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Imposition of Shariah is not Taliban’s demand: Imran Khan


Jan 19, 2013
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Islamabad: Chairman PTI Imran Khan has pointed out that all those who kept harping on how TTP terror was related to a demand for imposition of Shariah stand totally exposed as the TTP agree to talk within the parameters of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, says a press release.

A press release was issued from PTI Central Media Cell Friday (today).

Imran Khan reminded that in the nine accords, the Pakistan Army had signed earlier with the TTP, there had been no conditionality of imposition of Shariah. The issue is moot since the Constitution of Pakistan provides for Shariah and states no law can be made repugnant to Islam.

Khan stated that his consistent assertion that the TTP terrorism was directly the result of the US “war on terror”, has once again been validated as the main demands of the TTP are related to Pakistan extricating itself from the US “war on terror” and the stoppage of drone attacks.

He said that in this connection, President Obama’s decision to reduce drone usage because of its negative fallout on the population of the target areas is also recognition of the PTI position on drones exacerbating terrorism in Pakistan.

Imran Khan stressed that he had always opposed military action including the sending of the military into FATA in 2004.

Khan said, “It has always been evident, and never more starkly than today, that the dollar-dependent lobby has been deliberately maligning me with false labels such as Taliban Khan, simply to draw attention away from the clear link between the US war on terror and terrorism in Pakistan.”

In addition, he asserted that pro-war political parties – some with leaders self-exiled in the West; others exposed as having taken huge dollar amounts; and still others part of the US-brokered NRO (Condoleeza Rice has claimed her role in this in her book) – were deliberately opposing peace through dialogue with false narratives.

All these parties along with US dictated narratives stand exposed today, Khan concluded as he expressed the hope that the dialogue process moves forward and peace comes to Pakistan with an end to bloodshed and hatred.

Imposition of Shariah is not Taliban's demand: IK | Saach.TV

ISLAMABAD: Central spokesman of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Shahidullah Shahid on Friday said that Taliban wouldn’t be waging a war against the government if they followed a law or a constitution other than Islamic Sharia.

According to a report on BBC Urdu website, he said the real purpose behind holding dialogue with Pakistani government was to enforce the Islamic Sharia in the country.

“The war we are fighting is for enforcement of Sharia….and talks with the government we will be holding will be for the same objective,” said Shahidullah.

Commenting on the conditions put forward by government negotiators, he said those were being consulted upon, however, he added that any decision in this regard would be made after his meeting with TTP negotiators.

Talks to end the militants’ bloody seven-year insurgency formally kicked off Thursday between a four-member government committee and a three-man Taliban team, amid much scepticism over whether dialogue can yield a lasting peace deal.

The first round of talks ended with both sides charting a roadmap for future negotiations, with the government team proposing that peace talks be pursued within the framework of the Constitution of Pakistan.

When he was asked how enforcement of Islamic Sharia was possible with an already imposed Constitution in the country? He replied: “This is simple because the other party we are holding peace talks with claim that they are Muslim…..and Pakistan was created in Islam’s name…so this task shouldn’t be difficult for any Muslim.”

“If we demand Americans to enforce Sharia in their country then it would be understandably difficult for them to do so but not for people who call themselves Muslims,” said the TTP spokesman.

Expressing optimism about outcome of peace talks, he said a meeting with Taliban negotiators was due in next four to five days in which further course of action would be directed to them.

Answering a query regarding dissociation of Maulana Abdul Aziz from peace talks, Shahidullah said Aziz was still his representative and that his reservations will be addressed soon.

“Maulana (Abdul) Aziz is not wrong in his stance,” he added.

Expressing his reservations over the dialogue process, saying he won’t be part of further negotiations, Aziz urged the government earlier today to remove the condition of holding talks under the constitution.

“There would be no problems if our constitution were the Quran and Sunnah. But the Taliban say they do not recognise the prevailing constitution,” Aziz told a press conference in Islamabad. “The people should not be misled into believing that our constitution is Islamic,” he had said.

‘If we followed Constitution war wouldn’t have been waged’ - DAWN.COM

Maulana Aziz seeks assurance on Shariah enforcement


ISLAMABAD: Member of Taliban negotiating committee and former cleric of Lal Masjid, Maulana Abdul Aziz has stated that he would not be part of the peace dialogue till assurance on enforcement of ‘Shariah’, Geo News reported.

Addressing a press conference here Friday, Maulana Aziz said: “till assurance on enforcement of Shariah, I will neither meet Taliban nor will join the dialogue process.”

Sources said Qari Shakeel, head of the monitoring committee of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) telephoned Maulana Aziz three times while he was talking to media, however, Maualana Aziz did not respond.

In the press conference, Maulana Aziz said Taliban were calling him but he would not receive their call till he presented his viewpoint.

