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‘If we followed Constitution war wouldn’t have been waged’

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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‘If we followed Constitution war wouldn’t have been waged’
Published 2014-02-07 23:24:38
ISLAMABAD: Central spokesman of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Shahidullah Shahid on Friday said that Taliban wouldn’t be waging a war against the government if they followed a law or a constitution other than Islamic Sharia.

According to a report on BBC Urdu website, he said the real purpose behind holding dialogue with Pakistani government was to enforce the Islamic Sharia in the country.

“The war we are fighting is for enforcement of Sharia….and talks with the government we will be holding will be for the same objective,” said Shahidullah.

Commenting on the conditions put forward by government negotiators, he said those were being consulted upon, however, he added that any decision in this regard would be made after his meeting with TTP negotiators.

Talks to end the militants’ bloody seven-year insurgency formally kicked off Thursday between a four-member government committee and a three-man Taliban team, amid much scepticism over whether dialogue can yield a lasting peace deal.

The first round of talks ended with both sides charting a roadmap for future negotiations, with the government team proposing that peace talks be pursued within the framework of the Constitution of Pakistan.

When he was asked how enforcement of Islamic Sharia was possible with an already imposed Constitution in the country? He replied: “This is simple because the other party we are holding peace talks with claim that they are Muslim…..and Pakistan was created in Islam’s name…so this task shouldn’t be difficult for any Muslim.”

“If we demand Americans to enforce Sharia in their country then it would be understandably difficult for them to do so but not for people who call themselves Muslims,” said the TTP spokesman.

Expressing optimism about outcome of peace talks, he said a meeting with Taliban negotiators was due in next four to five days in which further course of action would be directed to them.

Answering a query regarding dissociation of Maulana Abdul Aziz from peace talks, Shahidullah said Aziz was still his representative and that his reservations will be addressed soon.

“Maulana (Abdul) Aziz is not wrong in his stance,” he added.

Expressing his reservations over the dialogue process, saying he won’t be part of further negotiations, Aziz urged the government earlier today to remove the condition of holding talks under the constitution.

“There would be no problems if our constitution were the Quran and Sunnah. But the Taliban say they do not recognise the prevailing constitution,” Aziz told a press conference in Islamabad. “The people should not be misled into believing that our constitution is Islamic,” he had said.
‘If we followed Constitution war wouldn’t have been waged’
Published 2014-02-07 23:24:38
ISLAMABAD: Central spokesman of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Shahidullah Shahid on Friday said that Taliban wouldn’t be waging a war against the government if they followed a law or a constitution other than Islamic Sharia.

According to a report on BBC Urdu website, he said the real purpose behind holding dialogue with Pakistani government was to enforce the Islamic Sharia in the country.

“The war we are fighting is for enforcement of Sharia….and talks with the government we will be holding will be for the same objective,” said Shahidullah.

Commenting on the conditions put forward by government negotiators, he said those were being consulted upon, however, he added that any decision in this regard would be made after his meeting with TTP negotiators.

Talks to end the militants’ bloody seven-year insurgency formally kicked off Thursday between a four-member government committee and a three-man Taliban team, amid much scepticism over whether dialogue can yield a lasting peace deal.

The first round of talks ended with both sides charting a roadmap for future negotiations, with the government team proposing that peace talks be pursued within the framework of the Constitution of Pakistan.

When he was asked how enforcement of Islamic Sharia was possible with an already imposed Constitution in the country? He replied: “This is simple because the other party we are holding peace talks with claim that they are Muslim…..and Pakistan was created in Islam’s name…so this task shouldn’t be difficult for any Muslim.”

“If we demand Americans to enforce Sharia in their country then it would be understandably difficult for them to do so but not for people who call themselves Muslims,” said the TTP spokesman.

Expressing optimism about outcome of peace talks, he said a meeting with Taliban negotiators was due in next four to five days in which further course of action would be directed to them.

Answering a query regarding dissociation of Maulana Abdul Aziz from peace talks, Shahidullah said Aziz was still his representative and that his reservations will be addressed soon.

“Maulana (Abdul) Aziz is not wrong in his stance,” he added.

Expressing his reservations over the dialogue process, saying he won’t be part of further negotiations, Aziz urged the government earlier today to remove the condition of holding talks under the constitution.

“There would be no problems if our constitution were the Quran and Sunnah. But the Taliban say they do not recognise the prevailing constitution,” Aziz told a press conference in Islamabad. “The people should not be misled into believing that our constitution is Islamic,” he had said.
i am thinking that how will that shahidullah die, from drone strike or a bullet from SSG ? :undecided: i think bullet option is better
Going by past record, I would bet on a drone strike.
Yeah, it looks like............but hurry up idiot USAF.....why u are always so late....:taz:.......introduce halal bombing pleaaasssseeeeeee
Yeah, it looks like............but hurry up idiot USAF.....why u are always so late....:taz:.......introduce halal bombing pleaaasssseeeeeee

A Pakistani asking for a drone strike, now I seriously believe ignorance has no limits......:hitwall:
These Talibaboons agenda is becoming clearer, They are waging a war and killed 50,000 innocents because they want to impose their twisted brand of shariah on Pakistan, If these Talibaboons had their way, they would turn Pakistan into some stone age country like Afghanistan.

