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If India hadn't given us shelter, we would have drowned in the Bay of Bengal - says Bangladesh minister

Why are you bringing India to it? Why you are telling IA troops as coward? Wars are won over dead bodies and the numbers are not counted. 1300 or 13000, it doesn't matter.
Good that you have to accepted it, without India's active military intervention liberation of BD was not possible.
IA troops are the most cowardly group of troops. Notice what happened to them in Ladakh. You guys talk as if BD people did not want separation and it was only India that liberated us. Why so much of a hoax opinion?

Our Muktis laid down their lives to liberate their land. India helped us to safeguard its own narrow interest. IA troops fought less in the war and Muktis went ahead of them to fight. IA troops were worried about entering our land. It was Muktis that guided them.

This is why IA lost only 1300 troops. Why complain when I tell the truth? This stupid Indian poster uses false flag of BD and open threads that distorts history.
IA troops are the most cowardly group of troops. Notice what happened to them in Ladakh. You guys talk as if BD people did not want separation and it was only India that liberated us. Why so much of a hoax opinion?

Our Muktis laid down their lives to liberate their land. India helped us to safeguard its own narrow interest. IA troops fought less in the war and Muktis went ahead of them to fight. IA troops were worried about entering our land. It was Muktis that guided them.
Bangladeshis by themselves had no chance against PA, the rebellion would've fizzled out if India hadn't intervened. And I'm by no means belittling the efforts of the people of Mukti Bahini but the liberation of BD without Indian support would've been very very difficult.

So Mr @bluesky , your independence wouldn't have been possible without the 'cowardly' Indian army which ironically wasn't the one surrendering🙂
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something I have noticed, you can never find more Indians in one thread than Bangladesh related topics, seems like they can find this bigger dominated power feeling here. :disagree:
We’re the ones who armed the Mukti Bahini and we’re the ones who took the refugees, if you still feel yourself as a one man army then do tell me who was the one who came to support you when whole world was against us for being non aligned. You hate India, its fine but remember that you would not have been Bangladesh which you are today. WP would have suppressed your voices and you would have still been EP. An average Indian doesn’t hate Bangladesh but when we see people like you on the internet speaking nonsense against India every minute is when we think that you’re not friendly.

After posting the truth about Indian state sponsored terrorism now Indians can not cry about Kashmir insurgency, it's karma and Pakistan have right to give India same medicine which they use in 1970/71.
After posting the truth about Indian state sponsored terrorism now Indians can not cry about Kashmir insurgency, it's karma and Pakistan have right to give India same medicine which they use in 1970/71.
Yeah, not that we bother about it, your country has been using irregulars since the day it was born from using tribal pakhtoons in 1947 war to using insurgents in J&K.
I think bridges have been burnt by both sides (at least as perceived from this side of the Indo-BD border). Indians feel a constant need to tell BD that they need to be grateful to us and behave like the senior partner in the relationship. For Indians, the narrative fed to its population has changed from: "Bangladeshis love India" to "Bangladeshi Islamists are cozying up to Pakistan" to "Bangladeshis are ungrateful".

In my interactions with Bangladeshis abroad, I have found them to be indifferent to Indians, while Pakistanis meet with a lot of friendliness. My interaction has been as a tourist with staff in cafes and shops, since I live in India and have no long term experiences to write about.
Yeah, not that we bother about it, your country has been using irregulars since the day it was born from using tribal pakhtoons in 1947 war to using insurgents in J&K.

Those were people who wanted to be part of Pakistan they were son of soil not out siders, so kindly don't compare apples with oranges.

And you do bother that is why Indian government bagged Pakistan for crease fire on LOC after LAC standoff with China.
Thanks or no thanks, India won the war with only 1300 killed by the PA troops. It was Mukti Bahina who were pushed ahead to fight the PA troops and IA troops supported them by firing big guns from behind.

This is why only 1,300 IA troops were killed in the 1971 war. India should thank us and our Mukti Bahini troops for giving India a big win.

Of course India is greatly indebted to Bangladeshis for fighting and winning against Pakistan.
IA troops are the most cowardly group of troops. Notice what happened to them in Ladakh. You guys talk as if BD people did not want separation and it was only India that liberated us. Why so much of a hoax opinion?

