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India 26 ranks ahead of Pakistan in Global Prosperity Index.

Nations need motivation to grow. Comparison with each other is also something good to get motivated. It means one reason for India's this ranking is Pakistan so credit goes to us.:victory1:
Reality grounds are diff .i don't give shit to such reports.
Nopes, just that what you wanted from your not so smart post. :lol:

Lmao.. well now tht a troll "india rocks" gave you a cookie point... u should calm the.. down? besides... u know what indias problem is.. right.. :rofl:
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Lmao.. well now tht an troll "india rocks" gave you a cookie point... u should calm the.. down? besides... u know what indias problem is.. right.. :rofl:

What is "an troll"? Hilarious English :lol:

India's one of the major problem is similar to what's the world problem is, drones are taking time to eradicate it. :rofl:
Its good to hear that we are ahead of Pakistan....... but is that enough???????

Looking at size, population, GDP, strength we rank in top 10 nations. Then why so low in this. We must stop comparing ourselfs to Pakistan any more. More should we compare yourself with China more will we gain the direction and momentum.
India and the Indians must strive to be in top 50 nations at least to start with.
India is ranked 106 in Global Prosperity Index whereas Pakistan is ranked 132 in the same list:


Global rank in economy: 62 out of 142

Global rank in entrepreneurship and opportunity: 104 out of 142

Global rank in governance: 54 out of 142

Global rank in education: 97 out of 142

Global rank in health: 109 out of 142

Global rank in safety and security: 120 out of 142

Global rank in personal freedom: 100 out of 142

Overall global prosperity rank: 106 out of 142


Pakistan – 132

LPI’s Pakistan profile suggests that Pakistan slipped from 107 in 2009 to 132 in 2013, but this is partly due to the addition of 32 new countries in the 2012 Prosperity Index. Most of the data used is from 2012 while some is older.

Breaking down its overall rank, Pakistan’s faring in each sub-index is as follows:

Economy – 107

The report uses data from 2005-2009 and shows the five-year term’s GDP per-capita growth rate (1.6%) to be lower than in the rest of the world (2.2%).

Compared to the global average, the number of people employed (50.7%), expectations from the economy and job prospects also showed a negative trend.

The percentage of exports that make up high-tech goods (1.8%) were much lower than in other countries (9.2% average), as was the size of foreign direct investment. The inflation rate for 2012 was listed as 9.7%, against the world average 6.2%

Curiously enough, the percentages of Pakistanis saying they had basic access to food and shelter, confidence in financial institutions and satisfaction in their living standards were always close to the global average.

Entrepreneurship and Opportunity – 100

Pakistan claimed its best position in this particular sub-index.

This was despite the fact that only 49% of people considered the country to be a ‘good place’ to start up a business when the number was 70% in the rest of the world.

The number of secure internet servers per one million people was also staggeringly low, as was the country’s internet bandwidth.

Governance – 123

Predictably, most people (84%) were dissatisfied with the government’s efforts in addressing poverty, while a similar number (79%) believed elections in the country to have been dishonest.

Confidence in the military and judiciary was high though and low in the government. More than 77% people believed the businesses and government to be corrupt.

Education – 124

Around 60% of the survey respondents children have an opportunity to learn and the quality of education is satisfactory.

The country ranked very poorly in terms of gross secondary and tertiary enrollment rates, though.

Health – 110

The most stark difference was health expenditure per person in dollars, which was close to 69 in Pakistan but 1226 on average in the rest of the world.

Life expectancy was 55 against the global 60, but sanitation and satisfaction with environmental beauty were much lower.

Safety and Security – 140

Only Chad and Congo could beat Pakistan in being the least secure places to live and work. Saudi Arabia was ranked 131.

As expected, civil war casualties were high in Pakistan. Sixty percent of people said they did not feel safe walking alone at night, whereas around 10% said they had been assaulted or had their property stolen within the past 12 months.

Personal Freedom – 135

Barring a handful of countries (such as Yemen, Sudan, Iraq and Egypt), the Index declared Pakistan to be among the worst countries in terms of personal freedom.

