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IDF unviels "small Iron Dome" for the ground troops among other technologies in northern drill


Oct 25, 2013
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12 years after the last deadly conflict with the Lebanese terror group, the IDF has new technology and tactics.

AUGUST 12, 2018 15:51

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot visits troops taking part in the two-week long drill in northern Israel. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot visits troops taking part in the two-week long drill in northern Israel. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Twelve years after the last war between Israel and Hezbollah, the IDF is drilling for another round of conflict with the Lebanese terror group with new technology and tactics.

“There has been incredible progress in our abilities,” said IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot while visiting troops that took part in the drill in northern Israel. “If you look 150 km around us you will not find a brigade or corps as strong as these in their capabilities.”


Troops from the 7th Armored Brigade as well as from Golani, from the Combat Engineering Corps and others participated in the drill where they went up against “Hezbollah” fighters, training them on new threats developed by the enemy.

“The enemy has changed and therefore so has the IDF,” said a senior officer in the ground forces, adding that “if we will fight differently we need to train differently.”

According to the senior officer soldiers and commanders must be able to fight the enemy on four fronts-underground, on land, in the air and online.

While the enemy has increased its cyber capabilities, the IDF has increased the bandwidth of the military’s internet to “100 kilometers, 100 megabytes, 100 MHz,” the senior officer said, adding that the IDF’s electronic warfare capabilities have also significantly improved both in terms of intelligence gathering and attacks.

If in previous wars troops could visualize the enemy in one clear location, Hezbollah has become much harder to visualize, with fighters who arrives, attacks and retreats within seconds.

The Gideon Shield (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF therefore needs to be able to “close the circle” on Hezbollah militants faster than ever and with more precise weapons to ensure the least amount of civilian casualties.

According to the senior officer, the drill saw troops from the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion fire a new precision-guided 122 mm mortar shell which has flight control capability and accuracy of up to five meters.

Troops have also practiced using the Namer heavy armored personnel carrier (APC) fitted with a turret armed with a 30 mm gun. The shortened cannon allows the APC to be more maneuverable, and gives it the ability to provide firepower to infantry soldiers with less dependence on other units to provide firepower.


“If a brigade is more independent, more flexible and more effective, it will be stronger” said another senior ground forces officer who took part in the drill. “We see the increase of our firepower and manpower boosting our effectiveness to neutralize the enemy as fast as possible.”

The army has also invested a significant sum into upgrading its autonomous logistical fleet and the drill saw the use of these autonomous trucks, allowing infantry soldiers to be more independent on the battlefield.

A soldier sits atop an IDF Merkava tank during a drill in Israel's north

While the new technology will allow ground forces to be more independent on the battlefield, the drill also focused on troops learning a shared language to improve the collaboration between the different branches and corps on the battlefield.


The Gideon Shield (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

"If a company commander goes into battle, all the capabilities of the IDF must go with him," the senior officer said.“We want to create a situation in which the brigade troops do not fight the battle alone, but rather receives backing from all the capabilities of the army, including air capabilities that are under the responsibility of the ground forces.”

According to him every maneuvering brigade will have an air control unit which will manage everything which happens at altitude of up to 1,000 feet. Anything between 1,000 and 3,000 feet would be a joint responsibility for the ground and air forces and anything over 3,000 feet would be the sole responsibility of the air force.

In the years since the last conflict between Israel and Hezbollah the group has gained immeasurable fighting experience in Syria as well as new advanced weaponry from their patrons in Iran.

According to the senior officer the ground forces will need to be deployed to conquer enemy territory and destroy its weapons stores, especially rocket launchers in order to minimize the number of missiles and rockets the enemy can fire onto the homefront.

One of the new technologies practiced during the drill was “Gideon’s Shield,” a system which will protect ground troops against heavy mortar shells as well as enemy drones or quadcopters on the battlefield.


The use of drones by the Islamic State group against Syrian or Iraqi troops has been studied by the IDF which believes that a future conflict with Hezbollah might see similar uses.

While Hezbollah has used drones in the past against Israel, last week the Lebanese news site An Nahar said the group may also have acquired air-defense weapons, which the site claimed downed an Israeli reconnaissance drone in the town of Beit Yahoun in Bint Jbeil, Lebanon.

Israel said the drone fell due to technical malfunctions.