Our Muktis laid down their lives to liberate their land. India helped us to safeguard its own narrow interest. IA troops fought less in the war and Muktis went ahead of them to fight. IA troops were worried about entering our land. It was Muktis that guided them.

This is why IA lost only 1300 troops. Why complain when I tell the truth? This stupid Indian poster uses false flag of BD and open threads that distorts history.
Ladakh i believe you don't have a concrete proof. All are speculations with no official stand from both the countries. Multiple accounts of Pakistan war veterans has lauded the chivalry and courage of the Indian military shown in different wars including your liberation war.
A country with a population size of BD can't be won to rule if local support not there. Its not an old world were Alexandar/Taimur can kill everyone who opposing them. Nothing in world is for free, India has her interest and you have your own. Just another question, what was Indias narrow interest?
I know your country very well, your war of freedom and how it is fought. You people were not in any position to hold the thousands of professional Pak Army in BD, that too with an working AF and navy. Muktis would barely become a guerilla force with out the knowledge, capacity, amination to fought a conventional war to gain winning grounds. Even muktis were trained in India, ammunitions' provided by India. And finally add how Indira added the political pressure from US by revoking the military treaty with USSR
You know to mark a new land all militaries uses people who has knowledge of that area, for BD no ones are better than muktis.
You correct your figures, the death count was not 1300 but up 3500. The rest casualties came from, our western border. Pakistan believed the security of East lied in the battle of west. Our win in that front ensured that you emerge as a new country called Bangladesh and speaking a same language as I do, not some language of far off land.
Those were people who wanted to be part of Pakistan they were son of soil not out siders, so kindly don't compare apples with oranges.

And you do bother that is why Indian government bagged Pakistan for crease fire on LOC after LAC standoff with China.
Pashtoon tribals were Pakistani irregulars whom were sent, thats a fact. And even I can say that it was Pakistan who “begged” for ceasefire because of Afghanistan takeover by Taliban and it’s spillover in Balochistan and Waziristan, when in reality it was mutually agreed upon for obvious reason that there’s no point wasting men and material into everyday exchange of fire.
Pashtoon tribals were Pakistani irregulars whom were sent, thats a fact. And even I can say that it was Pakistan who “begged” for ceasefire because of Afghanistan takeover by Taliban and it’s spillover in Balochistan and Waziristan, when in reality it was mutually agreed upon for obvious reason that there’s no point wasting men and material into everyday exchange of fire.

Kindly prove what you are saying.
And without our Mukti Bahini helping those coward IA troops, PA troops would have won the 1971 war. India should not forget it that only 1300 deaths of IA troops could not give India a win in a riverine country that they are not accustomed to.

But why this Indian is posting something that is irrelevant? India should be ever grateful to BD people for awarding India a win at the cost of only 1,300 lives of the IA troops.

Rather, it is India that should kowtow our Muktis.
Were you a born Idiot or did your mom drop you?

Lets rewind the clock to 1971.

- General Tikka Khan is searching and killing Bengalis (Hindus and Muslims both) en-mass (unless you want to deny that genocide as well). They go to Dhaka University and banging each door to kill students and faculty alike.
- Bengali refugees and flooding in India.

Now tell me, if Mukti Bahini is fighting PA, who the hell is it fighting for? For Bengalis (ie its own people) or for Indians?

If India had decided to remain neutral and not supply ANY weapons through its territory to Mukti Bahini, what would have happened? If you have not noticed, India almost surrounds Bangladesh and only other land border is with Burma. India let Mukti Bahini get armed and supplied (using Russian weapons) through its own territory.

Coming to Bengali people, if India had decided to simply push Bangali people BACK (given west bengal was and is still Hindu dominated) what would have happened?

Heck, what would have happened if India had allowed west Pakistan to supply and support its army by granting it a passage through its own territory?

Lets call a spade a spade: Without Indian help, training and support (which included standing up to US, risking a nuclear attack and using its OWN treaties with Soviet Union) to defend Bengalis, Mukti Bahini was a dead in water, quite literally.

