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Incursions in Ladakh, a prelude a coming war with China, says analyst Bhara


Apr 8, 2007
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Defence Analyst Capt. (Retd). Bharat Verma said here today that the continuous probing by Chinese troops would eventually lead to a India -China war in the near future. He commented here today on reports of intrusions by Chinese troops into Indian territory in Eastern Ladakh, who held banners demanding that India should leave the "occupied" areas.

Last week an incident of incursion was reported when the Chinese troops had crossed the Line of Actual Control, resulting in a two-day face-off between the troops from both sides. Though no casualty was reported and the Chinese troops retreated on July 18 to restore normalcy in the area, the incident grabbed Indian attention as the government announced that 40,000 additional troops would be positioned in the area.

"The Chinese on one hand politically keep saying that they don't agree with what PLA is saying. They tell that to the government and the world to put India to sleep. On the other hand, they keep probing attacks by incursions, trying to extract maximum territorial concessions from India. However, this is a prelude to a coming war with China", said Verma today.

Verma also said that the Chinese strategy has chosen the present time to provoke India because they are aware that New Delhi is not prepared. He further said that the Chinese are also aware that India might have a "no-nonsense" government from the 2014 Lok Sabha elections and considerably increase their military strength in the coming years to counter China. As a result, Verma said, the present time makes India a "soft-target" which is vulnerable right now.

"China can attack India across the borders and there is a clear calculation in (the) Chinese mind that if India becomes militarily very strong in the next few years, it will lose this window of opportunity. At present, the Government of India led by Dr. Manmohan Singh is too weak, is in too much of crisis, is too confused. It also appears there's a huge Chinese lobby within the Government of India and within India, which stops government of India from taking any action against the Chinese", Verma said.

Earlier in the day even Communist Part of India (CPI) leader D. Raja commented on Chinese incursions and said that the India -China relations are moving forward but India needs to take up the issue strongly with the leadership of China.

"There should not be any provocative action from the Chinese army. There is forward movement. India should take up this issue with the leadership of China. India should register its strong protest with the Chinese leadership if the incidents are recurring and provoking", Raja said.

Today's incursion was reported to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Ministry of Defence and Ministry of External Affairs. The Indian authorities, it has been disclosed, have sought a meeting with Chinese officials including the area commanders at Spanggur Gap. (ANI)

Incursions in Ladakh, a prelude a coming war with China, says analyst Bharat Verma
Riding on horses, Chinese troops violate LAC again| Jul 21, 2013, 06.36 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Riding on horses and ponies, around 50 Chinese soldiers intruded into the Indian territory of Chumar in Ladakh on July 16 staking their claim over the area.

The Chinese troops started their incursion in the Chumar area on the evening of July 16 and they remained in the Indian area till the morning of July 17, sources said.

Army sources confirmed the incursion saying that Indian troops had intercepted the PLA patrol in the Chumar area and after the usual banner drill between the two sides, the PLA patrol went back into their territory.

Sources said the intruding Chinese soldiers asked the Indian soldiers to vacate the area claiming that they were standing in Chinese territory.

The incursion by Chinese land forces comes soon after its two helicopters violated Indian air space on July 11 in the Chumar sector.

In the same area, PLA troops had intruded and taken away an Indian surveillance camera on June 17.

The latest incursion took place on the day when India gave approval to the creation of a 50,000-strong mountain strike corps along the border with China.

The frequency of such incidents increased around the time defence minister AK Antony went to China earlier this month and the two countries discussed measures to enhance peace and tranquillity along the line of actual control between them.

Chumar, located 300km from Leh, has always been an area of discomfort for the Chinese troops as this is the only area along the China-India border where they do not have any direct access to the LAC.

India and China have been working towards signing a border pact to maintain peace and tranquillity along the LAC where a number of incursion incidents have been observed in recent months.

