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India among 3 countries which have destroyed chemical weapon stock piles


May 4, 2013
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One of the world's leading think-tank on weapons and global arms race says that over 15,000 tonnes of chemical weapons are lying stockpiled across the globe.

As of 31 October 2012, Iraq, Libya, Russia and the USA are yet to complete destruction of their chemical weapon stock piles.

Swedish arms watchdog Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has warned that around 54,258 tonnes (78%) of the most lethal chemical weapons had been destroyed. Around 13 states had declared 70 former chemical production facilities. Around 43 of these facilities had been destroyed and 21 converted to peaceful purposes.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), however, has confirmed that India is among the seven states that have declared chemical weapon stockpiles. This includes Albania, India, Iraq, South Korea, Libya, Russia and the United States. In fact, Albania, India and South Korea are the only three countries which have destroyed their stockpiles, according to the OPCW.

The deadline for the final destruction of chemical weapons under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) passed on 29 April 2012.

As of December 31, 188 states had ratified or acceded to the convention.

According to SIPRI, as of November 2012 Libya had destroyed 13.5 tonnes (51% of its declared 26 tonnes) of category 1 sulphur mustard chemical weapons.

As of the same date, it had destroyed 555.7 tonnes (40%) of its category 2 chemical weapons.

The current schedule for Libya is to complete the destruction of category 1 chemical weapons by 31 December 2013, and category 2 chemical weapons by 31 December 2016.

Libya will employ a static detonation chamber technology for destruction of the previously undeclared chemical munitions and will hydrolyse the sulphur mustard.

Canada announced that it would provide 6 million Canadian dollars ($5.9 million) to support Libya's programme - the largest voluntary offer by a party to the convention since its entry into force in 1997.

As of November 2012 Russia had destroyed 27653 tonnes (61%) of its declared category 1 chemical weapons and all of its category 2 and 3 chemical weapons. It plans to complete destruction of its stockpile by December 2015.

In 2012, four chemical weapon destruction facilities were operating at Leonidovka, Maradykovsky, Pochep and Shchuchye (operations have been completed at Gorny and Kambarka).

Till November 2012, USA had destroyed 24924 tonnes (90%) of its declared category 1 chemical weapons.
Good move in removing these awful and disgusting weapons.
we don't need Chemical or Biological weapons as it's usage on Human is a heinous crimes.I wish we could get rid off nukes as well.but its not possible due to global mistrust and our very unstable neighbourhood.
we don't need Chemical or Biological weapons as it's usage on Human is a heinous crimes.I wish we could get rid off nukes as well.but its not possible due to global mistrust and our very unstable neighbourhood.

very mature thought
very mature thought

thanx buddy..but the sad truth is that India most probably used first chemical weapons during war(atleast textual proof)..ther is proof to use aerosol type dense toxic smokes to choke enemy...as well as usage of incendiary and other chemical weapons were also reported.
thanx buddy..but the sad truth is that India most probably used first chemical weapons during war(atleast textual proof)..ther is proof to use aerosol type dense toxic smokes to choke enemy...as well as usage of incendiary and other chemical weapons were also reported.

Mind telling me in which war and the source of your statement?
eliminating these vile instruments of death and horror is one of many steps towards peace and prosperity. As the chinese saying goes; "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Yet your neighbors seem to think otherwise.
Mind telling me in which war and the source of your statement?

there are hundreds of links available on this....

you may read wiki..or I'm providing few links..

Why Chemical Warfare Is Ancient History - TIME

HowStuffWorks "Chemical-Biological Warfare (CBW)"

actually I saw an amazing docu in discovery as well as history channel some years back...but thats true..India's various epics as well as several books mentioned about chemical weapons as well as its preparation procedure.even Koutilya's Arthyasashtra has mentioned it..just search google and you might find more..actually there is some pretty good pdf available on net too..

one of them is this....


but again,its inconclusive as some claims that Soldier's of Greece use similar sulpher smog as early as 4000 bc.but first written manual or proof was found in India.
there are hundreds of links available on this....

you may read wiki..or I'm providing few links..

Why Chemical Warfare Is Ancient History - TIME

HowStuffWorks "Chemical-Biological Warfare (CBW)"

actually I saw an amazing docu in discovery as well as history channel some years back...but thats true..India's various epics as well as several books mentioned about chemical weapons as well as its preparation procedure.even Koutilya's Arthyasashtra has mentioned it..just search google and you might find more..actually there is some pretty good pdf available on net too..

one of them is this....


I meant lately in the past half century or so :)
I meant lately in the past half century or so :)

nope...India never used chemical weapons as well as biological weapons in modern times..there is no incident ever reported..actually India doesn't believe this kind of warfare as it gives more bad name than actual gain.but yes,India use Tear gas shell for crowd controlling purpose,if thats what you're asking for.. ;) also,India is preparing Bhoot Dholakia chilli grenade that will be used as stun grenade..few weeks ago,some pakistani members accused that India used chemical weapons on crowd..later,it was found out that victim experienced excessive pain in the eyes..thats tear gas.and thats the extent of India's chemical warfare in the modern age.. :omghaha:
nope...India never used chemical weapons as well as biological weapons in modern times..there is no incident ever reported..actually India doesn't believe this kind of warfare as it gives more bad name than actual gain.but yes,India use Tear gas shell for crowd controlling purpose,if thats what you're asking for.. ;) also,India is preparing Bhoot Dholakia chilli grenade that will be used as stun grenade..few weeks ago,some pakistani members accused that India used chemical weapons on crowd..later,it was found out that victim experienced excessive pain in the eyes..thats tear gas.and thats the extent of India's chemical warfare in the modern age.. :omghaha:

I know we never used it in modern time as my father was an officer in the army and was in 3 of the four wars we had . and he never mentioned it . :)
We should have retained some chemical weapons, but its good that we kept our promise
We should have retained some chemical weapons, but its good that we kept our promise

nukes , chems and bioweapons are all kept on a single table with increasing immorality on use with bio and chem! since we have nukes , we don't need any chem and bio !
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