Since the last war between Israel and Hezbollah, the border has seen relative quiet. But nonetheless the IDF sees this border as the most explosive with troops ready for the quiet to be broken at any instant.

Israel’s defense establishment has stated that any outbreak of conflict on the northern border will not be confined to just Lebanon or Syria, but along the entire northern front.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a deadly 33-day war in 2006, which came to an end under UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which called for disarmament of Hezbollah, for withdrawal of the Israeli army from Lebanon, for the deployment of the Lebanese army and an enlarged UN force in the south.

Would these be effective against HIMARS and BM30 Smerch?
They haven't really released any specs or details but what is written here

For the first time the IDF is revealing so comprehensively the structure of its BCT's (Brigade Combat Team). This is coming ahead of a Ground Warfare Exhibition and Conference in 15-16.8.18, where the IDF is due to showcase new capabilities and various Israeli defense companies such as Elbit, RAFAEL, IAI, UVision, and subsidiaries, are due to show what they've built to provide these capabilities as well as their own concepts that drive their development efforts.

The following is a direct translation from the IDF's website. Link for reading in Hebrew.
How the IDF's brigades will decide the next war, and what weaponry will affect the results of the future battle? 36th Division and Ground Arm Command are unveiling the "Gideon BCT" - The new combat conception of the IDF, and provide a rare glimpse at the first experimentation of the combined arms.

In the framework of the wide military exercise conducted throughout the course of this week in the Golan Heights, 36th Division forces tried for the first time the new combat conception "Gideon BCT" - the future fighting form of the IDF's maneuvering brigades.
For a long time the GAC (Ground Arm Command) are working hard on developing the new conception that will provide a powerful solution to the enemy the IDF will meet in its next war. It's a "hidden and concealing" enemy, that operates covertly, fights from within urban areas, and utilizes multiple dimensions of combat, such as sub-terranean and cyber warfare.

The Gideon BCT, as explained by the GAC, offers a new structure to the maneuvering brigades of the IDF throughout the course of fighting. Until this day, every combat brigade operated with its own uniqueness and association of arm. For example, the 7th brigade was an armor brigade, and the Golani was an infantry brigade. However now, within the framework of the BCT, in times of war, the brigades will be assembled from infantry, armor, combat engineers, and artillery, that will work side by side.

The new structure should help the IDF in its efforts to conquer new territory and be decisive against the formations of the ever-changing enemy, via fast mechanized maneuver, combination of vast and various firing capabilities, and all that while maintaining common discourse and multi-arm coordination that will reinforce the survivability and lethality of the forces on the field.

So how will the brigades fight the next war?

The new brigades will consist of no less than 6 battalions, among them 3 infantry and armor battalions, an engineering battalion, a recon battalion, and an HQ unit. All these will be specialized battalions.
To them, will join a Fire Battalion Combat Team (BatCT). The Fire BatCT is an artillery battalion that has evolved to acquire independent combat capabilities such as recon, target acquisition, target destruction, and independent maneuver.
It will do a dual work - Acquire and destroy its own targets, and receive targets to destroy from other maneuvering elements of the BCT.

During the exercise that was conducted last week, the 77th and 82nd battalions of the 7th Armor Brigade, along with the 13th battalion of the Golani Infantry Brigade and the 603rd Combat Engineers battalion, joined forces to test their cooperation and effectiveness of the new structure.

Other than the new brigade structure, the battalions themselves have also undergone quite a few changes. The recon battalion, that up until now was made of one light recon company, one engineering company, and one AT company, will now transform to receive two primary capabilities:

1. Attacking and seizing complex areas deep within enemy territory with powerful and independent raiding companies.
2. Special purpose companies that will acquire quality intel through reconnaissance, and destroy hostile targets through advanced weaponry.

We are building better acquisition and destruction capabilities from our understanding that we're operating against a sneaky enemy, one that operates in ways that allow him to avoid meeting us in face to face combat.
We are thus more capable to destroy the enemy more quickly and more precisely.

The HQ unit is also a unique addition on the brigade level. Its purpose is to ease the control and operation of the brigade, and ensure the independence of the BCT from the division level or GAC level.

Ground-breaking weaponry

Additionally, during the BCT exercise numerous new systems were tried for the first time.
Those are advanced electronic systems whose purpose are to either locate the enemy and neutralize it, or to defend the forces.
However during the exercise the forces also used brand new and very accurate means of fire activation that will physically aid in capturing territory.

