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IIT Madras develops ramjet-powered artillery shell

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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IIT Madras Develops Ramjet-Powered shell

30 jan. 2020


Dissection of a 155mm ramjet-powered artillery shell.

Can shells be intercepted? If not, what difference does this make?
Can shells be intercepted? If not, what difference does this make?
Conventional artillery shells based on the firing platform typically have a range of 30-55km. Ramjet enables the shell to travel over 60 miles

The firing cycle would remain essentially the same for artillery crews, who would fire the projectile like any other shell. But normal shells essentially begin decelerating the moment they leave the cannon.

The ramjet round uses the force of launch to get it moving fast enough to start the ramjet motor. A solid fuel source will get the projectile up to a maximum speed of three times the speed of sound and keep it moving at that speed for 45+ seconds

This type of motor also reduces drag on the shell itself, since it's actively pulling the projectile through the air. The solid propellant offers an efficient fuel source and will help keep as much space as possible free within the body. Pop-out fins and an unspecified guidance system will steer the projectile to its designated target.

On a later note, adding a GPS-assisted inertial navigation system (INS) arrangement will almost certainly guide the shell. A laser or millimeter wave radar-guidance package could add additional flexibility to the system in the future. These systems could allow the projectile to hit moving targets at long ranges and, in the case of a laser-guided round, with manned or unmanned aircraft or forward-deployed troops on the ground designating the target with a laser or otherwise sharing that information with the artillery unit
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