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If you're still wondering how cows ended up being mothers, just watch this video

blind faith on religion by idiots ,

Middle class Indians have been pushing cow protection as a serious policy on the basis of the cow being their beautiful holy mata, so you can't keep getting away with this claim that it's "blind faith" by "illiterates" and "idiots". This is your religion. This is what you people like to do. Own it.

muslims worship graves , believe in ganda taviz , jhaar phoonk ,
christians do the same with blind faith ,

No we don't LMAO grave worship is explicitly condemned as shirk.


This fake Muslim really thinks posting a picture of a goat getting sacrificed will mean anything to anyone on this site. Ram Lal, not only have I killed goats, but I've killed holy cows too. Who knows, the one I killed last Eid might have been your mother!
No we don't LMAO grave worship is explicitly condemned as shirk.

This fake Muslim really thinks posting a picture of a goat getting sacrificed will mean anything to anyone on this site. Ram Lal, not only have I killed goats, but I've killed holy cows too. Who knows, the one I killed last Eid might have been your mother!

look how you kiss and worship grave in pakistan .


Middle class Indians have been pushing cow protection as a serious policy on the basis of the cow being their beautiful holy mata, so you can't keep getting away with this claim that it's "blind faith" by "illiterates" and "idiots". This is your religion. This is what you people like to do. Own it.


illiterate people with blind faith in all religions do cow worship and similar things in all religions .
All Hindu PDF members should be tagged, especially the ones who urge Pakistanis to "return to their roots". I don't want to worship Corona. I don't want to worship Modi. I don't want to worship Tendulkar. I don't want to worship cows. Please, stop urging us to engage in these humiliating practices you pass off as spirituality and religion.
And you think you can call someone else's religion humiliating? Didn't you read Quran?
Or you think you are servicing Islam by embarassing us Muslims and your non muslim brothers by your foul attitude.
Have some shame...
look how you kiss and worship grave in pakistan .


Every single Muslim bow infront of the one and only Allah. Kissing and worshipping aren't same I think you'll agree....
Standing infront of idols is also isn't wrong in itself or even kissing idol but that's the spirit in which one stands and bows or kiss that matters and make that idol a diety from whom you're asking for daily commodities.
Are muslims asking for daily commodities or fulfillment of any wish by that grave or do they believe that the grave is a power? Or they are just paying their respect?
Why are you posting any stuff for the sake of posting?
Poopesh, I just said it's shirk. Grave worship, cow worship, tree worship, that's all in your domain. That's the beauty of Hindu tolerance where atheists can magically be Hindus too. The cow worshipers and the grave worshipers are just as Hindu!

grave worshippers are hindu?
Why are you posting any stuff for the sake of posting?

He's an Indian Hindu whose been playing pretend Muslim for 2 years now. The mask eventually had to be taken off and of course it's related to the topic about worshiping Corona. For all their Hindutva pride, they always get touchy about the idols and temples they dedicate themselves too.

grave worshippers are hindu?

Cope harder, Ram Lal.
Every single Muslim bow infront of the one and only Allah. Kissing and worshipping aren't same I think you'll agree....
Standing infront of idols is also isn't wrong in itself or even kissing idol but that's the spirit in which one stands and bows or kiss that matters and make that idol a diety from whom you're asking for daily commodities.
Are muslims asking for daily commodities or fulfillment of any wish by that grave or do they believe that the grave is a power? Or they are just paying their respect?
Why are you posting any stuff for the sake of posting?

people with blindfaith go to dargah and graves to ask for fulfilment of their wishes , after fulfilment of wishes they again go and pay their respects to the graves ,this is blindfaith .

He's an Indian Hindu whose been playing pretend Muslim for 2 years now. The mask eventually had to be taken off and of course it's related to the topic about worshiping Corona. For all their Hindutva pride, they always get touchy about the idols and temples they dedicate themselves too.

Cope harder, Ram Lal.

i have posted enough evidence how illiterate people behave and have blind faith in religion , educate yourself .
i have posted enough evidence how illiterate people behave and have blind faith in religion , educate yourself .

The people writing in the cow protection clause for their Gaumata were all educated. Get out of here Ram Lal, no one buys this shit anymore. No more Dharmic lies to deceive us Mlecchas.
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Are you talking about the Quran which endlessly castigates idolatry and shirk? Why yes I have. Why do you ask?
Where does it ask you that its okay to say any filth in your mouth about any other religion?
Do you think Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to say such things to the other religious deligations visiting Masjid e Nabwi?
There is in Quran to call the non muslims with Hikmah and don't call their false gods false or else they will call your right God false...
And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do. (Al Anam, 6:108)
Don't you see?
Do you think Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to say such things to the other religious deligations visiting Masjid e Nabwi?

I know that he cleared Makkah of all the idols when it was captured by the Muslims.
The people writing in the cow protection clause for their Gaumata were all educated Hindoos. Get out of here Ram Lal, no one buys this shit anymore. No more Dharmic lies to deceive us Mlecchas.

i don't support hypocrite mullas or extremist hindus ,
i dedicate myself to expose both extremist groups hindus and muslims alike .:coffee:
people with blindfaith go to dargah and graves to ask for fulfilment of their wishes , after fulfilment of wishes they again go and pay their respects to the graves ,this is blindfaith .
I only asked you if at that dargah they do pray they grave or only to Allah?
And you smartly avoided the question....
Good Job dear!
I know that he cleared Makkah of all the idols when it was captured by the Muslims.
But you know not of the agreements with the people of Makkah? And who broke the agreements? And in what circumstances the attack on makkah occured....
Half truth is like a double edged sword. It will hurt your iman and make you do stupid things. I'm still glad you avoided the verse and didn't include remarks on it for your own sake.
You know of makkah but don't you know of Persia and other empires Muslims defeated? Were all non muslims slaughtered? Which religion even in war gave rights not just to non muslims lives but also to their crop, water and trees other than Islam....??
Makkah is a special case occured due to the special circumstances and constant deceivings by Makkah Mushriks.
I only asked you if at that dargah they do pray they grave or only to Allah?
And you smartly avoided the question....
Good Job dear!

they ask for children from the graves, ask for fulfilment of wishes from the holy man in the grave .
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