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( II ) Refreshing Memories; Genocide of Circassians by Russian Empire ( 21st May of 1844 )


Sep 22, 2010
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Soviets have destroyed half of the Tatars at 18th May of 1944 you can see the thread about it here ;

Now we're going to the year 1864, 21st of May, another crime story written with blood by Russians themselves.


I have the same Circassian blood running in my veins like brother @Neptune, so I am told the stories from children of witnesses and escapers. Here is the story;

The Circassians are a small ethnic group with very few relatives who had lived between the Crimean Peninsula and the central North Caucasus for about 4,000 years when the Russians invaded their homeland in the eighteenth century. The Kabardians, whose society was the most stable of all the Circassian tribes and who occupied the strategic central region of the north Caucasus, had been Russian allies for over two hundred years when they became the first victims. In 1763, Russia began their plan to conquer the region by building a fort in Kabardia, and war ensued. It remained a stalemate until 1805, when General Sergei Bulgakov blockaded plague-stricken Kabardia. After he determined that the Kabardians had been starved to the point where they could no longer resist he went on a rampage, burning villages and food supplies. Bulgakov was removed for his excesses, but his successor Alexei Ermolov escalated the war against the now defenseless and starving Kabardians to genocidal levels.

The most destructive campaign came in the winter of 1822, when Ermolov’s troops burned homes and food and rustled cattle, leaving the people to die from starvation and the elements. Often, they massacred entire villages. Ermolov’s rampage left the entire district of Lesser Kabardia, which had been perennially loyal to Russia, completely depopulated. Ermolov continued his destruction of Kabardia until 1827. As a result, the Kabardian population dropped from 300,000 in 1790 to 30,000 in 1830.

The war against the other tribes began in 1800, when Emperor Paul gave the Cossacks living in the region permission to raid Circassia. However, the conflict remained low-level and two sides actually began to cooperate and establish trade relations when the Ottoman Empire “ceded” Circassia to Russia in 1829. In fact, Ottoman control of Circassia was on paper only, but Emperor Nicholas I used the treaty as an excuse for a full invasion. The Circassians turned out be far more numerous than expected, however, and the Russians became frustrated and resorted to increasingly brutal tactics. By 1840, genocide was being considered as an option.

Despite Russian military superiority, the Circassians held their own until 1859, when the Chechens fighting the Russians to the east surrendered and the entire Russian Caucasus army focused on Circassia. In addition, Russian forces in the Crimea were moved up the Black Sea coast to hem the Circassians in. By now, the Circassians were militarily exhausted and in late 1859 all but two tribes signed a truce with the Russians and became “quite good neighbors,” as one Russian officer said. However, the treaty was a trick to allow the Russians time to put their armies in place.

On October 15, 1860, General Nikolai Evdokimov proposed what was perhaps the first ethnic cleansing in history. Officially, the Circassians were to be given a choice between settling to the north or immigrating to Turkey. However, eyewitness Mikhail Venyukov reported that Evdokimov stated privately that he planned to drive all the Circassians to Anatolia.
The Russians conducted the majority of their ethnic cleansing of Circassia between October 1863 and April 1864. Numerous massacres of unarmed men, women and children ensued. Those the Russians spared were driven to the coast in convoys, even peaceful clans to the coast who were willing to submit to any terms. The Russians refused to allow them to take provisions. Many fled to die in their cherished mountains, and unknown thousands died en route to the shore.

Once at the shore, the Circassians were left in the open air without food, water, and often even clothing. Disease and starvation ran rampant. Evdokimov was repeatedly told of massive casualties but did nothing. Word got back to Emperor Alexander II, who ordered his brother Grand Prince Mikhail to investigate. Mikhail reported back that there was no disease and plenty of food and water. Transportation to Turkey was delayed as Evdokimov quibbled over fees with private contractors, leading to more deaths. Once the survivors arrived in Anatolia they continued to die of disease, starvation and exposure, since the Russians had told the Ottoman government only 50,000 refugees were coming, when in fact it was closer to one million. The Turks were caught unprepared and despite repeated requests the Russians refused to stop the deportation. Throughout the entire process, at least 625,000 people died. About 30,000 were allowed to remain as agricultural advisors, although Evdokimov allowed the Cossacks to harass them in hopes they too would emigrate. As a result, the 1880 Circassian population was lower than it was in 1865.

