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Imad Adeeb: Egypt has the Russian Iskander missile that is capable of striking concrete blocks

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The writer Journalist Imad El Din Adeeb said that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi chose the right time and place with great intelligence and genius, to talk about the Ethiopian dam crisis. Today, Tuesday, the whole world was focusing on a higher strategic value in Egypt, which is the Suez Canal and what happened in it, and Sisi took advantage of this occasion to talk about this topic, 100 days before the second filling of the dam, and this statement comes two weeks before the negotiations in the second round with Ethiopia, referring to the reported arrival of the new Russian missile in Egypt, called Iskander, which is considered the latest in the Russian arsenal. Its range is 500 km, and it specializes in hitting and destroying very hard concrete blocks and surfaces.

The Egyptian accent and tone addressed to Ethiopia is different this time

"Adeeb" added, during a telephone interview on the "Final Word" program, broadcast on the "ON" channel and presented by Mays Al-Hadidi, that Al-Sisi's statement today has two possibilities, the first is military, as it is a war statement, but the president is as if he is telling the Ethiopian side how he'll be entering the negotiation room this time in two weeks. The Egyptian accent and tone this time does not accept only talk _without end_ about the possibility of reaching an agreement, but it could be a steady drama: “You have a choice. Either you commit to and stop the evasive maneuvers state that was taking place in past years, or there is another possibility. He enters with it in the negotiating room, and this is how the Ethiopian party enters the negotiation, while it is under the utmost pressure.

Turkey and Qatar are seeking reconciliation with Egypt and will not agree with Ethiopia, secretly or overtly

He pointed out that President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi realizes that there are problems inside the Ethiopian tribes, and border problems with Sudan, and that Qatar has implemented reconciliation according to the Al-Ula agreement, after it was supportive of Ethiopia, as well as Turkey, which seeks reconciliation with Egypt, pointing out that these two countries which are not at their best., cannot covertly or publicly agree with Ethiopia,

In response to Egypt's ability to exert pressure after 100 days through military action, he continued: I am not a military expert, but I can tell you 3 points, as the president stated today, that there is no point far from Egypt, as if he says we have the Rafale fighter plane with a range that reaches to 3500 kilometers, and the distance between Egypt and Ethiopia is 2500 kilometers, and the MiG-29 plane also has a range of 2,900 kilometers, and the Egyptian medium-range ballistic missiles, have ranges from 1500 kilometers to 3500 meters and long range ones reaching to over 5000 kilometers, and there is a defense agreement between Egypt And Sudan.

The borders between Sudan and Ethiopia are about 1000 km long. So Any aircraft, platform or even a missile, if it is the new Russian missile that is reported to have arrived in Egypt and is called Iskander, and is the latest in the Russian arsenal, with a range of 500 km that specializes in striking blocks of concrete and very solid surfaces, can be used and accordingly, when the president says this, he knows that intelligence reports reach Ethiopia, stating that Egypt is able to respond.


Iskander-M mobile short-range ballistic missile systems


*This writer journalist is not just any journalist in Egypt, the Guy is very well respected..And never says things out of place..

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Here we remember the word of the King of the Arabs, Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, may God have mercy on him, when he said his famous word, and here we recall: " The East and the West have agreed to digest the rights of the Arabs, and we do not care that the West is upset or that the East is disturbed, we must defend our rights with everything we have, and if the time for war comes, I will be the First of you, and my brothers and my children."

Regardless of the big difference in material and human capabilities, in the course of the ages, Egypt was not an aggressor or a threat to neighboring countries, but when it came to the actual intentional encroachment on the lifeblood of the Egyptians, the whole world would know the extent of its army and the strength of its people..
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Under development or under operation: " and long range ones reaching to over 5000 kilometers, "
That would be interesting to know.
So if all negotiations fail they wanna destroy the dam.. I think Abiy Ahmed should be brought to the table instead
The war is real. U cut off water of some , means taking their lives.
The war is real. U cut off water of some , means taking their lives.

True. Egypt has said repeatedly this is their redline. Their lives depend on the nile, But I do believe that Ethiopia would come to an agreement with Egypt
Under development or under operation: " and long range ones reaching to over 5000 kilometers, "
That would be interesting to know.
Operational as he says.. the moment of the truth has arrived..

Did you know that Egypt helped Pakistan through NK to acquire its first BMs?
True. Egypt has said repeatedly this is their redline. Their lives depend on the nile, But I do believe that Ethiopia would come to an agreement with Egypt
Official Nasheed of the Egyptian Armed Forces:

Nile, you flow freely
Your shores tell the meaning of the struggle
You remain a strong fortress to the extent of eternity
with the sincerity of the hearts and the determination of the men
Peace be upon you if calls us
The Messenger of Jihad for the Day of Redemption
And the days when our blood flowed with the Nile
To build an Egypt to high spheres and prosperity

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So if all negotiations fail they wanna destroy the dam.. I think Abiy Ahmed should be brought to the table instead
He has been too arrogant..don't know why..

For those who think that Ethiopia is an emerging economy and myths of the media :

- Ethiopia's exports in 2019 were $ 2.6 billion to a country of 117 million people

Imagine the Netherlands, for example, with 17 million inhabitants and 700 billion dollars in exports

- Per capita income of $ 900 annually from the poorest in the world

- A country famous for hunger and thirst, exporting maids, and prostitutes

- Even the dam they are proud of was built by an Italian company with European and Chinese loans

- In the Human Development and Quality of Living Index it ranks 173 out of 189 countries

And they said that the Nile is theirs and they want to sell the waters to the Arabs..like the latter sell OIL! this can only be some Zionist thoughts that have reached their minds.. You can read about the story of "Falashas" or Ethiopian Jews in Usrael..
Operational as he says.. the moment of the truth has arrived..

Did you know that Egypt helped Pakistan through NK to acquire its first BMs?

Official Nasheed of the Egyptian armed forces:

Nile, you flow freely
Your shores tell the meaning of the struggle
You remain a strong fortress to the extent of eternity
with the sincerity of the hearts and the determination of the men

Nope, that is news to me: " Did you know that Egypt helped Pakistan through NK to acquire its first BMs? "
Nope, that is news to me: " Did you know that Egypt helped Pakistan through NK to acquire its first BMs? "
It was mentioned here on PDF too.. on a thread about the Egyptian Ballistic missiles..by yours truly..
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He has been too arrogant..don't know why..

Abiy Ahmed can get emotional at times but his not actully arrogant. Which I believe there could be understanding and honestly the previous admin were not as emotional as he is but his the man to make the deal with
Imad Abeed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈 ...He must have had classes from the Moroccan‘s propaganda school 😂😂😂😂
Really, you an Algerian talking about Moroccan propaganda? lol lkelb y3awad ghi 3la f3aylo a boukhnouna.
If the shoe fits ware it...Morocco is the worst maker of false news...comparé à ton à la tienne, la mienne est miel...Guellek sabouna sa echt’kaw ou charbonna wa b’kaw...le modus operandi du makhzen..😂😂😂😂😂
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