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Imran Khan under the spotlight


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Imran Khan under the spotlight
Akbar Jan Marwat
Thursday, May 29, 2014

The PTI rallies of May 11 and May 25 have turned the spotlight on Imran Khan once again. The timings of the rallies – ostensibly held against election rigging – was quite intriguing to say the least. These anti-election rigging rallies were being held exactly one year after the election of 2014, and four years before the next elections; that is if they are held on time. Imran also spoke about election reform and the dissolution of the Election Commission. Now the Election Commission is a constitutional body, and the government has no authority to dissolve its arbitrarily. Imran’s demand of election reforms is a valid one; but the right forum for that would be the National Assembly, where he has a substantial number of legislators.

Many analysts also question his skewed priorities. According to them, the fixing of the broken down law and order in KPK, a province ruled by PTI, should be Imran’s first priority. Not only is Taliban related violence a major menace; but also ordinary crime, especially extortion is rampant, in KPK, which was not the case before.
To understand Imran Khan’s brand of Politics a cursory look at his political career would be instructive. Imran Khan is anything but a conventional political leader. His political career started quickly, on the heals of Pakistani cricket team’s win of the 1992 world cup. As a Captain of the winning team, Imran skillfully tapped the Euphoria of the Masses, on winning the world cup; coupled with his own substantial charisma, and gathered billion of Rupees in charity, for, his cancer hospital, named after his mother “Shaukat Khanum’’.

After commissioning of the hospital in a record time, Imran’s reputation as a doer cemented further. Imran was now just one step away from joining politics, a prediction, which he initially denied. Imran’s Charisma; his reputation as a doer; and his integrity were, however, not matched by deep thought, and political vision, which come only after in depth study and observation. A pattern that one has observed in his decision making process is: that Most of his important political decisions are made more on intuition and impulse rather then detailed and objective analysis. As a political leader he has shown the tendency to see things in black and white, avoiding the complexity of the grey shade.

It was around this time that Imran’s spiritual awaking, as a born again Muslim also started. This transformation, as per Imran Khan himself, was also based more upon his interaction with a certain retired WAPDA official; rather than in depth study of religion. This introduction and understanding of Islam, to which Imran was exposed, was mostly in the verbal tradition and not through extensive reading about religion. This understanding of Islam was to persuade Imran to embrace some extreme right wing and reactionary causes in his future politics.

Soon Tehrik-e-Insaf as a political movement was launched. Initially Islamists like Hamid Gul tried to use Imran as a poster boy for their version of Islam. But after seeing Imran,s independence of mind; and his unwillingness to play second fiddle to any one, many initial patrons soon parted ways with him. Some other very senior and balanced intellectuals and former bureaucrats like Abdul Sattar, (former foreign minister) and Dr. Amir Mohammad also joined Imran Khan. Their stay in Imran’s camp also proved to be a brief one, supposedly due to Imran’s lack of flexibility and overbearing style of leadership.

In 1997 general elections Imran could not do well at all, and could not even win a single seat. After Musharraf took over Imran was initially very close to him, and even supported his controversial referendum. Just before the 2002 elections, when the ISI, was cobbling up a Pro Musharraf alliance, Imran Khan refused to be a part of it. Thus in the 2002 elections the PTI again did not do too well and Imran won only his own seat from Mianwali. His critics point out that the break with Musharraf, was over the fact, that Imran was not being made the P.M, as promised earlier. After 2002, elections Imran became part of opposition in the national assembly; and turned all his guns on Musharraf and his supporters. Imran’s PTI along with JI, and some Nationalist parties boycotted the 2008 election; when it was felt, that PTI, was quite ready to do well in the elections. This boycott of the 2008 election seems to be a classical example of instinct taking precedence over reason. From 2008 till 2012, Imran played the role of a very active and dynamic political leader of the opposition, from outside the assembly.

Just before the 2012, general elections the PTI started peaking. Many opposition stalwarts from major political parties joined PTI. It was openly alleged the ex-DG, ISI, General Pasha had a soft corner for PTI. After his retirement these allegations stopped. No doubt people started joining PTI in droves before the 2012 elections; which created a strong hype that PTI was going to sweep the elections. This hype was particularly strong in KPK, and major urban centres of Punjab. Imran’s categorical predictions that PTI was going to sweep the elections like a tsunami also raised expectations among party workers to an unrealistic level. When the PTI did not do as well as it was expected to; the resentment and frustration among PTI workers, reached a crescendo. They felt as if they were cheated of a victory, which was rightfully theirs. The election commission, the interim governments and the judiciary all became suspects in their eyes. Although PTI swept KPK, it could not do as well against the well-funded and much entrenched PML-N in Punjab. PTI did win seats from urban centres, but patronage politics worked against them in the rural areas, where PML-N had presence for the last twenty-five years.

