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Images and reports from the Deir ez-Zor Valley's "Caliphate" | March 2019 | Syria

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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Finally, the ISIS/Daesh Caliphate has ceased to exist anywhere but in the Baghouz Area. A lot of them have fled the area, to regroup somewhere else and some of them can be seen surrendering.

It's still a debate what will happen after American withdrawal of Syria. One thing is sure: to protect vital IsraHELLI interests, America WILL stay in the Middle East, so peace only remains an oblivion in this case. Enjoy the video!
at least forum can ban the word caliphate with ISIS... they were US assisted FSA turned people...
Finally, the ISIS/Daesh Caliphate has ceased to exist anywhere but in the Baghouz Area. A lot of them have fled the area, to regroup somewhere else and some of them can be seen surrendering.

It's still a debate what will happen after American withdrawal of Syria. One thing is sure: to protect vital IsraHELLI interests, America WILL stay in the Middle East, so peace only remains an oblivion in this case. Enjoy the video!

It's good to see they have been defeated, however I can't comprehend why the SDF is housing and giving refuge to the women st the end who still sympathize with terrorism, should have left them to be decimated with rest of the fighters who didn't surrender.

at least forum can ban the word caliphate with ISIS... they were US assisted FSA turned people...

I have doubts about this whole thing now, it doesn't add up. The United States army, air force is deployed; are you implying that every single personnel, from top to bottom, is lying - the USAF bombed a whole city, a major stronghold of ISIS 1 or 2 years ago, the city under ISIS was featured in a documentary even.
It's good to see they have been defeated, however I can't comprehend why the SDF is housing and giving refuge to the women st the end who still sympathize with terrorism, should have left them to be decimated with rest of the fighters who didn't surrender.

I have doubts about this whole thing now, it doesn't add up. The United States army, air force is deployed; are you implying that every single personnel, from top to bottom, is lying - the USAF bombed a whole city, a major stronghold of ISIS 1 or 2 years ago, the city under ISIS was featured in a documentary even.

In every war & calamities natural or man-made, women's suffer the most. Women's are looted and plundered like wealth and precious materials. SDF won't behead or shoot these women's simply because just like Syrian Government forces, they are normal peoples. And who will take care of the Child, when her mother is dead? Will you shoot the infant's too?

Secondly, i guess, you already know that SDF doesn't have the resources to process the cases of foreign ISIS/Daesh fighter's to be sent to their respective countries. For this, they already have requested United Nations.
In every war & calamities natural or man-made, women's suffer the most. Women's are looted and plundered like wealth and precious materials. SDF won't behead or shoot these women's simply because just like Syrian Government forces, they are normal peoples. And who will take care of the Child, when her mother is dead? Will you shoot the infant's too?

Secondly, i guess, you already know that SDF doesn't have the resources to process the cases of foreign ISIS/Daesh fighter's to be sent to their respective countries. For this, they already have requested United Nations.

Yeah but the women in the video are still trying to advocate for an ISIS like state and saying that slavery is still ok, and these women have children like crazy. You are letting them nurture children and engrave in them their extremist beliefs, that's not good. Combatting terrorism is also combatting the social factors which keep it in dormant but growing stage. I seriously think they should take away their children for the children's own good.
I have doubts about this whole thing now, it doesn't add up. The United States army, air force is deployed; are you implying that every single personnel, from top to bottom, is lying - the USAF bombed a whole city, a major stronghold of ISIS 1 or 2 years ago, the city under ISIS was featured in a documentary even.
just saying they armed FSA to teeth against Asad... those untrained and unprofessional people made ISIS later on along with other groups... though ISIS mainly formed in Iraq (under US rule there).. the point is when you armed those people they can obey you to certain limit then they bring their own agenda,, first might be to topple asad then they changed their objective....
actually it is capture of syrian land by u.s and isis was made for the time being to validate u.s grabbing of Syrian land which they have now done after eliminating isis from the region.Now Syrian public will remain in poverty for long period and u.s will loot all their resources and wealth this is the result of public protests against their govt and arab spring
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