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Imran greets nation on independence Day


Sep 7, 2010
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Imran greets nation on independence Day

Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan, on 66th day of country’s independence, gave hope to the nation and stated that we could drive country out of multi-pronged crisis jointly.
In his message to the nation on August 14, Imran Khan called terrorism and escalating inflation two major problems that undermine country’s social and economic system.
“The rich are becoming richer and the poor more deprived due to economic inequality and growing inflation,” he said and proposed to join hands to combat issues like high inflation and terrorism.
According to Imran Khan every problem in the country could be solved once all are on the same page.
For terrorism, he said that war waged from out could be ended through a joint strategy and expressed hope to prepare it shortly.
Economic disparity is the second largest problem of the country that cannot be removed without halting tax collection through price hike, according to Chairman PTI.
“A huge number of the rich evade taxes in Pakistan who have to be charged for to bring down inflation,” Mr. Khan observed.
Pakistan is bestowed with the plenty of natural resources; he said and urged the government to provide security to the overseas Pakistanis who are the real asset of the country. They would bring in the capital and invest here that subsequently would open a window to the economic prosperity, he added.
In his massage, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf declared to refine the system in KPK by rooting out corruption and corrupt elements.
“To lead country to the right path, we have to decontaminate police and governing system and the day would come when people from abroad will rush to Pakistan for employment,” Chairman Imran Khan stated.
He also greeted nation on the 66th day of Independence.

Imran greets nation on independence Day > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News
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