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If Afghanistan Collapses…which it might

It's only indians who wants afghanistan to collapse so that they can continue their terrorism in western Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't want a collapse afghanistan who again flood pakistan with millions of refugees. Pakistan just wanna close the borders so that illegal afghans and ttp terrorists as well as raw terrorists stop infiltrating into pakistan and for that reason Balochistan govt is building trenches and KPK govt is constructing gates. People of FATA too are participating in efforts to stop infiltration of afghans.

@AsianUnion himself agrees that Afghanistan was under Pakistan control for 20 years, who's fault is it ?
Good lord, what do you think you are ? A super power ? a country which could not even guard its GHQ , could not guard its air force base , has failed civilian institutions, an army which has failed in every war. A failed education system and a failing political class while you comfortable sit in the UK while dishing at Afghanistan ?

When two big brothers, Afghanistan and Pakistanis are talking, enslaved country like India & Hindus for 1000 years, better take seat out of the stand, and lets us sort out some things. An Indian poking in doesnot look good.

Pakistan is by no means a superpower, it doesnot want to be a super power....its already a regional power. India which has lost all 3 wars against pakistan, getting broken down since 1947, 1971 and now Kashmir. A country which elects a convicted terrorist as PM. Okay. this talk abt india needs a million threads and it will not finish to describe what India is really and what it has become a terrible monster.So Buzz off from this thread.
When two big brothers, Afghanistan and Pakistanis are talking, enslaved country like India & Hindus for 1000 years, better take seat out of the stand, and lets us sort out some things. An Indian poking in doesnot look good.

What sort of history do they teach you in schools ? Madrasa history :lol: you can't sort shit in your own country, how do you expect to sort anything out with people who hate your guts ,,,

Pakistan is by no means a superpower, it doesnot want to be a super power....its already a regional power. India which has lost all 3 wars against pakistan, getting broken down since 1947, 1971 and now Kashmir. A country which elects a convicted terrorist as PM. Okay. this talk abt india needs a million threads and it will not finish to describe what India is really and what it has become a terrible monster.So Buzz off from this thread.

Regional power :rofl: ..... you are a regional head ache. Ask any country in the region. From Bangladesh, to Afghanistan to Iran. Every country has problems with the way your country functions. Convicted terrorist ? do you know what convicted terrorist mean ? convicted by which authority..Get back to me with that answer :p: Afghanistan has done far far better than Pakistan given the current circumstances.
@AsianUnion himself agrees that Afghanistan was under Pakistan control for 20 years, who's fault is it ?

That was past, gone. I donot want muslim Afghanistan to be a failed state, that it is NOW. I want a successful, peaceful, even much better than Pakistan, since it has suffered alot.

But I donot like the barking of some Afghanis towards all neighbours when they know they are occupied and enslaved broken country.

Whose fault is it now of present Afghanistan?
Dude I donot want muslim Afghanistan to be a failed state, that it is NOW. I want a successful, peaceful, even much better than Pakistan, since it has suffered alot.
But I donot like the barking of some Afghanis towards all neighbours when they know they are occupied and enslaved broken country.

Many countries are occupied / enslaved in someway or the other. Afghans are fighting and dying to create a new life for themselves. Your attitude and your unempethtic tone does not help

Same as Bangladesh is under your control.

Bangladesh is actually doing a lot better both in terms of stability and economically...
Many countries are occupied / enslaved in someway or the other. Afghans are fighting and dying to create a new life for themselves. Your attitude and your unempethtic tone does not help

Bangladesh is actually doing a lot better both in terms of stability and economically...

But many Indians claim they control bangladesh and the govt is their ally.
Similarly thing @AsianUnion did with you.

naa, many Pakistanis actually tend to believe the stuff they say..These opinions are quiet common in this forum.. even among seniors.Afghans don't hate you for no reason..

So whose fault is it now? India, Pakistan, US-NATO or Afghanis? Why is the Afghanis barking towards neigbours when they know, Afghanistan is already occupied, enslaved, broken down failed country as of 2016...and yet the Afghanis here think its a successful state. Am I dillusional.

Yes you are kinda delusional..
naa, many Pakistanis actually tend to believe the stuff they say..Afghans don't hate you for no reason..

Yes you are kinda delusional..

That's the problem you guys have, always in denial. Aap ka kutta Tommy Tommy, mera kutta kutta.
If Afghanistan collapses…

By Shahid Javed Burki - Published: August 21, 2016

If Afghanistan collapses – which it might – its consequences will be felt far from its borders.

Three of its immediate neighbours will be seriously affected. Pakistan and Iran sill have to deal with the arrival of a political entity on their borders that will not be able to control and perhaps would seek to create trouble in their neighbouring countries. China has invested significant amounts of resources to exploit Afghanistan’s large mineral wealth. It would also want to include the country in the land-based arteries of international commerce it is hoping to build in the near future. Work has already begun on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. A similar corridor is being constructed in Kazakhstan. The hope of linking the two by building a north-south system through Afghanistan will have to be postponed. India has also made large investments in the country; an agreement to upgrade the port at Chabrahar was signed this summer by Afghanistan, India and Iran. The Indians are hoping to connect the port with a highway that will go through Iran to Afghanistan. A great deal hangs on stability in Afghanistan for its neighbours and near-neighbours.

