is well known by the backpackers. India must not hide the reality and being the new ally of the US war criminals and Israel does not mean that India is now a developed country where everything is beautiful.

This is one of the finest summaries of India I have read. Your post should be given international publishing. I have also shared similar analsysis of India in the past it's nice to see others who share the same sober and critical thinking as I do when it comes to that land, very bluntly put and well stated. I have actually saved your post in my personal collection of notes.

Regards, A1
i simply had to make an account to comment. how outrages are these indians making these demands? forget about it mate. there will be no apologies made for indians. everything that was said was 200% true and accurate. oh, sorry indians are upset. whose fault is it mate? india is no 1st world country. it is borderline 4th world with africa - a dirty and wretched place.
leave it mate,the lad doesn't understand that the British do not have the same sense of humor as Indians.The British have an amazing sense of humor,I watch the commentary in "come dine with me"to laugh my a** off,its so funny.

i simply had to make an account to comment. how outrages are these indians making these demands? forget about it mate. there will be no apologies made for indians. everything that was said was 200% true and accurate. oh, sorry indians are upset. whose fault is it mate? india is no 1st world country. it is borderline 4th world with africa - a dirty and wretched place.

Reported for racism.

At least Top Gear wasn't racist. They simply didn't understand that Indians don't like the same level of vulgarity that Westerners do.
I just found out the PM Cameron actually asked the Top Gear crew not to travel to India before heading off... Very interesting. PM Cameron is distancing himself from this controversy.
Indians need to take jokes lightly. It was all in good sense.

Seriously, you have bigger problems to solve than be demanding apologies.
Indians have no sense of homor
I looked at one video posted nothing wrong.
If you think you look bad in mirror wash your face instead of changing the mirror.

Indians are horrible on road, they have no regards for others people's life. Driving on wrong side of road and jumping red lights are no big deal for us.

To top it up we have such big ego... one chootiya talking about MRCA on this thread... Sorry mods but I have to vent out.
I wonder how many of those complaining about this also laughed when Clarkson and co. also made 'remarks' about the southern US, Mexico, and the English West Midlands? :p

I didn't laugh when he called all eastern Europeans drug dealers and prostitutes, didn't laugh when they joked about being bombed in the middle east episode, don't laugh when he picks out people and makes fun of their physical appearance.

Those guys are funny an' all but there's a limit to all the humour. And with this new trend of taking jibes at countries - it just looks to me (and hopefully older Top Gear fans too) like the trio are running out of ideas...
Indians have no sense of homor

Not just Indians, but people in the subcontinent do not have sense of humour. They are offended very easily.
Hah. The media tried hard to create a controversy. I kept reading about one news article after another in the TOI which talked about the British insulting great mother India. These busy bodies have no other work. I was in India when this episode was aired and I did not see any one getting hot under the collar though. No one in India apart from a journalist in the TOI got upset about this episode.

I on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed watching these guys trying to drive on Indian roads.
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