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If the Las Vegas Killers Were Muslims, We'd Call Them Terrorists

Only a fool would believe everything what media tells you. Yes I agree there is a problem with some Muslim extremists but it is also true when a Muslim commits a crime then he has to be connected to Islam. I remember there was some stabbing and the man was a Somalian, it was gang related but media was very quick to point out his religion.

I see hypocrisy from both camps.
crime toll is high in other EU countries....but no,only we the world's most uncivilized, disoriented people,our religion makes us beast (nauzubillah) and we are the world's most insane people who didn't understand anything.
And some of our so-called libralist follow them blindly and reject the truth by assigning every justification as mullah logic.Please tell them for not to be so open minded that their brain falls out.
@Akheilos can sketch better picture of such hypocricy as she has spend her best years in EU.
The crime in Europe is very low compared to other countries, in UK currently its at historic low level. Girls drink whole night till the pass out and go home still unmolested.
You have no idea how much freedom women have here, comparatively the crime against women is quite low. Rape and murder still happens, nobody denies that.

Only a fool would believe everything what media tells you. Yes I agree there is a problem with some Muslim extremists but it is also true when a Muslim commits a crime then he has to be connected to Islam. I remember there was some stabbing and the man was a Somalian, it was gang related but media was very quick to point out his religion.

I see hypocrisy from both camps.
media makes muslim connection (especially tabloid not real newspapers) but I have never seen anybody called 'terrorist' because he is muslim.
Sir 3000 women are killed on average mostly by boyfriend or husband and they call it passion killing and out of every 5 women 1 women is rape victim and these stats are from their own reports not some Muslim conspiracy theorist


Here is what happened---americans thought that we paks and indians respected our women a great deal and they believed that we executed the rapists and child molesters right away---.

Now when they hear otherwise----it is their disappointment in us that they are showing----they find out that we were not what they thought----
I remember when domestic American terrorists were given the label terrorists, such as Timothy McVeigh.

But now the focus has all changed.

In fact, I'm betting a lot of people here don't even remember the name Timothy McVeigh, I had to wrack my brains for about 5 minutes, and do an internet search, before I remembered that name.

Here is what happened---americans thought that we paks and indians respected our women a great deal and they believed that we executed the rapists and child molesters right away---.

Now when they hear otherwise----it is their disappointment in us that they are showing----they find out that we were not what they thought----

There's a news about rapes in India every single day on the Western media.

I mean, wtf? LOL...as if Western countries are free from rape.
There's a news about rapes in India every single day on the Western media.

I mean, wtf? LOL...as if Western countries are free from rape.

Even though you quoted my post--- you did not understand anything.
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