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Imran khan has degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford


Aug 15, 2009
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Imran khan has degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford . Now i know why Nawaz Sharif or any other party leaders or i should party owners run away when there Imran Khan's name. They dont want 1 to 1 debate live on tv. Reason is simple they know Khan will them :tup:
Did he actually complete his degree? Thought he left it to pursue cricket.

Despite Oxbridge education that doesn't make you a genius, his quality is leadership and integrity.
The man is highly Educated & indeed has higher intellectual capacity than some dude , who has a dubious degree from Punjab University.
Voters don't look at your degree while voting.
Imran khan has degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford . Now i know why Nawaz Sharif or any other party leaders or i should party owners run away when there Imran Khan's name. They dont want 1 to 1 debate live on tv. Reason is simple they know Khan will them :tup:

This is the last thing you need if you want to become a successful politician in Pakistan. You need to be dishonest, liar, cheater, illiterate and a complete scumbag if you want to make it big in the political arena of Pakistan. Look at the leeches like Sharif, Zardari and Altaf - one is uglier, filthier and more despicable than the other.
Voters don't look at your degree while voting.

The sad truth in these parts.

But the kind of vote bank IK is aiming for, those folks do count this factor as well.
Imran khan has degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford . Now i know why Nawaz Sharif or any other party leaders or i should party owners run away when there Imran Khan's name. They dont want 1 to 1 debate live on tv. Reason is simple they know Khan will them :tup:
Imran Khan has only done BA and by the way Nawaz is also BA and LLB so he has more degrees than Imran Khan still I hate Nawaz Shareef

The man is highly Educated & indeed has higher intellectual capacity than some dude , who has a dubious degree from Punjab University.
Nawaz has done BA from GC university not Punjab University
Second Class graduate (i.e. with Honors) from Oxford is no small degree, compared to NS 2 yr BA degree.

And I think NS's LLB is from University of the Punjab.
Imran khan has degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford . Now i know why Nawaz Sharif or any other party leaders or i should party owners run away when there Imran Khan's name. They dont want 1 to 1 debate live on tv. Reason is simple they know Khan will them :tup:
A degree in philosophy won't help run the country nor will a degree in politics.
yes, degrees are important, but the main point is that nobody has such guts and straight forward attitude as Imran has.....so this make huge difference....nawaz/zardari tollaa just believe in deception and fraud, they know nothing more than that
yes, degrees are important, but the main point is that nobody has such guts and straight forward attitude as Imran has.....so this make huge difference....nawaz/zardari tollaa just believe in deception and fraud, they know nothing more than that
Pakistan has more than 2 political parties. For example, the JUI, MQM, PML-Q etc
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