In the Kabardian case, it’s clear Ermolov intended to annihilate the population; he stated as much, and even joked when told the Kabardians were freezing to death after his rampage. With the ethnic cleansing of the 1860s, the Russians have always hidden behind the excuse that the event was a terrible tragedy, but that it wasn’t intentional. However, the archival materials make it clear that the Russians acted with gross disregard for the risks involved and sent men, women and children down the rugged Caucasus Mountains in winter without provisions, ensuring mass death among the weakest—women, children and the elderly. Rather than take steps to alleviate it, Evdokimov gave orders not to report it. Such actions, as genocide scholars Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan explain, do rise to the level of genocide:
Genocidal intent . . . applies to acts of destruction that are not the specific goal but are predictable outcomes or by-products of a policy, which could have been avoided by a change in that policy.

This is precisely what happened in Circassia. Russia followed a policy that clearly threatened the lives of a large number of people (as a committee warned Evdokimov in 1861), and when the results of that policy became clear, they did not change course.
Unfortunately, the genocide was too far removed from European concerns to attract much attention. Britain, Circassia’s lukewarm supporter, was more interested in challenging Russia in Central Asia in the 1860s. After the Circassians disappeared from their homeland, the world forgot them. It is only recently, since the 2014 Winter Olympics was awarded to Sochi—ironically the location of Circassia’s first and only parliament—that some attention has been paid to the tragedy.

From wiki...

The ethnic cleansing of Circassians refers to the massive annihilation, displacement,[1] distraction and expulsionof the majority of the indigenousCircassians from historical Circassia, which roughly encompassed the major part of the North Caucasus and the northeast shore of the Black Sea. This occurred in the aftermath of the Caucasian Warin the last quarter of the 19th century.[2] The people displaced moved primarily to the Ottoman Empire and to a lesser extent Qajar Persia.

Circassians, the indigenous peoples of this region were cleansed[3] from their homeland at the end of the Russo-Circassian War by victorious Russia. The expulsion was launched before the end of the war in 1864 and it was mostly completed by 1867. The peoples involved were mainly the Circassians (or Adyghe), Ubykhs, Chechens, Abkhaz, andAbaza.

This expulsion involved an unknown number of people, perhaps numbering hundreds of thousands. In any case, the majority of the people affected were expelled. The Russian army rounded up people, driving them from their villages to ports on the Black Sea, where they awaited ships provided by the neighboring Ottoman Empire. The explicit Russian goal was to expel the groups in question from their lands.[4] Only a small percentage (the numbers are unknown) accepted resettlement within the Russian Empire. Circassian populations were thus variously dispersed, resettled, or in some cases killed en masse.[5] An unknown number of deportees perished during the process. Some died from epidemics among crowds of deportees both while awaiting departure and while languishing in their Ottoman Black Sea ports of arrival. Others perished when ships underway sank during storms.[6] According to the Russian government's own figures at the time, about 90 percent of the affected peoples were deported.

During the same period also masses of other Muslim ethnic groups of the Caucasus were bound to move to Ottoman Turkey and Qajar Iran.[7]

In recent times, scholars and Circassian activists have proposed that the deportations could be considered a manifestation of the modern day concept of ethnic cleansing, though the term had not been in use in the 19th century, noting the systematic emptying of villages by Russian soldiers[52] and was accompanied by the Russian colonization of these lands.[53] They estimate that some 90 percent of Circassians (estimated at more than three million[54]) had relocated from the territories occupied by Russia. During these events, and the preceding Caucasian War, at least hundreds of thousands of people were "killed or starved to death", but the exact numbers are still unknown.[55]

Former Russian PresidentBoris Yeltsin's May 1994 statement admitted that resistance to the tsarist forces was legitimate, but he did not recognize "the guilt of the tsarist government for the genocide."[56] In 1997 and 1998, the leaders of Kabardino-Balkaria and of Adygea sent appeals to the Duma to reconsider the situation and to issue the needed apology; to date, there has been no response fromMoscow. In October 2006, the Adygeyan public organizations of Russia, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, the USA,Belgium, Canada and Germany have sent the president of the European Parliament a letter with the request to recognize the genocide against Adygean (Circassian) people.[57]

Although there is no legal continuity between the Russian Empire and the modern Russian Federation and the concept of genocide has been adopted in international law only in the 20th century (ex post facto law), on July 5, 2005 the Circassian Congress, an organization that unites representatives of the various Circassian peoples in the Russian Federation, has called on Moscow first to acknowledge and then to apologize for tsarist policies that Circassians say constituted a genocide. Their appeal pointed out that "according to the official tsarist documents more than 400,000 Circassians were killed, 497,000 were forced to flee abroad to Turkey, and only 80,000 were left alive in their native area."[56]


It was more horrible and bloody than what history tells. There were dozens of countries lived under Ottoman rule for centuries and none of them can claim an ethnic cleansing exept Russian puppets Armenians. But Russian history is full with blood.
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Tscherkessians are the elite in Jordan. But Tscherkess Ethem was a traitor. Keep where you are. No chanche.