Sources added that JUI-S chief Maulana Samiul Haq also called him, however, Abdul Aziz did not speak to him as well.

Maulana Aziz seeks assurance on Shariah enforcement - thenews.com.pk

Now where does IK stand..????
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This is our baseline, if they wont agree to it, they wont get a another peace chance. so take it or run !
I must say that it is confusing to me as to IK's point. It seems that the TTP has agreed to "talk" without the pre-condition of an imposition of Sharia on Pakistan but that they claim that this is their most important goal for the outcome of the "talk". So does this mean that they will accept a peace with the GoP without an agreement to "impose" Sharia? Perhaps it will come down to both sides accepting a face-saving agreement in which each goes away with their own (mutually exclusive) definitions of the words "impose" and "sharia", but a cold peace ensues nonetheless.
I wonder what will ultimately come out of this ordeal, an operation is the most likely result....
Taliban are mere terrorists. They say one thing and do other. They say they want the implementation of Sharia, but they kill innocents civilians, women, children - i.e. they themselves are not following Sharia. According to Quran they are causing Corruption in the land. They are breaking the rules of engagement; if they have any issues against Govt.; they should only attack Govt. representatives, not the helpless people some of whom might already be on their sidee.

They attack those helpless people every other day but have they ever attacked any establishment which is involved in abuse of common people?

Who does not know where can you get narcotics; illegal alcohol, factories of all illegal items, the places where women are sold, places where kidnapped children are taken etc. etc. If news and media reporters can have access to them, then, why not TTP and have we ever heard that TTP busted any of these crime rings?

How many treaties did they have with the army! they all backed out. Quran says about such people:

When it is said to them, ‘Do not cause corruption in the land,’ they say, ‘We are only putting things right. (2:11) but really they are causing corruption, though they do not realize it. (2:12)

There is [a kind of] man whose views on the life of this world may please you [Prophet], he even calls on God to witness what is in his heart, yet he is the bitterest of opponents. (2:204) When he leaves, he sets out to spread corruption in the land, destroying crops and livestock. (2:205) When he is told, ‘Beware of God,’ his arrogance leads him to sin. (2:206)

The worst creatures in the sight of God are those who reject Him and will not believe; (8:55) who, whenever you [Prophet] make a treaty with them, break it, for they have no fear of God. (8:56) If you meet them in battle, make a fearsome example of them to those who come after them, so that they may take heed. (8:57) And if you learn of treachery on the part of any people, throw their treaty back at them, for God does not love the treacherous. (8:58)
The objectives of Taliban/Al Queda are simple.

Create a safe "home land" for themselves, where they can live in peace and harmony, while on occasion, leave their lands to create carnage in the near by cities and come back with the loot.

It is not a completely unrealistic expectation. Taliban have to right to self determination, just like any other oppressed group of people.
Really there still might be chances of some positive outcome from talks, still if the talks fail and we have to resort to military operation, we have to know that objective is to validate writ of law, stop terrorist and and related criminal activities and assure peace in the affected regions. Objective is not 'to kill people or show any kind of unnecessary brutality' at all. And we also have to understand that if the military operation also fails, it will create even more problems in our country than we can imagine. Somebody might suggest that 'showing enough restraint' and a 'military operation' cannot go together. But it is more important that military and other related government bodies use tact, and make comprehensive plans to win the operation and it must not be conducted in haste without proper planning. And planning has to assure that right objectives are achieved but 'showing unnecessary brutality' is not an objective at all. And military strategists should make plans for overcoming insurgency in a way that militant talibans are isolated and appropriately dealth with while there are as little problems created for non-militant population. It might have to be done like in a war that military moves quickly, using its knowledge of militant hideouts and bases, and totally blocks the movements of taliban from those bases, and then fights with them according to war plan and then arrest or kill the fighting people, based on their crimes, of course considering that right decision about this has to be made by people. There should be alternate plans in case of failure at any of those bases taking into account what could go wrong and how to deal with those scenarios. These alternate scenarios include militants might initially win in some fight, or escape elsewhere towards some other safer location for them or move towards places where they have a fighting advantage, or ambush the army at some places and other related things of the sort. Of course, no plan would be perfect but a well prepared plan would be far better than just a haphazard movement of army into affected areas, and random action against fighting people. And if the plan is made on these lines, army must remain prepared but when it would start the operation must be known only to key few people so anybody sympathetic to militants might not leak it, some good secrecy of everything has to be maintained. And competent military commanders must be incharge of operation in each area who are aware of warfare tactics of the militants, geography of the respective areas and related concerned matters and could take right decisions at the spot if anything goes wrong.

Later there should be a longer term plan for administration, rehabilitation and uplift of these tribal areas jointly worked out by the government bodies and the army.
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Is Imran khan a spokes person of Taliban? Let Taliban say what ever they want.
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