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India agrees to train up to 600 ANA officers annually.

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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New Delhi: India has agreed to train upto 600 Afghan Army officers every year in India under a pact that President Hamid Karzai is expected to sign with India early next week, highly placed sources have told NDTV.

The program is the first concrete follow-up on military-to-military cooperation under the umbrella of the Strategic Partnership Agreement that was signed between Kabul and New Delhi in 2011 when President Karzai was given a grand reception in India.

Over 200 Afghan cadets will be training at the National Defence Academy, the Officers' Training Academies and the Indian Military Academy every year. This is over and above the 600 serving Afghan National Army (ANA) officers who will undergo a variety of courses.

In addition, company level (100-strong) contingents of ANA will be trained for four weeks at the Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS)located at Vairangte in Mizoram.

NDTV had reported on these plans in December 2011. It has taken almost a year for New Delhi and Kabul to firm up the details.

India however has no plans to send or deploy its troops in Afghanistan as of now.

President Karzai is also likely to sign a pact on allowing India and Indian companies to mine that country's vast natural resources. Indian companies are planning to invest over 11 bn dollars in the mining sector over the long term in Afghanistan.
This decision is good for ANA. Good step by GOI
we should train more..apart from that,we should train their elite forces for Jungle warfare and counter terrorist forces about counter terrorism techniques...
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your entire revolutionary force Mukthi Bahini was trained by seculars, The secular roots are there in your armed forces right from the beginning .
Your entire revolutionary force Mukthi Bahini was trained by seculars, The secular roots are there in your armed forces right from the beginning .

Wherever you got that idea from? India did provide us with infrastructures for the training but we trained our fighters ourselves. They were in thousands. Two short officer courses were conducted by IA - but that too, under strict monitoring by Col Osmain.
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

Sir, this is utter hogwash- the Indian military is entirely secular- religion is no issue.
Wherever you got that idea from? India did provide us with infrastructures for the training but we trained our fighters ourselves. They were in thousands. Two short officer courses were conducted by IA - but that too, under strict monitoring by Col Osmain.

A Nation which took birth because of training and help by India will and do have secular roots.
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can't help but bring religion.. :lol:
A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.
Don't spout nonsensical clap trap like a Mullah gone berserk. You're back to the old Hindu Vs Muslim stuff. Utter baloney! There's no such thing as a 'Hindu dominated environment'. There's no such thing in the Indian Army or its training establishments.

Keep your arguments within the confines of your own environment, more so when you know zilch. You, of course would be unaware of the fact that in mixed army units having Hindus, Muslims and Christians, there is a temple, a nominated place of worship for Muslims and a chapel for Christians. All officers of the unit visit all these places regularly whether they are Hindu or not.

And that my friend is true secularism which you will never understand, blinded as you are by what your mullahs have fed you since birth!
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you need to update your general knowledge. India has the third largest Muslim population next to Indonesia and Pakistan. And they do have a large chunk illegal Bangladeshis too. What has Army training got to do with religion, do you use Halaal AK-47 and Halaal guns. What a moron? There are things beyond religion, BTW the Laptop/computer u use has parts developed by Jews/Christians/Hindus and Chinese atheists. Have you ever thought of not using it.
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