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Imran Khan Shot : An Analysis from Shiekh Omar baloch (Please watch the video with open mind ) Thank You


Oct 6, 2016
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Imran Khan Shot : An Analysis from Shiekh Omar baloch (Please watch the video with open mind )
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Imran Khan Shot : An Analysis from Shiekh Omar baloch (Please watch the video with open mind )
Thank You

he states the the Pak army will either stand down and hand power over to civilian institutions, or they will establish martial law.
I personally don't think that there is a middle ground, and reckon that one or the other will happen.
Martial law will put military on collision course with nation. This is not 50s, 70s, 90s. Nation will not accept army in the government.

There is already a martial with nominal civilian facade.
Martial law will put military on collision course with nation. This is not 50s, 70s, 90s. Nation will not accept army in the government.

There is already a martial with nominal civilian facade.

I get the feeling that Bajwa and Co know this is their last rodeo, so they’re milking it for all it’s worth.

Next generation of gernails are probably pissed at this because they were waiting all their lives for this moment, but it’s clear awam won’t tolerate it anymore coupled in with the fact that Bajwa and co are doing full time badmashi.

End of an era!
Martial law will put military on collision course with nation. This is not 50s, 70s, 90s. Nation will not accept army in the government.

There is already a martial with nominal civilian facade.

There will not be an open martial law.

The economy is sh!t, the military does not want to have that on it's hands. They'd rather let N or PTI handle it. They are already unpopular enough.

Secondly, martial law has always happened when the political forces in the country are not popular or the people themselves hate them. Either that, or one party is in cahoots with the estab. Right now, that isn't the case. PTI is the option for the people and they are telling it. So there is an option other than martial law.

And in times of today a direct martial law is pretty improbable. That is why PTI was somewhat propped up earlier, to have someone who you could manipulate, but still without getting your name out. That project failed, PTI became too big to control.
I get the feeling that Bajwa and Co know this is their last rodeo, so they’re milking it for all it’s worth.

Next generation of gernails are probably pissed at this because they were waiting all their lives for this moment, but it’s clear awam won’t tolerate it anymore coupled in with the fact that Bajwa and co are doing full time badmashi.

End of an era!
Pakistani awam is full of talk and BS.

When they do something then we'll believe it.

These buzdil beghairat corrupt drunkards are willing to do anything to hold onto their power and promote their kufr even to their own children.

I'm afraid unless they don't feel the direct pressure and heat, they won't come to their senses.

May Allah destroy them.

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