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India admits failure of Modi's foreign policy

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy admits that India's foreign policy has miserably failed. He holds senior position in BJP and has been part of Modi's government. He is
Rajya Sabha MP, Fmr. Union Cabinet Minister, Harvard Ph.D in Economics and BJP National Exec. member as well.

Finally India realising how Modi has fooled the entire nation. After getting befitting response first from Pakistan on 29th Feb 2019, than Middle East after islamophobic tweets, now Nepal and China humiliating Indian forces.

Indians are realising what shit the current facist Modi government has landed Indian in and this will have long lasting consequences.

The Pakistani journos like Sabir Shakir and Imran Khan were right all along in their assessment that the bhaRATis are gradually waking up to the reality of their embarrassing loss.

As per Insiders who reported on meetings in New Dehli, RSS gang toasted Modi and Ajit Doval for their failed policies towards Pakistan and ignoring the threat from China. Now after losing kilometres of territories and getting ZERO support from international players, Indians are begging China for a "diplomatic solution".

Shining India... and it will shine even more! ;)
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Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy admits that India's foreign policy has miserably failed. He holds senior position in BJP and has been part of Modi's government. He is
Rajya Sabha MP, Fmr. Union Cabinet Minister, Harvard Ph.D in Economics and BJP National Exec. member as well.

Finally India realising how Modi has fooled the entire nation. After getting befitting response first from Pakistan on 29th Feb 2019, than Middle East after islamophobic tweets, now Nepal and China humiliating Indian forces.

Indians are realising what shit the current facist Modi government has landed Indian in and this will have long lasting consequences.

if Modi stays in power for another 10 years, it would benefit Pakistan to the same extent as our nuclear weapons program. It sometimes almost seems like he is a Pakistani asset/spy.
As per Insiders who reported on meetings in New Dehli, RSS gang toasted Modi and Ajit Doval for their filed policies towards Pakistan and ignoring the threat from China. Now after losing kilometres of territories and getting ZERO support from international players, Indians are begging China for a "diplomatic solution".

Shining India... and it will shine even more! ;)

Fun times ahead, lol. Moothi overestimating his 56in hole as usual. Getting the necessary treatment. Now the hole is 112in wide
Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy admits that India's foreign policy has miserably failed. He holds senior position in BJP and has been part of Modi's government. He is
Rajya Sabha MP, Fmr. Union Cabinet Minister, Harvard Ph.D in Economics and BJP National Exec. member as well.

Finally India realising how Modi has fooled the entire nation. After getting befitting response first from Pakistan on 29th Feb 2019, than Middle East after islamophobic tweets, now Nepal and China humiliating Indian forces.

Indians are realising what shit the current facist Modi government has landed Indian in and this will have long lasting consequences.

Swamy the bhudeva believes he is above all and any other Men. Muslims arent even equals according to him. Matter of fact, he also mentioned that Muslims dont have any equality rights in their own constitution.

Bhudeva is in for a rude awakening!!!!
Slowly but gradually Indian Media are admitting their biggest defeat with China, Nepal, and Pakistan. Indian especially the Indian army now realizing Modi nexus (Amit shah,Bapin and Ajit) brought India to this failed state. China almost reached Daulat Beg Oldie road without a single bullet fired. When Indian media eventually surface this news, it will be too late for the Indian to take any action.
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Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy admits that India's foreign policy has miserably failed. He holds senior position in BJP and has been part of Modi's government. He is
Rajya Sabha MP, Fmr. Union Cabinet Minister, Harvard Ph.D in Economics and BJP National Exec. member as well.

Finally India realising how Modi has fooled the entire nation. After getting befitting response first from Pakistan on 29th Feb 2019, than Middle East after islamophobic tweets, now Nepal and China humiliating Indian forces.

Indians are realising what shit the current facist Modi government has landed Indian in and this will have long lasting consequences.

By failure of India's foreign policy BJP leader Subramanian Swamy means India needs a more aggressive policy.

RSS wants anymore extreme Modi not a less extreme one.

Remember it was this Swamy that said racist islamaphobic statements like, "Hindus should rape dead Muslim women in their graves".
Modi and India, in their hubris have passed up a golden opportunity to reset ties and resolve major problems with Pakistan from a position of strength at the advent of the Imran Khan government.
I believe the Pakistani government, military, establishment and intelligence services were all on board for a push for dialogue, compromise and peace with India at the time Imran Khan was holding out the olive branch. India meanwhile, overestimated it's wealth, leverage, power, both diplomatic and military, totally misread and underestimated the geopolitical winds of change and also the effect a commited and sincere Pakistan government would bring.
Less than 2 years later we have a situation where Pakistan is coming out of it's financial difficulties, has a broader diplomatic acceptance, has faced down the perceived superiority of India's military threat and has exposed the fragility and worth of India's alliances.
India has missed an opportunity to negotiate and deal with Pakistan from a position of diplomatic, military and financial strength.
It may never again have the same opportunity to do so.
Modi may be an accomplished Pied Piper for the illiterate masses of India, but a visionary and statesman he is not.
Lol. India also donates a lot of aid in neighborhood. May be Imran should direct the begging bowl towards Modi, he might have better luck with us than with your iron brothers.

