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IMF chief praises ‘essential’ economic steps by Nawaz govt


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
UNITED NATIONS: International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde Tuesday expressed appreciation for the “tough but essential” steps by Pakistan government to stabilize the economy at a meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

During the meeting, which took place on the sideline of the UN General Assembly, the prime minister briefed the IMF managing director about his commitment of implementing the structural reforms and meeting the growth and inflation targets in line with his overall vision of reforming the economy.

In this context, the prime minister underlined the priority areas of his economic policy including broadening the tax net, privatisation reforms in the public sector entities and managing the fiscal deficit.

While appreciating those steps, Lagarde said the extended fund facility of $6.64 billion, approved by the IMF board, should help Pakistan improve the medium term growth outlook and help move towards sustainable fiscal and macro-economic stability.

Despite warning Pakistan of worse economic growth next year due to strict austerity measures built into the rescue loan, the fund had assured last week that it was willing to work with the country’s political and business leaders for unlocking its abundant economic potentials.

IMF chief praises ‘essential’ economic steps by Nawaz govt - DAWN.COM
I knoew Nawaz Sharif would do good for Pakistan although corruption is in blood of South Asians and he is not immune to it. I would like to hear the comments of Pakastani posters (most), who wade such a hue and cry when Nawaz Sharif came into power about this development.
I knoew Nawaz Sharif would do good for Pakistan although corruption is in blood of South Asians and he is not immune to it. I would like to hear the comments of Pakastani posters (most), who wade such a hue and cry when Nawaz Sharif came into power about this development.

Well Pakistanis had always supported his economic plans.

But he lacks the vision of better foriegn policy.he's too soft on many ocassions,

But he indeed is changed from the last time
I agree with you that Nawaz was never a man known for being good with Foregin policy, however he might have learned a few tricks from past mistakes. Everyone learns from mistake, I think Pakistani awam should support him with whole heart till he shows result and don't ask for his head straight away. One time mistake you learn... second time mistake you are dumb. I think he deserves a second chance... now support of Pakistani educated people is what is required (which I hardly see on this forum). I think he is the best out of lot to lead Pakistan to future glory or atleast building foundation for it.

Well Pakistanis had always supported his economic plans.

But he lacks the vision of better foriegn policy.he's too soft on many ocassions,

But he indeed is changed from the last time
I agree with you that Nawaz was never a man known for being good with Foregin policy, however he might have learned a few tricks from past mistakes. Everyone learns from mistake, I think Pakistani awam should support him with whole heart till he shows result and don't ask for his head straight away. One time mistake you learn... second time mistake you are dumb. I think he deserves a second chance... now support of Pakistani educated people is what is required (which I hardly see on this forum). I think he is the best out of lot to lead Pakistan to future glory or atleast building foundation for it.

Well majority of the pakistani does support him.past election is the proof

so far i am satisfied from his performance till now
Let see if his gov is capable to revive the economy without taking unlimited amount of loans.

Without taking dictation on foreign policy and other matters from IMF .
He has 5 years to show for it... I am not Going to judge his performance by the benchmark of 3 months or 6 months... Perhaps a year or two. So far economy is in a trouble and it is going down in a slump.
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