First and foremost, we tried the "Gideon's Shield", capable of defending the combat units from various threats like mortars, rockets, and it can even attack aerial vehicles, thus providing the forces with great advantage over the enemy.

It's a mobile battery that moves together with the forces, and provides a sort of an "Iron Dome" for the maneuvering forces through combined capabilities of firing missiles, lasers, and even EW for interception.

The commander in charge of the battery is the BatCT commander or BCT commander, and he can decide whom he wants to protect and what assets to utilize.

Another element is "Gideon's Grid". It's a sensor system capable of detecting all sorts of targets by laying an entire blanket on a certain grid, that can detect enemy signals.
(Other sources say the plan is to use 24 aerial vehicles per brigade with various sensors).
Once a target it sighted, or a source of emissions is detected, the system quickly translates the source to accurate coordinates and sends them through the Fire Weaver system.

Additionally, Rafael's Fire Weaver was used. It's a system that can direct all the different firing sources at a certain target, after which it can select what firing source is best suited for the task, and finally give the order to fire.
This system tremendously contributes to the multi-arm cooperation of the BCT's units.

Also, new vehicles were used for the first time as well, such as robotic convoys, i.e unmanned vehicles capable of autonomously provide them with a logistical solution without endangering the drivers.
Namer IFVs with cannons were also used with armor piercing munitions. Installation of the cannon on the Namer turns him from a well protected vehicle capable of safely maneuvering with the forces - to an especially lethal fighting vehicle.


Other sources have also added some valuable information. Walla and Ynet.

In points, what they add:

  • BCT tried a new guided mortar round in the 120mm caliber.
  • Guided artillery shells will enter service soon.
  • Up to 50% of the arsenal will be guided munitions.
  • Every BCT will have its own aerial fleet and small airstrip.
  • The fleet will consist of at least 24 reconnaissance aircraft that will be able to pick up signals.
  • Every BCT will get a far-reaching broadband internet, dubbed the "3 100's". 100Mhz, 100MB, and 100km.
  • Every BCT will have its own air defense battery.
  • Below 300m the BCT's aerial wing will operate freely. Between 1km and 300m the BCT will cooperate with the air force. And above 1km only the air force works.
  • The drones will be operated by an air control unit belonging to each brigade.

There's quite a lot going on here. Both a very serious restructuring, and new capabilities that are also independent of the BCT effort but greatly enhanced by it.
Under the program, a total of 10 BCT's will be formed eventually, if not more. Both active and reserve.
They're not really even brigade-sized anymore, but are closer to being twice the size of a typical brigade, or 50% larger for already large brigades. The largest brigade in the IDF is Kfir with "only" 5 battalions, which still falls short of the 6-battalion BCT.

But let's talk weaponry, shall we?

1) Fire Weaver from RAFAEL. This video explains better than anyone could, what this system does:

My take on it? It's the next generation of BMS and the only thing left to do, to get a very streamlined process of sensor-to-shooter is to give the MBTs the ability to designate targets through the IronVision helmet they'll get with the Barak.

2) Mobile Iron Dome. From my understanding it's multiple systems, one is probably the Iron Dome, and the other is a shorter range laser system suitable for downing drones. None was selected yet as far as the public knows.
RAFAEL have showcased their mobile Iron Dome in 3D models, but nothing real yet.
The model shows a missile launcher with 10 tubes on the back of a MAN truck, and a radar dome above the cabin. This gives half the static Iron Dome's missile capacity (original 20). However a typical Iron Dome battery should have a launching capacity of 40 missiles prior to reloading.

The mobile Iron Dome is dubbed iDome or I-Dome.

It's a good solution, but leaves much to be desired. First, there is still an urgent need for a 100kW laser system, dubbed Iron Beam, which has been stuck in limbo for the past decade, and this could be the only hint for its future existence (note: 100kW combat lasers were demonstrated recently).

Second, such a setup, of missiles on a truck, although cheap and flexible, require preparation time prior to firing, and are less maneuverable. The coverage issue could be fixed by moving one unit at a time out of 4, but perhaps a more suitable solution would be its placement on an Eitan vehicle.

3) 24 drones with various payloads including SIGINT, flying below 1km, or sometimes below 300 meters, per brigade, is quite a task.
A very good candidate for this could be Elbit's Hermes 90, although they are talking about having small runways for each brigade, while the Hermes 90 is runway-free. So it could be a new development.
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