Like I said before the talks are destined to fail, working outside the parameters of the constitution is a dead end, even Imran khan who is a strong advocate of the peace talks thinks military action is inevitable.
Sharia- The roots of all these problems
Jinnah's use of name of islam for political purposes.....is root of all problems.
I wonder who told that beardless secular to shout "pakistan ka matlab kya? La ilaha ilalah"....hakimullah was saying in one of his video "pakistan ka matlab kya, hum pakistan ki takmeel chahtay hain"

A Pakistani asking for a drone strike, now I seriously believe ignorance has no limits......:hitwall:
Fck sovereignty , drones are highly precise with minimum collateral damage....i dont support them but i find drones more acceptable than jet bombardments, artillary shelling and gunship helicopters of pak army.
Infact i think america should have done aerial bombardments and military operations in FATA. Death at the hands of kafir americans is thousands times better than at the hands of fellow muslims. Through american involvement in FATA, TTP would have been busy with america not pak army.
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‘If we followed Constitution war wouldn’t have been waged’
Published 2014-02-07 23:24:38
ISLAMABAD: Central spokesman of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Shahidullah Shahid on Friday said that Taliban wouldn’t be waging a war against the government if they followed a law or a constitution other than Islamic Sharia.

According to a report on BBC Urdu website, he said the real purpose behind holding dialogue with Pakistani government was to enforce the Islamic Sharia in the country.

“The war we are fighting is for enforcement of Sharia….and talks with the government we will be holding will be for the same objective,” said Shahidullah.

Commenting on the conditions put forward by government negotiators, he said those were being consulted upon, however, he added that any decision in this regard would be made after his meeting with TTP negotiators.

Talks to end the militants’ bloody seven-year insurgency formally kicked off Thursday between a four-member government committee and a three-man Taliban team, amid much scepticism over whether dialogue can yield a lasting peace deal.

The first round of talks ended with both sides charting a roadmap for future negotiations, with the government team proposing that peace talks be pursued within the framework of the Constitution of Pakistan.

When he was asked how enforcement of Islamic Sharia was possible with an already imposed Constitution in the country? He replied: “This is simple because the other party we are holding peace talks with claim that they are Muslim…..and Pakistan was created in Islam’s name…so this task shouldn’t be difficult for any Muslim.”

“If we demand Americans to enforce Sharia in their country then it would be understandably difficult for them to do so but not for people who call themselves Muslims,” said the TTP spokesman.

Expressing optimism about outcome of peace talks, he said a meeting with Taliban negotiators was due in next four to five days in which further course of action would be directed to them.

Answering a query regarding dissociation of Maulana Abdul Aziz from peace talks, Shahidullah said Aziz was still his representative and that his reservations will be addressed soon.

“Maulana (Abdul) Aziz is not wrong in his stance,” he added.

Expressing his reservations over the dialogue process, saying he won’t be part of further negotiations, Aziz urged the government earlier today to remove the condition of holding talks under the constitution.

“There would be no problems if our constitution were the Quran and Sunnah. But the Taliban say they do not recognise the prevailing constitution,” Aziz told a press conference in Islamabad. “The people should not be misled into believing that our constitution is Islamic,” he had said.

the talibs got a point i mean wtf is the government thinking? if these pieces of shit even cared about the constitution why the **** would bomb and kill people?
they are fucking terrorist criminals they deserve to be butchered like pigs
i would love drones if they kill just talibans........i cannot forgive the muderers of 50000 pakistanis, that,s simple.....can you?
well good luck trying to teach a hellfire missile between a civilian and a talib.....:rofl:
well good luck trying to teach a hellfire missile between a civilian and a talib.....:rofl:

No, the way it works is that a human operator paints the target for the hellfire missile to strike. It's not like they simply air drop hellfires and tell them to explode on any human shape in the vicinity. If the intel on the ground is good, the drone strikes will kill only the unwanted. Remember how baitullah and fazlullah got hellfires up their asses? There is a reason they use missiles, and not gravity bombs.

Missiles fired from drones, preceded by solid ground intel, is the best way to do target strikes of their leadership or cadre or strongholds, not jets and artillery and military campaigns - all of these will produce collateral damage and deaths and hardship for civilians, far more so than precision strikes by missiles.
the talibs got a point i mean wtf is the government thinking? if these pieces of shit even cared about the constitution why the **** would bomb and kill people?
they are fucking terrorist criminals they deserve to be butchered like pigs

The taliban has 0 point and have no fucking clue what they are talking about. They do not even accept the Pakistani constitution so on how they can accuse GOP of breaking from following said constitution?

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