Riding on horses, Chinese troops violate LAC again - The Times of India
I guess the Indians on PDF agree with Bharat Verma but are taking instructions before commenting ... :yay:
Bharat Verma is another war monger chap.....a Zaid Hamid clone who will never talk peace regardless its Pakistan or even Russia & US. Such jokers are better ignored than having a serious thought over their brainfarts time n again
But if chinese keep acting the way they are now then war is certainly imminent.
Bharat Verma use to sell zandu balm in his youth.

Riding on horses, Chinese troops violate LAC again| Jul 21, 2013, 06.36 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Riding on horses and ponies, around 50 Chinese soldiers intruded into the Indian territory of Chumar in Ladakh on July 16 staking their claim over the area.

The Chinese troops started their incursion in the Chumar area on the evening of July 16 and they remained in the Indian area till the morning of July 17, sources said.

Army sources confirmed the incursion saying that Indian troops had intercepted the PLA patrol in the Chumar area and after the usual banner drill between the two sides, the PLA patrol went back into their territory.

Sources said the intruding Chinese soldiers asked the Indian soldiers to vacate the area claiming that they were standing in Chinese territory.

The incursion by Chinese land forces comes soon after its two helicopters violated Indian air space on July 11 in the Chumar sector.

In the same area, PLA troops had intruded and taken away an Indian surveillance camera on June 17.

The latest incursion took place on the day when India gave approval to the creation of a 50,000-strong mountain strike corps along the border with China.

The frequency of such incidents increased around the time defence minister AK Antony went to China earlier this month and the two countries discussed measures to enhance peace and tranquillity along the line of actual control between them.

Chumar, located 300km from Leh, has always been an area of discomfort for the Chinese troops as this is the only area along the China-India border where they do not have any direct access to the LAC.

India and China have been working towards signing a border pact to maintain peace and tranquillity along the LAC where a number of incursion incidents have been observed in recent months.

Riding on horses, Chinese troops violate LAC again - The Times of India

We should feed their horses,they must have been tired from the long journey.
If China indeed wants a war.. there is a simpler solution.. enter 50 Kms inside this region and refuse to vacate.. .war would start b/w the 2nd to the 3rd month.

this kabaddi game would not do any benefit to them.
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I think India should hope for peace and prepare for war.

That means:

Continue talks with the PRC

Continue Infrastructure building along the LAC

Continue Troop build ups (Strike corps)

Hurry up in procuring new weapons platforms (155/52 arty, AA defense, F INSAS, MMRCA, AH 64, Chinook, C130J, M777, etc.)

Continue building alliances within Asia (South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, etc.)

Thats my 2 cents.
China cannot afford to go on a WAR with India. Even if it wins, China will be viewed as an aggressor in World arena and countries like Vietnam, Phillipines and Japan would start worrying and there will be increased presence of US troops and Naval ships in the area.

Also, If china starts offensive operations against India, Do you think their Northern neighbors and India's long time friend would keep quiet? They would do anything & everything to stop an Chinese invasion into Indian territory. There may be a few skirmishes. But thats it.
^^^ If - hypothetically - China launches a war with India, the so called friends of India would be holding a diplomatic restrained silence against China. How many economies in the East depend on China? Let's answer this question first and then talk of Indian friends in the region - wherever they are.

And if it comes to the push, the Chinese are least bothered about what the world thinks of them. To them, assertiveness is a newfound quality after decades of subjugation in the eyes of the west and its immediate neighbors in the east.

The modern Mainland Chinese wears his nation by his heart and sleeve. He thumps his chest BECAUSE he knows he and his nation is stronger. We on the other hand, are divided between the weaknesses of our current government and frustrations of our failures. Singing patriotic songs is one thing. To be accountable for what we choose to lead us in a democratic institution, is quite another. Hopefully, 2014 .. and a new govt should see a more resolute fist on the table - as a government that runs India , than one that finds eloquence in mentioning "acnes" as an excuse for inaction !!
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