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Imran khan's PTI is set to approve a grant of Rs277m for ‘jihad university’.

seriously are we going to defend funding of a taliban institute now just because it was done by imran khan ( then we cry why can't we get rid of extremism from our society).
when our nation is going get out of this personality worshiping. for some imran can never be wrong and for others it is nawaz
seriously are we going to defend funding of a taliban institute now just because it was done by imran khan ( then we cry why can't we get rid of extremism from our society).
when our nation is going get out of this personality worshiping. for some imran can never be wrong and for others it is nawaz
What's wrong in reforming the institution through some investment and change the curriculum and install a govt's oversight over the activities?
What's wrong in reforming the institution through some investment and change the curriculum and install a govt's oversight over the activities?
I'll tell you what is wrong.

There are no kanjari's dancing there.
There are no burger kids being taught there.
The institute is not being changed so it white washes Islam and disrespects its values.

For the enemies of Islam like the Indians, the Qaidianis, the zionists, and all their uncle tom fanboys, this is bad news.

Heaven forbid somewhere were orphans and the children of the poor go for an education be given funds so that these places can produce literate people who have enough knowledge and skill set to earn a decent living. If this trend continues the elite will have to pay a lot more to have their shoes shined and their floors sweeped. Do you know how much a massi earns in Karachi? Most of them won't even sit in the backup of the pickup anymore. Such nakhra.
Is there any proof that since the first grant last year there has been a change in this institute's curriculum? Or any material change for that matter?

And isn't it quite idiotic on KPK govt and IKs part to be funding such a institute when we are facing problems at FATF!? How can IK claim that federal govt and foreign office failed at FATF when his own government is blatantly financing a such people!? :hitwall:
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Is there any proof that since the first grant last year there has been a change in this institute's curriculum? Or any material change for that matter?

And isn't it quite idiotic on KPK govt and IKs part to be funding such a institute when we are facing problems at FATF!? How can IK claim that federal govt and foreign office failed at FATF when his own government is blatantly financing a such people!? :hitwall:
like FATF is gonna damage us:omghaha:
National Action Plan
being implemented!
Our APS happened that we may reach this new low!
And then we cry:
Its yahudi qadiani sazish
(Zionist or Qadiani conspiracy) that PTI is funding Madrassa of another cleric behind Taliban!
Another bomb will explode more innocent poor awam will die. We will condemn as usual some 'jahil yahudis, qadianis, muricans' etc.

And then again we will implement National Action Plan by glorifying qadris, rizvis (scholar of pen di siri etc), ashrafis, seyalvis, etc.
While the world isolates us even more.
Nice going,
Khan Sahib sorry to say that you don't even know a kuddu about what is brewing in Maderressa like Haqqania. These are the power plants build up with the help of U-S of A and Petro Dirhams using Zia regime and they are not a bit of changed in the ideology which is churning out people which are putting our country's a$$ at burner.

Idiots here won't watch this yet they will read the article and make their illinformed and foolish comments.

seriously are we going to defend funding of a taliban institute now just because it was done by imran khan ( then we cry why can't we get rid of extremism from our society).
when our nation is going get out of this personality worshiping. for some imran can never be wrong and for others it is nawaz

Bringing these children to mainstream will stop them from extremism.

Stop being so darn shortsighted. And stop this foolish wishful thinking of pulling these kids out and turning them in to libturds seculars.
Idiots here won't watch this yet they will read the article and make their illinformed and foolish comments.

Idiots are those who blindly believe a known lier without asking for proof; and then claim that others are illinformed and foolish for not doing the same.

Bringing these children to mainstream will stop them from extremism.

Stop being so darn shortsighted. And stop this foolish wishful thinking of pulling these kids out and turning them in to libturds seculars.

What changes has KPK government been able to implement at these schools? How has their syllabus been updated to bring them in line with mainstream schools? What checks have been put in place by KPK government to assess whether the money is being correctly spent in line with the MoU? What improvements have been recorded to date?
EITHER the PTI is completely blind to the optics or its political ambitions have trumped all other considerations.

At a time when Pakistan is regarded with suspicion for allegedly not having done enough to stop terror financing, KP’s PTI-led government is set to approve a grant of Rs277m for Maulana Samiul Haq’s Darul Aloom Haqqania, otherwise known as the ‘jihad university’.

The sobriquet is well-deserved, for the seminary — located in KP — has churned out thousands of militants since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

In fact, so many Afghan Taliban leaders have studied here that the maulana, who also heads his own faction of the JUI, is often dubbed the ‘father of the Taliban’.

These are dubious credentials, and the PTI ought not to dismiss them lightly.

Indeed, this is not the first but the second time that the madressah is to be the recipient of such largesse.

The provincial government in its 2016-2017 budget allocated it a grant of Rs300m.

The flimsy pretext offered by the PTI then was that the money would go towards implementation of reforms by the Darul Aloom Haqqania to bring it into the educational mainstream.

No doubt there is an urgent need for changes to seminary curriculums in order to curb radical ideologies.

Nevertheless, in the two years since the first grant, it is far from clear what reforms, if any, have been carried out at a madressah whose chief cleric was, not too long ago, unabashedly vocal in his support for Osama bin Laden as well as the banned TTP.

There has, however, been a significant political development in the interim, with the JUI-S and PTI declaring their intention to form a ‘joint strategy’ in the coming election, an alliance presumably designed to counter the JUI-F, their nemesis in KP.

In the run-up to elections, incumbent governments do take steps to shore up their chances at the hustings, but the PTI’s move is a cynical one, and deeply troubling in its disregard for the consequences.

Published in Dawn, February 26th, 2018


And that's the thing we have to change. Hence the reforms and budget.
The torch bearer of libturds in Pakistan, the DAWN. Arsewipes, don't they realise that this money is to mainstream the Madrassa students so they become more useful citizens of the state.

Most Muslims scientists and philosophers of the old were Madrassa graduates, they didn't go to Oxbridge or MIT for training.
The torch bearer of libturds in Pakistan, the DAWN. Arsewipes, don't they realise that this money is to mainstream the Madrassa students so they become more useful citizens of the state.

Most Muslims scientists and philosophers of the old were Madrassa graduates, they didn't go to Oxbridge or MIT for training.

A Muslim scientist from a madrassah ? Unless the guy from Suleman dawa khana counts as a scientist im not aware of any. Could you give an example ?
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