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Idle officials hinder development, regrets minister


Jul 22, 2012
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QUETTA: The federal minister for planning and development has said that the culture of sitting idle in government offices is a major hurdle in achieving the targets set by the Millennium Development Goals.

Speaking at a conference held here on Monday to highlight the government’s development vision called ‘Pakistan Vision-2025’ and the 11th Five-Year Plan 2013-18, Ahsan Iqbal said: “It is observed that six officials among seven do not work at all, though they regularly receive salary, allowances and other perks.

This increases burden on the honest and hard-working officials who have to do the jobs assigned to their idle and absentee colleagues.

The bad habit has contributed to making the country lag behind other developing countries.

Every year, the minister said, Pakistan witnessed an increase in its population equal to the size of New Zealand’s without any planning to provide basic facilities to people.

After committing to the United Nations Millennium Declaration, he said, Pakistan was bound to achieve by 2015 the goals of eliminating poverty and backwardness, enrolling all children in schools, providing potable water to all citizens, ensuring health care to the mother and the child, ending environmental pollution and meeting targets of family planning.

Governments did not evolve any planning over the last decade and the lack of planning has created electricity crisis and gas shortage and made the country drift towards backwardness,” he said.

“We are dreaming of competing South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China and India in economic race without proper planning.”

Mr Iqbal expressed the fear that the country would face a horrible water crisis if immediate steps were not taken to overcome water shortage through comprehensive planning.

He said the theme of Pakistan Vision-2025 included energy security, self-reliance, inclusive and sustainable growth, human and social capital, value addition and competitiveness in different products, modernisation of infrastructure, regional connectivity, promotion of small and medium enterprises, private sector-led growth and democratic governance.

“The Vision-2025 is a long-term development blueprint which aims to create a globally competitive and prosperous Pakistan providing a high quality of life to its citizens,” he said.

“Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif wants to transform Pakistan into a developed and export-based economy with strong social values by converting the country’s diverse cultural and ethnic heritage into its strength through promoting inclusiveness, peace and security and inter-provincial harmony,” he said.

“The premier also wants sustainable development in Balochistan.”

Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch, Minister for Planning and Development Hamid Khan Achakzai were prominent among those present on the occasion.

Idle officials hinder development, regrets minister - DAWN.COM

@Slav Defence
Very well posted.Indeed our civil regime is consisting of corrupted individuals who are not proposing and implementing any proper procedure to ease problems which our subject are facing.Except PPP which has shown some residential plans and offered to provide sum of rupees which is not enough/insufficient for needy under Benazir support income program.
We all are well aware of governance infrastructure during ANP rule,let us see as if the current government assures regularity and restrictions or not.

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Pakistan has developed a missile. It is called 'Civil Servant'. It neither works, nor can be fired.

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