Compared to over 70% in the world, only 36% people in Pakistan said they were satisfied with the freedom of choice available here. But compared to the world average (68%), a slightly higher number of people (70%) said the country was a good place for ethnic minorities to live in.

Social Charity – 130

People in Pakistan turned out to be more charitable and helpful to strangers than in the rest of the world. A higher percentage of them happened to be married and religious too.

But compared to other countries, Pakistanis did not think their friends and families were reliable or that people could be trusted in general.

It is like one beggar is saying to another OYE, TERA KACHCHHA MERE SE JYADA FATA HAI, SALE GAREEB KAHI KA....
What is "an troll"? Hilarious English :lol:

Its called a typing error.. Mr kalay angraiz.

India's one of the major problem is similar to what's the world problem is, drones are taking time to eradicate it. :rofl:

From Islam to drone? lmao.. as for indians.. well nature is doing the dirty work.. isnt it? thousands dying of starvation every day .. laugh on tht one..
Its called a typing error.. Mr kalay angraiz.

I might be fairer than your whole family, but then does that make any difference? :lol:

Its laughable how some converts brags about them. 2 hunter lage nahi the ki ban gaye pure and then later migrated to land of pure.

Typo -- my foot. What could be "an troll"? :rofl:

From Islam to drone? lmao.. as for indians.. well nature is doing the dirty work.. isnt it? thousands dying of starvation every day .. laugh on tht one..

Atleast better than you people. Apart from dying in hunger, some $hitty birds in sky can kill you for no reason -- and moreover with no protest.
I might be fairer than your whole family, but then does that make any difference? :lol:

Indians and their obsession with fairness.. moron i was refering to angraiz wannabe..

LOL..@ mr white indian..

Its laughable how some converts brags about them. 2 hunter lage nahi the ki ban gaye pure and then later migrated to land of pure.

Its laughable some indian idot thinks im a convert from india..

Typo -- my foot. What could be "an troll"? :rofl:

What "an" idiot. :lol:

Atleast better than you people. Apart from dying in hunger, some $hitty birds in sky can kill you for no reason -- and moreover with no protest.

In 5 years 67 civilians died from drone strikes.. 5000 indians die everyday... no protests in india?
Indians and their obsession with fairness.. moron i was refering to angraiz wannabe..

I know what your little mind can refer to. :lol:

Its laughable some indian idot thinks im a convert from india..

Sorry, you are pure martian or may be arab. Let me give you benefit of doubt. Happy?

What "an" idiot.

Good to see you using "an" correctly. I am a good teacher. :D

In 5 years 67 civilians died from drone strikes.. 5000 indians die everyday... no protests in india?

If I wants to troll I would say "so rest of the dead were terrorist?....that makes pakistan really a hub of terrorists" but I wont. Rather I would say pakistan is no better in poverty, its just that besides poverty, people are dying of humiliation as well.

And lets cut this troll fest which started with your "wannabe smart" comment. Or else we can continue smashing each other with things we deemed best to hurt other but they are neither to be true to its core, nor should be said.
I know what your little mind can refer to. :lol:

Why do u have a crystal ball .... (read between the lines).. lol

Sorry, you are pure martian or may be arab. Let me give you benefit of doubt. Happy?

No im a baluch ... mr white indian from downtown bombay.. :lol:

Good to see you using "an" correctly. I am a good teacher. :D

No ur amusing..
If I wants to troll I would say "so rest of the dead were terrorist?....that makes pakistan really a hub of terrorists"

Fighting a war... u fighting nature? indian nature? lmao.

but I wont. Rather I would say pakistan is no better in poverty, its just that besides poverty, people are dying of humiliation as well.

Lol.. atleast we dnt have millions dying each year of hunger,weather or fetus genocide? as for humiliation.. hell no we are humiliated... u should be looking at the misery in ur country n talkin abt drone strikes to gain some cookie points on a Pakistani forum...

And lets cut this troll fest which started with your "wannabe smart" comment. Or else we can continue smashing each other with things we deemed best to hurt other but they are neither to be true to its core, nor should be said.

You want a ceasefire? sure.. im okay with it.. no more posts from my side.
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