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In a first, pvt Indian firms can bid to make artillery guns

Ashoka The Great

Jan 18, 2012
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In a first, pvt Indian firms can bid to make artillery guns | idrw.org

Crossing an important milestone at the last meeting of the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), the Ministry of Defence has, for the first time, decided to allow Indian private entities to participate in a bid for making artillery guns.

It is learnt that while approving the Army’s proposal for upgunning of 300 more 130 mm M-46 field guns to a 155 mm gun system, the DAC on April 2 also decided that the request for proposal (RFP) would also go to interested private players. The Ordnance Factory Board, which used to automatically get these orders, will now be one of the contestants.
This is the first time that South Block has decided to let the Indian private sector make an offensive weapon platform. While companies have been keen, the opportunity has never come. However, private entities such as the Tatas and L&T have been involved in making important ancillary equipment such as launchers for the Pinaka missile.

The upgunning of 130 mm guns was originally awarded to Israeli firm Soltam which completed the first lot of 180 guns but it was then blacklisted. It was no longer possible to proceed with the original plan of upgunning all 480 guns of 130 mm.

Some transfer of technology did take place but it has all remained mothballed with the gun carriage factory in Jabalpur, sources said. In 2010, the Army did float a request for information for the remaining 300 guns but the process ran into delays.

For an Army facing shortage of artillery guns, this move is also being seen as a test case for opening the doors to the Indian private sector to manufacture lethal weapon systems given the problems India faces as a major global arms importer.

Besides, the DAC meeting, headed by Defence Minister A K Antony, also gave its stamp of approval to a new process of acquisition by which buying globally would be the last option. A new gradation has now been set under which the first priority would be to ‘buy Indian’, the next would be ‘buy and make Indian’ that would allow private entities room for collaboration, after which would come options of ‘buy and make global’ and then ‘buy global’.

This, sources said, is another step aimed at giving priority to the Indian private sector so that they can set up defence manufacturing units in India, either on their own or through collaboration. All this will be part of the new Defence Procurement Policy, which is expected to be finalised at the next DAC meeting on April 20.

Significant changes are also expected in the preparation of Qualitative Requirements (QRs) for the purchase of military equipment. The new policy is likely to make it clear that once the DAC approves a set of QRs, then no deviation would be permitted. But if necessary for any technical reason, it would have to be approved afresh by the DAC.

Insiders said that Ministry of Defence still remains opposed to increasing the FDI limit in the sector from 26 to 49 per cent. The view is that there exists a provision to approve such investment in special cases depending on the nature of technology to be transferred and that is as far as the Ministry would like to go for the moment.
TATA, Bharat Forge and sundry in the competition. OFB is going to have a hard time- a very hard time at that. No more union fellows protesting and scuttling projects. Low level entries are the best, avoid a military industrial complex and yet get bulk indigenous production.

Insiders said that Ministry of Defence still remains opposed to increasing the FDI limit in the sector from 26 to 49 per cent. The view is that there exists a provision to approve such investment in special cases depending on the nature of technology to be transferred and that is as far as the Ministry would like to go for the moment.

Agree with the above part, a selective approach depending upon the benefit that shall accrue to us is the best way forward regarding FDI- but lets see if the usually laggard MOD can make it work effectively.
Thats ambitious to say the least, but going by performance of defence sector PSUs, bringing in private players in offensive weapons manufacturing may turn into a masterstroke.
If current regulations permit, foreign suppliers would find it much easier to form JVs with Indian companies and then bid for tenders. Another advantage of this approach could be saving of lot of foreign exchange as all Indian bids will be in INR.
So we may have, if things move smoothly, Indian manufacturers with foreign technology, something that both MoD and Armed forces would find acceptable and happy with.
Thats ambitious to say the least, but going by performance of defence sector PSUs, bringing in private players in offensive weapons manufacturing may turn into a masterstroke.
If current regulations permit, foreign suppliers would find it much easier to form JVs with Indian companies and then bid for tenders. Another advantage of this approach could be saving of lot of foreign exchange as all Indian bids will be in INR.
So we may have, if things move smoothly, Indian manufacturers with foreign technology, something that both MoD and Armed forces would find acceptable and happy with.

The JV sector is a mixed bag. Some articles have succeeded and other have been stymied. The real problem in these PSUs is that they are part of the gravy train..no private firm will relegate itself to screw driver jobs while the PSUs will- screw driver deals are essential to sell foreign systems under the "manufactured in country, tot" garb- get the drift? Not to mention that the MOD OWNS these PSUs, literally, it doesn't regulate them it physically owns them and thus has always been obdurate about restructuring them. IF these PSUs are to be effective and efficient then they need to be delinked from the practice of the MOD directly forming and sitting on their respective boards.
If they allow private entities to make handguns and small firearms for civilians, i'm gonna have a go at that. ;)
i thought we were going with the M777?:undecided:

We are, but they are just part of our projected artillery need. M777s will be headed east under the new mountain strike corps. But we need a 1000+ plus assorted artillery articles, most of those are to be sourced from within the country now. A good development all in all.

The TATA article is one of the runners for eg. :-


If they allow private entities to make handguns and small firearms for civilians, i'm gonna have a go at that. ;)


Neither do i, nor anyone in right frame of mind will want that. I'm talking about the legal .32 and .22 caliber guns. Have you seen the pathetic build quality of guns made by OFB? No wonder people pays more than 12 lakh for a .32 Walther PPK, rather than spending a lakh on .32 Ashani pistol.
If they allow private entities to make handguns and small firearms for civilians, i'm gonna have a go at that. ;)

Thats very unlikely and very good, imagine a liberal guns industry and gun laws like the US in India! That would be a very serious security concern.
It's about time! Good move by GoI. OFB & other government controlled defence organisations doesn't provide best quality products :cheers:
Great news :tup:
I wish OFB lose it so that they wake up ASAP and our private sector get the needed boost :D
If they allow private entities to make handguns and small firearms for civilians, i'm gonna have a go at that. ;)
I hope they never allow that. Fire arm culture cause more problems than it solves. So we are better off it. Last thing we want is firearms in road riots.
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