One of the best articles on IMF package that I have come across:
Good news? Yes. We need the package, not only because of the direct infusion of cash it will bring, but also because this will open up other borrowing opportunities from the open market. And yet, all this means nothing if we don’t get real about what we’ve got to do ourselves.
My worry is that if we keep the current tenor of public debate going, we won’t. As soon as we secure this deal, we are likely going to see the prime minister declare victory like he did after securing money from the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Lost here will be the fact that this money has taken us off the ventilator, nothing more. We are still sick and shall remain so if we don’t overhaul the structures of the economy.
The bottom line is as simple as it gets: we spend way more than we earn and there is nothing short of real and intense structural transformation of the economy that can bridge this gap sustainably. Previously, we behaved like an addict who continues to get an opiate under the promise that he’ll enter serious rehab. In reality, we have neither shown the intent nor seem to have had the capacity to bear the pain the process entails.
This is the only question we should be debating: are we ready for serious rehab, and if so, is everyone clear what all this will entail? If we are, we should be taking the discussion in a different direction: if there were no IMF, no bilateral benefactors, and no remittances, what would we have to do to bridge the revenue-expense gap? That’s the approach we need. If we adopt it, the rest is not rocket science and will follow. But for this, the prime minister would have to move the public narrative away from declaring victory to warning the public that what’s coming is going to hurt, but that it’s a pain we must endure for our long-term success.
None of the previous governments have had the courage to do so. Will Mr Khan?
The writer is the author of Brokering Peace in Nuclear Environments: US Crisis Management in South Asia.
Published in Dawn, February 12th, 2019
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