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Imran Khan invite establishment for dialogue.

What's the point of inviting killers and murderers for talks? IK should move towards civil disobedience or just wait it out in patience.

Khan didn't fire Bajwa for his treason on time, now the whole party is paying the price, as well as the country. Was bajwa really that powerful so as not to let Khan make a move? Now the whole GHQ has been taken over by his apointed duffer snakes, making blunders one after another since Arshad Shareef's murder. Basically Fighting for their jobs and survival risking the whole country.
What's the point of inviting killers and murderers for talks?

They hold all the power and are inescapably entrenched in the power structure, there is no way out other than negotiations unfortunately. He needs to negotiate atleast temporarily until he can manuever some breathing space and then go from there.
The sad fact of the matter is that the generals and the DHA ruling class as well as the PML PPP all look at Pakistan and common man in Pakistan as a farm, and they farm the place and the people the same way a farmer farms cattle and sheep, to make the domesticated animals work for him and his enrichment. Then they take the enrichment they earn from farming their proverbial cattle and offshore it in nest eggs for them and their family and connected friends in Canada, Europe, UK and the US. It isn't governance as much as its animal husbandry.
Khan Saab please give up on Pakistan you done your best to help this nation and this military junta + Nazi Gov will not let back in.
They have sold our rights to be free they wants us pubic to be slave forever ,other countries would love to have you a prime Minister.
The Military Junta have sold our country to the Devils.
I would say Sell Pakistan to Uk or China ..
Allah Pak protect Imran Khan
I think he's toast.. ye aaj ki date m hai hi kaun invite krne wala ?

if they invite him, he should go and try solve it but.
More delay in dialogue means more damage to pakistan as Pmln,ppp and pdm complete failed

IK has taken the path of the constitution and rule of law. If he makes compromises on his principles, he will massively lose political ground and vote bank. And that will defeat the purpose of his entire 27 year political struggle.

That is why he will never back down, and of course he shouldn't. He is the biggest hero in Pakistan today for standing against tyranny and oppression, so why should he lose political ground to his losing opponents?

If they imprison him, his sympathy vote-bank will increase tenfold. even some people in Bangladesh, India, and across the world have started sympathizing with him.

if they assassinate him, he will become a martyr, to all the younger generation that admire him will lose hope and become leaderless. And his assassins' along with their families will be hunted down for generations to come, esp by pashtoons that never forget the killers of their grandfathers.

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