PTI reluctantly accepted the results and formed its government in KPK. It can, of course not be denied that in 2013, election no rigging took place; but the results roughly approximated to the respective strengths of the various parties.
In the KPK, PTI in coalition with Jamat Islami is ruling the province. The government has to a great extent over come corruption in the political domain; and made sure that teachers, patwari’s and doctors regularly attend their jobs, which was not the case before.

The biggest lacuna in Imran’s thinking seems to be his policy about Taliban. The false narrative created by PTI, about Pakistan fighting some body else’s war, is not only incorrect but has led to a lot of demoralization and confusion amongst our youth. Imran’s is sticking to his simple and naive narrative that suicide attacks started only after American drone attacks, while evidence clearly shown otherwise.

Another huge contradiction in PTI seems to be the rainbow coalition of Yuppies and very modern professional men and women on one side; and ex-Jamat –e-Islami workers occupying the second tier of leadership in PTI on the other side. This contradiction is bound to come to a head sooner rather then latter. It seems that the only thing in common among these incompatible groups, is their desire to come to power as quickly as possible.

Insistence on talks with Taliban at any coast seems to be a policy, the PTI, has in common with PML-N. But where as with PTI, it seems to be an ideologist position; in case of PML-N it is based more on pragmatism and personal cowardice of its leadership.

Imran Khan would do well, to improve the situation in KPK, a province in his watch. In fact he had promised to make KPK a model province. He should concentrate on reaching out to people in rural Punjab where his party has only token presence. Similarly if Imran wants to make his party a truly national level party, he has to start working in Sind and Balochistan also, where his presence is almost negligible. In short Imran Khan should start preparing for elections in 2018. Politics of disruption and agitation will not help the political process one bit. Imran should also temper his extreme right wing views, and move more towards the centre of the political spectrum. Imran may be getting advanced in years, but he is still fit, and can afford to wait for the natural term of the present government to end. But having said all that; Imran Khan being Imran Khan, will do what his instincts tell him.

source : Observer
Good balanced analysis, IK needs to get rid of his flawed policy about TTP and WoT and focus more on core issues at hand, especially in KPK.
agree and also less obsession with PML(N) and no politics of disruption and agitation this dharna varna stuffs. There are assemblies out there for all such political debate and legislation
agree and also less obsession with PML(N) and no politics of disruption and agitation this dharna varna stuffs. There are assemblies out there for all such political debate and legislation

PTI has raised the issue of rigging and electoral reforms in Assemblies several times in past one year but to no avail. PTI also contacted ECP, Election Tribunals and Supreme Court on this issue but again nothing came out. What option we are left with after banging our heads on all walls? If Assemblies are told by Minister, that electoral reforms cannot be implemented in Pakistan because public is paindu and if Chief Justis issues ruling that 2013 elections were most free and fair election in Pakistan's history then people will come out on streets for their demands.
PTI has raised the issue of rigging and electoral reforms in Assemblies several times in past one year but to no avail. PTI also contacted ECP, Election Tribunals and Supreme Court on this issue but again nothing came out. What option we are left with after banging our heads on all walls? If Assemblies are told by Minister, that electoral reforms cannot be implemented in Pakistan because public is paindu and if Chief Justis issues ruling that 2013 elections were most free and fair election in Pakistan's history then people will come out on streets for their demands.

so he cannot solve this issue in a democratic or political ways then my question will be what he has achieved by wasting his time and energy in useless statements/dharna and crying over split milk ?

Elections were free and fair where PTI got won but you have problem in areas where you lost it
so he cannot solve his issue in a democratic or political ways then my question will be what he has achieved by wasting his time and energy in useless statements/dharna and crying over split milk ?

Elections were free and fair where you got won but you have problem in areas where you lost it
Nothing but a hit on his credibility and popularity.
so he cannot solve this issue in a democratic or political ways then my question will be what he has achieved by wasting his time and energy in useless statements/dharna and crying over split milk ?