Then Pak also gives Aid to country like Afganistan and others.

Ask Modi to bring his begging bowl since he is PM of the country who has the biggest begging bowl of the world but he is more busy at the moment in begging Chinese to vacate Indian territories.
Modi and India, in their hubris have passed up a golden opportunity to reset ties and resolve major problems with Pakistan from a position of strength at the advent of the Imran Khan government.
I believe the Pakistani government, military, establishment and intelligence services were all on board for a push for dialogue, compromise and peace with India at the time Imran Khan was holding out the olive branch. India meanwhile, overestimated it's wealth, leverage, power, both diplomatic and military, totally misread and underestimated the geopolitical winds of change and also the effect a commited and sincere Pakistan government would bring.
Less than 2 years later we have a situation where Pakistan is coming out of it's financial difficulties, has a broader diplomatic acceptance, has faced down the perceived superiority of India's military threat and has exposed the fragility and worth of India's alliances.
India has missed an opportunity to negotiate and deal with Pakistan from a position of diplomatic, military and financial strength.
It may never again have the same opportunity to do so.
Modi may be an accomplished Pied Piper for the illiterate masses of India, but a visionary and statesman he is not.
Lol. India also donates a lot of aid in neighborhood. May be Imran should direct the begging bowl towards Modi, he might have better luck with us than with your iron brothers.

Sure you do. india also gives aid to Russia, the EU and America. You forgot to mention that.

Then Pak also gives Aid to country like Afganistan and others.

Ask Modi to bring his begging bowl since he is PM of the country who has the biggest begging bowl of the world but he is more busy at the moment in begging Chinese to vacate Indian territories.

Here is the evidence as well:

When did he say anything about rape ?
Dont post such fake stuff.

In a video that surfaced on the internet, a supporter of BJP’s leader Yogi Adityanath while delivering a speech says that dead bodies of Muslim women should be dug out and raped. The speaker rants over mic some other inhumane statements like “The day when this country will become a ‘Hindu Rashtra’, it is when Muslims’ condition will be alike of Hindus in Pakistan”.

While this speaker shouts on the stage and public cheers his views, the now UP CM Yogi Adityanath shares the stage with him and listens to his speech silently. According to India’s law, a ‘person can be punished with imprisonment up to three years, or with fine, or with both’ under Section 153 (A) of the Indian Penal Code.
Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy admits that India's foreign policy has miserably failed. He holds senior position in BJP and has been part of Modi's government. He is
Rajya Sabha MP, Fmr. Union Cabinet Minister, Harvard Ph.D in Economics and BJP National Exec. member as well.

Finally India realising how Modi has fooled the entire nation. After getting befitting response first from Pakistan on 29th Feb 2019, than Middle East after islamophobic tweets, now Nepal and China humiliating Indian forces.

Indians are realising what shit the current facist Modi government has landed Indian in and this will have long lasting consequences.

Pakistan's response, continuation and exposing India was the nail in the straw, regarding isolating Pakistan in world, it soon became India is now isloated.

China hit India, Nepal, end of Indian influence in Afghanistan.

With a doubt PM Modi policy has completely failed.
Dr Swamy is a genius and a brilliant person, he has many opinions and that does not mean everything is wrong.

if we look at pakistan, you guys are in a abysmal state. no one cares what you do and what you talk... literally no one. so lets not go to your foreign policy, because you have none. so no failure there....

and dont teach others, specially India on foreign policy.

china OTOH we always were on the fence, there were great efforts on both side to come closer with wuhan spirit and Mallapuram connect, both leaders visited each other many times.... all in all it was decent barring the Doklam and now the current incident. chinese will vacate the areas as they did in Doklam so next time they talk we will have upper hand. never expected china to be our close ally and we never wanted that way...... after all we captured Arunachal and Sikkim.

rest of the world, many countries are standing with India.... recent example of Maldives and UAE in OIC meet...

so what is the problem with fanboys here?

if any country that makes itself great by choosing a state religion then it should choose it..... will India become a Hindu rashtra is not something to talk here.... this is not the right kind of forum to do it.

pakistan is a islamic state, it is ranked in top 5 countries of the world?

here its fanboys, cheerleaders and one liner guys and you talk such a big topic... no way.

Lol what bullshit!! Stop posting this crap here.

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