"Traitor Ethem" incident is another story. We are discussing here something else. If you open a thread about it I would like to contribute with my views. But the history is not always black and white. I recommend you to read the chronicles of Ethem
Sochi Olimpic games are held on the crime zone




A Turk talking about genocide :lol: you guy committed one of the biggest and most gruesome genocides in history. I can find countless pictures of sawed off Armenian heads on spikes.

Besides the Armenian genocides the Turks rapped and murdered their way through Europe, Middle East and Africa with Isis style killing of sawing off heads, drowning people, etc.
There is hardly any other nation on this world that killed more people of their own country as "Russians" themselves. The number of all Ukrainians, Tatars, People from the Caucasus, Jews, Germans, Poles, Baltic people, Turkic people and Russians and etc. killed by the regimes ruling over the territories of the former Russian/Soviet Empire is hard to count.

Unfortunately Circassians, Tatars, Mashketian Turks, Chechens deported from their own lands and killed in millions during the last 150 years are the ones who suffered the most. How many of you have heard about the Holodomor in Ukraine that killed 7 million people or the Famine in Kazakhstan that took the lives of over 1,5 million people? How many Russians opposing the regime have died in the last century in labor camps, prisons... executed in forests? Nobody knows exactly.

I won't even talk about all innocent people killed all over Europe in the World War 2. So a Russian guy talking about our genosides and our conquests around Europe is funny.
I can find countless pictures of sawed off Armenian heads on spikes.

And I can show you countless dead bodies of women, men, chilldren in Turkish villages killed by Armenians gangs, so what ? Internet is not always a trustworthy place, you can even show me Turkish villagers head on spike by mistake as they are Armenians.
Better mention them as Soviets

What soviets dude ? They were Armenians lived in the Turkish villages. And when Russians provoke them against us they started to kill Turkish villagers.. This is how the story began.
And I can show you countless dead bodies of women, men, chilldren in Turkish villages killed by Armenians gangs, so what ?

And this proves what? Turks killed a lot more Armenians then visa versa.Turks targeted people of all ages, children, the elderly, everyone and the killing were very gruesome, like I said earlier Isis style beheadings.

About 1.5 million Armenians got their heads sawed off. This makes Isis look weak. Furthermore, you seem to forget all the other murders and rapes the Turks committed during the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
And this proves what? Turks killed a lot more Armenians then visa versa.Turks targeted people of all ages, children, the elderly, everyone and the killing were very gruesome, like I said earlier Isis style beheadings.

About 1.5 million Armenians got their heads sawed off. This makes Isis look weak. Furthermore, you seem to forget all the other murders and rapes the Turks committed during the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.

I won't argue Armenian genocide here since we have a thread about it, you are welcome to share your opinions there. And I ensure you that this " Refreshing Memories " series will be continue...
There is hardly any other nation on this world that killed more people of their own country as "Russians" themselves. The number of all Ukrainians, Tatars, People from the Caucasus, Jews, Germans, Poles, Baltic people, Turkic people and Russians and etc. killed by the regimes ruling over the territories of the former Russian/Soviet Empire is hard to count.

Unfortunately Circassians, Tatars, Mashketian Turks, Chechens deported from their own lands and killed in millions during the last 150 years are the ones who suffered the most. How many of you have heard about the Holodomor in Ukraine that killed 7 million people or the Famine in Kazakhstan that took the lives of over 1,5 million people? How many Russians opposing the regime have died in the last century in labor camps, prisons... executed in forests? Nobody knows exactly.

I won't even talk about all innocent people killed all over Europe in the World War 2. So a Russian guy talking about our genosides and our conquests around Europe is funny.

Do some research as to who ruled the Soviet Union during all those killings and deportations. They were not "Russians", the Soviet premier and head of the NKVD were both Georgians. It's shocking how ignorant people are.
Keep care for your own country and don't provoke the Bear

Their Sultan is a Georgian and they suffer from Caucasian, Kurds and Arabs who pray for the Sultan

You are badly confused man... how old are you by the way :D
Do some research as to who ruled the Soviet Union during all those killings and deportations. They were not "Russians", the Soviet premier and head of the NKVD were both Georgians. It's shocking how ignorant people are.

Forget Soviets, Russian crimes are not limited with soviet Era.

Circassian Genocide

Date of Incident ; 1864
Commited by ; Russian Empire
Ruler ; Alexander II. ( 1855 - 1881 )


You say this guy was a Georgian, too ?

Sweet heart too old for you. You loose day per day dozens of soldiers and won't apologize to the Bear ?

Better ignoring you, I don't think you are worth replying, sorry.

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