Elections were free and fair where PTI got won but you have problem in areas where you lost it

What idiocy? In by-elections, PTI lost in 3 NA seats which IK vacated, show me one news piece where PTI made any allegation of rigging in these 3 by-elections and I will stop posting anything in favor of PTI.

PTI accepted the results and accepted its defeat, so your whole argument is flawed and stupid. Infact it took stupidity to a whole new level. Next time, try to post something with facts.
PTI accepted the results and accepted its defeat, so your whole argument is flawed and stupid. Infact it took stupidity to a whole new level. Next time, try to post something with facts.

My Dear Jaazbati friend If he or his party has accepted the defeat and results of elections then why IK is still moaning/protesting about rigging(massive rigging according to him) even after one year. Why its difficult for him to move on when he accepted the results and made government in KPK? He spent more time in protesting than governing his province. Nawaz Sharif has accepted PTI’s mandate in KPK. PTI should also accept PMLN’s mandate in Center and Punjab even though you hate Nawaz. There would be no rigging only if PTI would have won the elections. He will continue to cry unless he gets all 342 seats in National Assembly.This is insaaf of PTI :P
My Dear Jaazbati friend If he or his party has accepted the defeat and results of elections then why IK is still moaning/protesting about rigging(massive rigging according to him) even after one year. Why its difficult for him to move on when he accepted the results and made government in KPK? He spent more time in protesting than governing his province. Nawaz Sharif has accepted PTI’s mandate in KPK. PTI should also accept PMLN’s mandate in Center and Punjab even though you hate Nawaz. There would be no rigging only if PTI would have won the elections. He will continue to cry unless he gets all 342 seats in National Assembly.This is insaaf of PTI :P

Its hard to argue with senseless PMLN supporters, but let me try again.

First of all, I was talking about by-elections on 2 seats vacated by Imran Khan (NA-1 Peshawar & NA-71 Mianwali) but I think you missed that by miles.

Secondly, PTI accepted the result because PTI believes in democracy and didn't want to derail it. But at the same time, PTI wanted to identify errors in our electoral system and want to fix it for future of our generations. That's why PTI demanded votes recount in 4 constituencies only. PTI has filed petitions in Election Tribunals for votes recount and verification in these 4 constituencies, PTI raised the issue with Election Commission several times, PTI filed case in Supreme Court, PTI moved at least 3 bills in National Assembly about election reforms and PTI have raised the issue in NA during Q/A sessions almost a gazillion times.

BUT nothing happen even after one year, hence PTI has the right to protest to make its demands heard. You people, along with your idiot leaders thought that PTI will just keep banging its head at the doors of Election Commission, Election Tribunals and Supreme Court and 5 years will pass. You guys didn't expect PTI to really push for this hardly. But guess what? PTI is now kicking in your nuts and is giving you a lot of sleepless nights.

Tell you what my friend, 14 August 2014 is the deadline for you and your noora leaders. If these 4 constituencies won't be opened till then and if election reforms won't be implemented then start packing your bags.
Secondly, PTI accepted the result because PTI believes in democracy and didn't want to derail it. But at the same time, PTI wanted to identify errors in our electoral system and want to fix it for future of our generations. That's why PTI demanded votes recount in 4 constituencies only. PTI has filed petitions in Election Tribunals for votes recount and verification in these 4 constituencies, PTI raised the issue with Election Commission several times, PTI filed case in Supreme Court, PTI moved at least 3 bills in National Assembly about election reforms and PTI have raised the issue in NA during Q/A sessions almost a gazillion times.

BUT nothing happen even after one year, hence PTI has the right to protest to make its demands heard. You people, along with your idiot leaders thought that PTI will just keep banging its head at the doors of Election Commission, Election Tribunals and Supreme Court and 5 years will pass. You guys didn't expect PTI to really push for this hardly. But guess what? PTI is now kicking in your nuts and is giving you a lot of sleepless nights.

Tell you what my friend, 14 August 2014 is the deadline for you and your noora leaders. If these 4 constituencies won't be opened till then and if election reforms won't be implemented then start packing your bags.