Admittedly, it was in India's favour as well to convert a two front enemy into one front enemy but still to say Mukti Bahini won 1971 war for India and did a favour on India is height of ignorance.

India could have simply decided to look the other way and all Bangladeshi would have been trying to find which soldier from west Pakistan is their father.
Were you a born Idiot or did your mom drop you?

Lets rewind the clock to 1971.

- General Tikka Khan is searching and killing Bengalis (Hindus and Muslims both) en-mass (unless you want to deny that genocide as well). They go to Dhaka University and banging each door to kill students and faculty alike.
- Bengali refugees and flooding in India.

Now tell me, if Mukti Bahini is fighting PA, who the hell is it fighting for? For Bengalis (ie its own people) or for Indians?

If India had decided to remain neutral and not supply ANY weapons through its territory to Mukti Bahini, what would have happened? If you have not noticed, India almost surrounds Bangladesh and only other land border is with Burma. India let Mukti Bahini get armed and supplied (using Russian weapons) through its own territory.

Coming to Bengali people, if India had decided to simply push Bangali people BACK (given west bengal was and is still Hindu dominated) what would have happened?

Heck, what would have happened if India had allowed west Pakistan to supply and support its army by granting it a passage through its own territory?

Lets call a spade a spade: Without Indian help, training and support (which included standing up to US, risking a nuclear attack and using its OWN treaties with Soviet Union) to defend Bengalis, Mukti Bahini was a dead in water, quite literally.

Admittedly, it was in India's favour as well to convert a two front enemy into one front enemy but still to say Mukti Bahini won 1971 war for India and did a favour on India is height of ignorance.

India could have simply decided to look the other way and all Bangladeshi would have been trying to find which soldier from west Pakistan is their father.
Yes, IA troops helped us, but in the real fighting, it was our own Mukti troops who fought directly against the PA troops. IA troops and IAF helped them from behind and sky.

When after 9 months of Mukti fighting when it was clear Muktis would win, India joined them.

Why do you distort history? Not a single IA soldier ever ventured into our land before December when the Mukti troops have already turned the situation in the country.

And India became the world champion of war only with 1300 IA troops killed. Bloody coward Indians eating vegetables three times a day cannot raise even a rifle.
Yes, IA troops helped us, but in the real fighting, it was our own Mukti troops who fought directly against the PA troops. IA troops and IAF helped them from behind and sky.
Oh? And what were you expecting? You were fighting for your own existance and you expected IA to fight for you? ANYTHING that India did (and it did A LOT, some by just NOT doing against you-- like allowing Pakistan to send reinforcement over its territory) was a MASSIVE help.

When after 9 months of Mukti fighting when it was clear Muktis would win, India joined them.

This is from Dhaka tribune.

April 1971.
"15: Indian army starts aiding Mukti Bahini"
"24: Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra finds home in Kolkata July"

This is from Daily Star :

On May 1, 1971, General SHFJ Manekshaw issued the Indian Army Operational Instruction No. 52. A structured policy to provide training facilities and logistical and operational support for the liberation of Bangladesh was prepared by Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C) Eastern Command. The Indian Army was responsible for training, equipping, and providing logistical support to Mukti Bahini.

Wars are not just fighters but actually are more of a result of logistics that goes behind keeping the fighters armed, supplied and fighting fit.

Indian Army was there from May itself, all those 9 months you talk about? They would have been for nothing if there was no arming, training and logistics support from India.

Read the article on formation of mukti bani and you will find the word "India" occurs almost as frequently as the word "Bangladesh".

And India became the world champion of war only with 1300 IA troops killed.

India became Champion for Bangladesh cause by :
1. Hosting 10 million of your refugees.
2. Training, arming and bootstraping your Mukti Bahini.
3. Standing up to USA and risking a nuclear attack on itself.
4. Ensuring UN does not intervene against you and in favour of USA.

To be honest, NONE of 1300 Indian soldiers need to die for a nation that was not their own.

Lastly, Indian Army can ONLY become overtly involved AFTER India and Pakistan went to war formally when Pakistan "pre-emptively" attacked India.

Bloody coward Indians eating vegetables three times a day cannot raise even a rifle.

Sometime I believe you people are rightly called bloody termites.
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