The Afghan state, never very strong, still classed by world as a 'Failed State' even at the best of times, has come under pressure from several directions. The Afghan Taliban have become active this fighting season, sensing that the withdrawal of the United States and its allies has created an opportunity it must avail while the Afghan military is still struggling to develop into a competent fighting force. Added to the increasing pressure exerted by the Taliban in the country is the arrival of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. ISIS is also seeing an opportunity to create a presence outside the Arab world. Afghan Taliban are more stronger than ever. Adding to these two pressures is the inability of the country’s political system to develop into a functioning democratic entity that can replace the use of violence as a way of expressing interests with political discourse. Then, there is the growing weakness of the economy, which does not have a domestic resource base that can be used for meeting the basic needs of the people.

The growing presence of ISIS in the country became apparent with the July 23 attack on a large group of Hazaras, a Shia-community based in and around the province of Bamian. The group had gathered to protest the government decision to bypass their area in building a power line that would bring electricity from the power-surplus Central Asia to the power-deficit South Asia.

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan- India project was one of the major connectivity projects that had been developed to knit together Central and South Asia. Protest leaders claimed systematic bias against Hazaras by the government. The Hazaras have only in the past decade tried to shake off a long history of oppression. The attack that killed at least 80 people and injured another 230 was not the first time the Shia community had been attacked by Sunni extremists. In 2011, a suicide bombing on Shia shrine killed 63 people. The Hazaras have also come under attack in Balochistan, which had a sizeable presence of the community.

Spokesmen for ISIS quickly claimed responsibility for the Kabul attack. If, indeed, carried out by this group although India is more a culprit, known as Daesh in Afghanistan, it would be the first major urban attack in the country by radical Sunnis and could signal their first deliberate effort to target the country’s Shia minority. According to one account, “hundreds of Hazaras had reportedly fought alongside President Basharal Assad’s troops in Syria against Sunni groups including the Islamic State in recent years, making Hazaras a likely target for the extremist group’s loyalists back in Afghanistan…During the late 1990s, when the Taliban regime held power in Kabul and most of the country, it banned observing Shia religious holidays in public.”

ISIS seemed determined to stoke sectarian strife in the country. Shias make up about 10 per cent of the Afghan population with power bases in Kabul and the north-central province of Bamian. There are outside forces that would get involved in case this conflict grows. Iran, which took in huge numbers of refugees from Afghanistan’s wars, has sought increasing influence in post-war Afghan society. According to Mohammed Alizada, a Hazara member of the Afghan parliament, “the Islamic State has two factions in Afghanistan, one made up of moderate former Taliban members and one more foreign-dominated and extreme group.” If the latter grew stronger he didn’t think the Afghan government would have the capacity to defend Shias against them without the international community’s help.

The international community, led by the United States, seemed inclined to lend a helping hand but without getting too involved in the conflict. This was the approach the Obama Administration had developed during his second term in office. Under the Obama Doctrine, nation-building was to be left to the nations themselves with only marginal help from the United States. In early July 2016, the president announced slowing the planned withdrawal of his country’s troops, leaving about 8,400 through the end of 2017.

Many American experts believed that Afghan forces were not yet prepared to defeat the Taliban on their own and that the United States needed to reinforce its message of long-term commitment to the country. But the task of readying the Afghans to do the fighting was proving to be complicated and expensive and may not be sustainable under the current political environment in the United States.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 22nd, 2016.


What options regional powers like Pakistan, China and Iran has to stop this from happening?
Afg and pak need to sit and solve there issues
Afg seriously need to stop USA and Indian typo foreign policy of blame game
Serious attitude from afg can bring peace in the region

naa, many Pakistanis actually tend to believe the stuff they say..These opinions are quiet common in this forum.. even among seniors.Afghans don't hate you for no reason..

Yes you are kinda delusional..
Throwing stones at chamon border and afg army see all this shit sitting as idol tells the non serious behaviour of afgans
India and nato will make Afghanistan another Syria

That's the problem you guys have, always in denial. Aap ka kutta Tommy Tommy, mera kutta kutta.
But many Indians claim they control bangladesh and the govt is their ally.
Actually they believe they are super power of Asia by pressing all countries around excluding Pak and China
Afghanistan is the name of a collapsed entity, which is trying really hard to hold it together and revive it's future. In my view, this article itself is a kind of non-sense. :(

It should have rather discussed, "What if Afghanistan is stable for couple of decades". :)

But on serious note, India and Pakistan fought wars, India and China fought a war, the whole world was embroiled in a war but Afghanistan was stable at that times especially the tenure of Zahir Shah, so these clowns only have look at post soviet invasion.

well iAfganistan has collapsed several times -- of course depends on how you define collapse.

1. Saur revolution [partial]
2. Najeebullah ouster -- Mujahadeen take over
3. Mujahideen ouster -- Taliban take over
4. Taliban ouster -- current establishment
5. Foreign occupations.
well it has collapsed several times -- of course depends on how you define collapse.

1. Saur revolution [partial]
2. Najeebullah ouster -- Mujahadeen take over
3. Mujahideen ouster -- Taliban take over
4. Taliban ouster -- current establishment

well it has collapsed several times in my lifetime -- of course depends on how you define collapse.

1. Saur revolution [partial]
2. Najeebullah ouster -- Mujahadeen take over
3. Mujahideen ouster -- Taliban take over
4. Taliban ouster -- current establishment
Wts diff b/w 2nd and 3rd?
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