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NOVEMBER 27, 2017 20:10
Israel is highly dependent on the sea and fears Hezbollah and Hamas may target gas rigs in any future conflict
2 minute read.



The Israel army’s naval Iron Dome was declared operational Monday evening, the IDF spokesperson’s unit announced.

The Tamir-Adir system was declared operational after a final test where Grad rockets were fired in both single shots and in barrages at the INS Lahav Sa’ar 5 corvette as well as towards Israel's offshore gas rigs, scenarios envisioned in future conflicts with Hamas or Hezbollah.

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During the test the navy took an Iron Dome launcher and placed it on the helipad of the ship and connected it to the ship’s radar. The naval Iron Dome uses the Tamir interceptor missile which was developed for the Iron Dome as well as the Adir radar used in the Arrow system.

In the experiment all the rockets fired were intercepted by the system.

Designed to shoot down short-range rockets, the Iron Dome is able to calculate when rockets will land in open areas, choosing not to intercept them, or towards civilian centers. It went into service in April 2011 and has since been used during two military operations against Hamas, intercepted roughly 85 percent of projectiles fired towards Israeli civilian centers since its first deployment.

The IDF believes that Hezbollah has long-range missiles which can hit the country's gas rigs, which supply a large amount of the electricity consumed in Israel. And while the threat posed by Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border remains the main focus of the Navy and the IDF in general, the threat on Israel’s border with Gaza remains just as real.

During Operation Protective Edge in 2014 there were attempts by Hamas to hit a drilling platform, but the projectile was not precise enough to strike it. The IDF has decided not to place Iron Dome batteries on gas rigs themselves for safety reasons, one of them that a fire could break out on one of the rigs. Israel, which is highly dependent on the sea, continuously improves the technology behind the country’s anti-missile systems, and the last upgrade to the Iron Dome was in April in order to expand and improve the performance capabilities of the system in the face of an unprecedented range of threats.

Due to the growing threats posed by the arsenal of Grad rockets and other longer-range more accurate projectiles in the hands of terror groups, the Navy has changed the design of its Sa’ar 6 Corvette warships that are currently being manufactured for Israel in Germany to have the naval Iron Dome short range defense missile launchers integrated into them when they arrive.

Israeli Navy vessel was completed successfully. This test is another step towards the announcement of the system and battalion’s operational capability, expected by the end of the year
Carmel Lahad

Today (Monday), a naval interception test performed in cooperation with the Israeli Navy was completed successfully. During the test, three missiles were launched towards a naval vessel equipped with an “Iron Dome” system. These missile simulated “Grad” missiles, threatening Israeli gas platforms.


Photography: Israeli Navy

One of the targets launched as part of the test did not require interception, while “Iron Dome” combatants successfully intercepted the other two. Following a fitness and readiness inspection that will take place at the end of the year, the battalion will become operational and perform its mission of naval interception.

“I have no doubt that in the next campaign terror organizations will attempt to target Israel’s gas platforms, so the integration of ‘Iron Dome’ systems into naval vessels is of great importance”, stated Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovitch, Commander of the IAF Aerial Defense Division. “The enemy understands that ‘Iron Dome’ was able to deal with 4,000 missiles and rockets in 51 days during Operation ‘Protective Edge’ and 1,500 missiles and rockets in a week during Operation ‘Pillar of Defense'. As a result, it is focusing its armament in order to become more effective”.


Photography: Israeli Navy

Systems and Capabilities
The State of Israel has two gas platforms and an LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) carrier at its disposal that will soon be joined by another platform, which is expected to be established in 2019. Today, about 60% of Israel’s power supply depends on gas produced by the platforms, while the percentage is expected to rise to 70%-75% by 2040.

"The 'Hamas' organization had already attempted to harm Israel's exclusive economic zone during Operation 'Protective Edge', in hopes to damage Israel's economy and morale", explained Lt. Col. Yoni Grinboim, Commander of the 137th Battalion. "It's important to emphasize that the Aerial Defense Division addresses the threat to Israel's gas platforms".

"The naval 'Iron Dome' variant reflects the development of the Aerial Defense Division's systems and capabilities", added Brig. Gen. Haimovitch. "The systems will be fully implemented in the advanced naval vessels and new battalions will be formed".


Photography: Israeli Navy

On Land and in the Sea
Naval interception is performed by the naval battalion's operators and technicians, whose previous job on solid ground is now performed on rough seas. They were chosen carefully, and underwent many exercises preparing them for the task. "The interception process is the same, except for a few minor changes. The systems aren't identical and were adjusted to the naval task by the weapon industries", described Capt. Yaniv Apo, Commander of the Naval Battalion. "This is the first time that the ground and naval forces are working together in the vessel's Operations Room. We work in full cooperation – they are in charge of operating the vessel and we are in charge of operating the system. We learn daily, and the fact that we're developing groundbreaking capabilities is a major satisfaction".

“If you would have asked me 20 years ago, as a young officer in the division, if we would cooperate so closely with the Navy, I would have said it was impossible”, said Lt. Col. Grinboim. “I have no doubt that the things we are establishing today are the foundation of the future of the relationship between the forces”.

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