Its actually hard to understand the logic of kids of PTI . He demanded votes recount in 4 (it was actually 6 constituencies NA-57 Attock, NA-110 Sialkot, NA-122, NA-125, NA-154 Lodhran and NA-239) and these all 4/6 constituencies were those where he or his party lost the election ? He thought recounting votes in these constituencies may earn PTI some more seats because margin of defeat was not that huge. It had less to do with electoral reform . What about those constituencies where PTI won it with same margin? Did he asked for recounting of votes in there? Recounting is highly labour and capital intensive as all of the votes castes have to reconfirmed by matching the fingerprints with the NADRA database. Thank God he did not asked for re-election after losing lol

Mr he got elected in KPK because of same electoral system which he is trying to reform or fix. Why he was quiet about these errors in electoral system before election. Did not he knew how it work? He suddenly realized about these errors and reform just after losing it because they were dreaming about making government in centre. The problem is your leader or PTI supporter are self obsessed or self-righteous people and whoever say something against them is either corrupt or jahil no matter if he is the leader of any other political party, media, election commissions, chief justice or any Pakistani court or institution lol. The only holy figure in Pakistan is IK and his supporters :P

As far as threatening others and packing their bags concern then all i would say is that PTI or IK are only good in making big noises and those who are good in barking hardly bite. We saw how you guys were making noises about tsunami and even IK declared himself prime minister before election lol and i bet this tsunami will be dead in next election..just watch it :D
Its actually hard to understand the logic of kids of PTI . He demanded votes recount in 4 (it was actually 6 constituencies NA-57 Attock, NA-110 Sialkot, NA-122, NA-125, NA-154 Lodhran and NA-239) and these all 4/6 constituencies were those where he or his party lost the election ? He thought recounting votes in these constituencies may earn PTI some more seats because margin of defeat was not that huge. It had less to do with electoral reform . What about those constituencies where PTI won it with same margin? Did he asked for recounting of votes in there? Recounting is highly labour and capital intensive as all of the votes castes have to reconfirmed by matching the fingerprints with the NADRA database. Thank God he did not asked for re-election after losing lol

So you are implying that no rigging was done in these 4 / 6 constituencies? Sorry to bust your bubbles, you need to get yourself updated buddy.


After PTI's massive protests in Islo last month, Election Commission opened just 6 polling stations in PP-147 (NA-122, Lahore) and guess what? Following is what you and your kind won't like to digest:

The preliminary findings, before thumbprint verification, according to the pre-scanning report are shocking.

One: Instead of the required 6 bags, 7 bags were discovered for the 6 polling stations under scrutiny.

Two: Over 300 votes cast in the bags had no signature or stamp of the Presiding Officer – thereby these constituting null and void votes.

Three: In 3-4 bags there were no electoral lists – so again the votes in these bags become null and void.

Four: In 3-4 bags there were no counterfoils – again making the votes null and void.

So in the bags opened so far 1250 voted are null and void and there is the issue of the extra bag also.

Source: More rigging proof comes through: Dr Shireen Mazari

There were around 350 polling stations in NA-122, if 1250 votes go null and void before thumbprint varification and pre-scanning in just 6 polling stations, imagine what will be the figure of fake votes in all polling stations after thumbprint verifications?

And this happened at 20th May, 2014 just a couple of weeks ago. I think I do not have to say more on this rigging issue. Just for a hint, every single party that participated in 2013 elections has accused rigging, including PML-N. Go figure it out. 2013 elections were most rigged elections in Pakistan's history because everyone blamed rigging. And for your info, its first time in history of Pakistani elections, when chairman ECP came on news channels and accepted that the rigging happened in a few areas and apologized.

Mr he got elected in KPK because of same electoral system which he is trying to reform or fix. Why he was quiet about these errors in electoral system before election. Did not he knew how it work? He suddenly realized about these errors and reform just after losing it because they were dreaming about making government in centre. The problem is your leader or PTI supporter are self obsessed or self-righteous people and whoever say something against them is either corrupt or jahil no matter if he is the leader of any other political party, media, election commissions, chief justice or any Pakistani court or institution lol. The only holy figure in Pakistan is IK and his supporters :P

Everyone knew about the system, PTI raised these issues of election reforms even before election that's why we pushed for independent election commission etc. The thing is, PTI trusted Judiciary and ECP for free and fair elections but they turned out to be biased in the elections. Don't tell me that you actually believe that PTI knew what is going to happen in future.

As far as threatening others and packing their bags concern then all i would say is that PTI or IK are only good in making big noises and those who are good in barking hardly bite. We saw how you guys were making noises about tsunami and even IK declared himself prime minister before election lol and i bet this tsunami will be dead in next election..just watch it :D

Keep dreaming and whining, only time will tell.
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