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Immorality of Indian politics


Apr 8, 2007
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Immorality of Indian politics


Dr Abdul Ruff Colachal , India

NFB - July 17 2007

Now that any thing can be done to Muslims in India without fear and accountability such nonsense is not condemned by the media and governments in India. Neither the UN or its various human rights agencies nor any tall leader in India could question injustice done to them, nor the Indian "patriotic" media busy with themes like" anti-Pakistanism, anti-Muslimism and "Islamic terrorism" would care to protect the rights of Muslims as enshrined in the Constitution by calling for administering justice to them.

It has become a common fashion to parade women in nude in the Western societies, but now the trend seems to have spread in India too, where the Muslim women are paraded nude in the streets. The ghastly “show” took place in Uttar Pradesh (UP) in North India where Hindu woman chief-minister belonging to a regional party BSP has assumed office recently. Relatives of a Hindu cabinet minister of UP has on July 10, 2007 conducted the ghastly "open" parading of Muslim women in the streets of Lucknow, a well-known cultural centre of Muslims in India, but, shockingly, neither the government of UP nor the Central government was aware of this dirty parading for nearly week. All India Radio (AIR) that behaves like Anti-Islamic Radio (AIR) and committed to the anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan as well as "terrorist" propaganda with its so-called discussions and talks by the anti-Islamic persons freely available in India, has not reported the “cultural feast” from India, because it would tarnish the image of the so-called "secular" and "cultured" India. The private media have also kept a total silence about the matter.

Needless to state that the anti-Muslim and anti-Kashmir stand being pursed by the Central government has emboldened the state governments to permit similar anti-Muslim actions without caring for any decency. The hidden role being played by the leading national parties like the Congress in promoting such nefarious activities for political gains by the Hindus against Muslims in the country requires no elucidation.

The "ugly street" incident in Lucknow once again reveals hypocrisy of the state machinery as well the politicians. The Lucknow dirty game clearly shows that the security of the people of a country depends more on the morality of the people who run the government than on its law and the constitution. Politicians play with religious sentiments just to corner a few votes and make fortunes for their” services” to the nation. As media (both government sponsored and other) play havoc in the lives of Muslims by cruelly projecting them as something undesirable elements in the "great" Indian society, they made to feel that they are under constant siege. It seems there can be no hope for any remedy to protect the common Muslim in India. Who will then safe-guard the genuine interests of these Muslims and help them live as honored citizens of this "largest democracy" of the world? The nexus between the politicians, bureaucrats and media magnets is too obvious to be described here. And would the trend continue in future too?

Indians who live quite comfortably in India and abroad are still so proud of their country’s “cultural heritage” that they are intolerant to hear any thing bad about real India. They trumpet around saying that Indians are great and tolerant and the Muslims are terrorists and bad guys. Let them now say if what has in Luck now reflects their concept of Indian culture.


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal is aResearch Scholar,School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, NewDeli.

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