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Implementing Arrangement between Republic of India and France on Cooperation on Maritime Awareness


Apr 8, 2014
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27-June, 2018 15:45 IST
Implementing Arrangement between Republic of India and France on Cooperation on Maritime Awareness Mission

The Implementing Arrangement (IA) for Pre-formulation Studies of a Maritime Domain Awareness Mission signed between India and France on 10th March 2018.

The proposed joint mission will be devoted to maritime domain awareness, with the objective to provide relevant data and services to both nations. The objective is to monitor the maritime traffic and to identify the non-compliant ships at the maximum possible revisit frequency. The monitoring system would provide an end to end solution for detection, identification, monitoring of vessels in the regions of interest for India and France.

As per the IA, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Centre Nationale Dètudes Spatiales (CNES), France will jointly undertake various activities during these pre-formulation studies and present the pre-formulation concept study results to the respective senior management for review within one year of its signing.


07-September, 2018 12:17 IST
India and France sign an implementation agreement on “MOBILISE YOUR CITY” (MYC)

European Union agrees to Euro 3.5 million for investments and technical assistance within the Mobilise Your City (MYC) programme. MYC aims at supporting three pilot cities viz. Nagpur, Kochi and Ahmedabad for reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions related to urban transport.

India and France have signed an implementation agreement on “MOBILISE YOUR CITY” (MYC) here last evening in the presence of Minister of State (I/C), Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) Shri Hardeep Singh Puri and Shri Alexander Ziegler, Ambassador of France in India. The agreement was signed by Shri Mukund Kumar Sinha, OSD & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary, M/o Housing and Urban Affairs for India while Regional Director, Agence Française de Développement (AfD), Shri Nicolas Fornage, signed the agreement on behalf of AfD.

Mobilise Your City (MYC) is part of an international initiative which is supported by the French and the German Governments and was launched at 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) meeting in December, 2015. Based on a proposal made by AFD in 2015, the European Union has agreed to provide funds of Euro 3.5 million through the AFD to contribute to specific investments and technical assistance components within the Mobilise Your City (MYC) programme.

The MYC aims at supporting three pilot cities viz. Nagpur, Kochi and Ahmedabad in their efforts to reduce their Green House Gas (GHG) emissions related to urban transport by implementing urban mobility plans at local level and to help India at national level to improve their sustainable transport policy.

The three pilot cities selected under the programme as well as MoHUA will benefit from the Technical Assistance activities. The main components of the proposed assistance are:

(1) to support planning and implementation of sustainable urban transport projects,

(2) support to strengthening institutional capacity for regulating, steering and planning urban mobility, and

(3) learning and exchange formats with other cities across India for exchanges on best practices.

The details of the project activities will be worked out by AFD in consultation with MoHUA and the three partner cities including institutions such as the respective Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) for Smart Cities, the Municipal Corporations and any transport authority or transport related SPV.

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