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In Pakistan, Afghan Refugees Reluctant to Return

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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ISLAMABAD — In this informal refugee settlement on the outskirts of the Pakistani capital, more than 450 families from different parts of Afghanistan live under extremely difficult conditions. Having fled decades of conflict and persecution at home, they represent only a handful of the 1.6 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan facing economic hardships, health setbacks and a lack of education.

“The refugees have been here for a long time," said Maya Ameratunga of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Pakistan. "Many of them have been here for 30 years, many of them have been born in Pakistan.”

Ameratunga says UNHCR has been successfully running its voluntary repatriation program for Afghan refugees since 2002, but the remaining population is now increasingly reluctant to go back.

With political uncertainties about Afghanistan’s presidential election only fueling long-term security and economic worries, many are resisting international efforts to repatriate them.

“So, far 3.8 million Afghans from Pakistan have already repatriated, including many people from here, so that same option is available to this refugee population. But I can understand that they want to wait until after the elections," she said. "They want to wait until after the international troops withdraw from Afghanistan and they want to see that there will be peace and stability in Afghanistan before they decide to go back.”

Shah Jamroze Khan, a longtime Afghan refugee, says although his country has seen a lot of positive changes and development since his family fled to Pakistan, he complains the Kabul government has paid almost no attention to the resettlement of Afghans. He is not very optimistic about the new political administration.

“Whatever [the new administration] do will only be known when they practically demonstrate it to benefit Afghans returning to their country," he said via translator. "If the refugees end up confronting the same hardships that they are facing in Pakistan, they would prefer not to go back to Afghanistan.”

Speaking at a ceremony in Islamabad, Afghan ambassador to Pakistan Janan Mosazai reiterated Kabul’s appreciation for Pakistan’s long-running “hospitality and generosity” to millions of Afghans.

“But it is time for us to go back, to go back to Afghanistan and to take part in the reconstruction and development of the new Afghanistan that has emerged over the past 13 years,” he said.

Pakistan has recently agreed to allow Afghan refugees to stay in the country until the end of 2015, citing its own economic and security challenges.

But aid workers see Afghanistan's political turmoil as a major setback in the campaign to persuade Pakistan's 1.6 million registered Afghan refugees to return.

Source: VOA
Send each and everyone of them back home........ them liking it, or not liking it, is not our problem......... if they are willing to go back, send them with "izzat", if not, send them back in body-bags!
Send each and everyone of them back home........ them liking it, or not liking it, is not our problem......... if they are willing to go back, send them with "izzat", if not, send them back in body-bags!

Of course you may want to do that.
OTOH, even any "Half-Wit" will be reluctant to fall out of the frying pan into the fire. That will explain their reluctance to return to Afghanistan.
as they are being sent back from #NWA, and that is the right way,, have to check and register them as Aliens...after Bio metric,(Facial, Retina and finger prints)... so if they want to return as tourist, traveler or business purpose then pak have their records and they will not go missing or make Pak's ID cards.. and once Afg finish with their presidential election, we should have to start their evacuation.. and don't have to wait till 2015 or American evacuation... and have to do on urgent and properly with each every person's identification and family tree...

Pakistan Says 307,501 Have Fled Tribal Region

The number of Pakistanis who have fled a tribal area bordering Afghanistan where the army is fighting militants has risen to 307,501, officials said Saturday.

Since Wednesday when a curfew was relaxed in North Waziristan, 25,242 families have left the area and registered at checkpoints along the way, said Arbab Muhammad Arif, who heads the administration of seven tribal regions along Afghan border.

The figure includes 62,000 people who left the area of operations before June 18, he added, saying that displaced families were provided with food, drinks and 5,000 rupees ($50) per family.

The curfew will remain relaxed until Sunday, he said, and the administration is expecting another 100,000 tribesmen and their families to leave. The administration has established displaced persons camps but few have showed up there, preferring to stay with relatives or in rented houses around the border town of Bannu, he said.

Meanwhile, the army said in a statement that soldiers of all ranks would donate a day's worth of pay and food rations to help the displaced families.

The Pakistani army launched a long-awaited operation against foreign and local militants in North Waziristan on June 15. It claims to have killed 262 militants and destroyed scores of their hideouts so far.

Source: Pakistan Says 307,501 Have Fled Tribal Region - ABC News

we have to keep that on going, and send all the Afghan families to their country, so they will handle millions of them and expenditure will be their own...
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I read somewhere that Afghans are providing air conditioned tents for IDPs that have moved from Waziristan to Khost. If afghan official can provide such luxury tents for pakistani IDPs , they should be able to accomodate afghan refugees sent back to afghanistan.
they will..once their country becomes peaceful and prosperous.....
but the other thing is human life is very short, the current generation of afghan refugees living in Pakistan may not know how to start a life there...they grew up in Pakistan like anyother pakistanii... change is tuf on people but change is the only thing which is absolute...
For God sake kick them out already. They are a menace for our economy and our security situation. They are ungrateful people and will bite our hands in the long term.
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