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Important for Pakistan at this stage...


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
Lets vow to put pressure on our government to carry out the following:

- crackdown on all political and religious parties who are known to have militant wings.

- give a one week notice to all foreigners to leave country except skeleton diplomatic staff who have justifiable credentials that suit Pakistan vis-a-vis there presence in Pakistan.

- analyse NGO's activities in Pakistan and cancel their visas regardless of what aid they are bringing in.

- Get Armed Forces under microscope vis-a-vis accounts and combat capability

- identify the actual enemies, take nation into confidence and stand up firm on issues of national interest.

- TTP, LEJ and similar organisations inside Pakistan need to be eliminated sooner than later. Shoot at sight orders should be passed and those under arrest must be brought to justice through special mobile courts with a 3 day time limit to decide each case.

- Kalabagh and other dams must be finalised immediately and work started asap. All opposing politicians or people be charged with treason for working and enticing people against the utmost interest of Pakistan.

- get rid of VIP culture, ban guards carrying weapons openly and auction of all government owned luxury vehicles.

- promote education, decide on a timeline for making primary education compulsory. Make mandatory for corporate houses including banks to build and support schools. Give them rebate in tax.

- Revamp PEMRA. Stop all Indian movies and dramas being aired by certain channels until Indian governments allows our dramas and movies on their tv channels.

- It is an open secret that certain groups with help of our enemy countries are working 24/7 to destabilize and breakup Pakistan. Identify them and take appropriate action asap. Why do we let such groups grow to become monsters that become impossible to handle.

- seal borders with Afghanistan.

- abolish the post of 'President' and 'Governors' immediately and save billions. Having dictators becoming President or the likes of Zardari and useless Mamnoon Hussain, it would be better if we only a parliamentary system to govern.

- start an aggressive campaign worldwide to improve Pakistan's perception. People should know that Total World Aid to Pakistan in last 15 years is a fraction of what Pakistan has been made to spend on THEIR 'war on terror' which is roughly 70 billion dollars.

a lot more to do .... the above is just a few initiatives that we must take as a nation. Long Live Pakistan!
yea! but who would implement on all these conditions! no buddy will hear you and me...well keep it up maybe someday somebody will arose who can really focus on it...
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