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ICITAP & ATA: A success story!


Sep 20, 2008
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Not often is it that we hear the words US & positive impact in Pakistan in the same sentence, but a largely unknown series of programmes between the USG and GOP have been doing just that in Pakistan for the past 12 years... I wanted to share that with you!

Since 2003 the US has invested considerable resources to improve Pakistan's civil security infrastructure in recognition of the rising internal security threats in Pakistan and it's inability to respond adequately.

Most of this support was targeted towards Law Enforcement assistance and reform programmes enacted through the DoS and DoJ.

There programmes have significant overlap in terms of objectives and intra-agency cooperation.

The major agencies helping develop Pakistani capacity are:
  1. INL: International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
  2. Office of Counter terrorism (S/CT)
  3. DSS: Bureau of Diplomatic Security
  4. DS/ATA:Office of Anti Terrorism Assistance
  5. USAID

INL assistance programmes targeted the border security for Pakistan, developing capacity in Pakistan to monitor and secure its border with Afghanistan and thier narcotic capabilities.
This included:

  1. PISCES (Personal Identification Security, Comparison and Evaluation System).
  2. Establishment of an Air wing (Counter Narcotics role) within the MoI (Pakistan) in Quetta to facilitate counter-terror/narcotics ops.
  3. Paved border security roads in FATA
  4. Introduced AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System)

* Engaged the DEA to support counter-narcotics operations with ANF. * The DEA assistance to Pakistan is directed toward the ANF aimed at curbing the flow of Heroin originating in Afghanistan, to support this effort the DEA has provided Pakistan with:
  • New investigative resources
  • All terrain vehicles
  • Surveillance motorcycles
  • Establishing the SIU(Special Investigative Unit)

S/CT = The aim of the S/CT programmes in Pakistan is to provide Pakistani government with the tools to decisively confront militant extremist threats emanating from within.

Thus most of the S/CT programmes focused on developing basic investigative capablities to develop these skills within the civillian sector vis-avis the military and intelligence community.

* Developed the SIG: Special Investigation Group at NPA-Islamabad.: http://www.npb.gov.pk


DoJ intervention in Pakistan is under the umbrella of ICITAP: International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program and the DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency.

ICITAP programmes include:
  • Enhancing border security
  • Law Enforcement reform and training
  • Establishment of AFIS in Pakistan
  • National Criminal and Forensic Database.
  • Developing state of the art training facility at Islamabad Police lines including multi-story training building, mixed occupancy and segregated male and female classrooms.
  • Capacity Development of the Pakistani National Forensic Science Agency: National Forensic Science Agency (NFSA)
  • Provision of 11 Armored vehicles for tactical teams in Islamabad and KPK
  • Donation of 3000 pieces of body armor for Police forces in KPK and Islamabad
  • Donation of 100 PMRs & Mobile phones for police officers
  • Donation of 100 motorcycles to KPK
  • Donation of a Water tanker to provide drinking water to the police officers in KPK
  • Provision of modular training classrooms with air conditioning, multimedia projectors and audio/video equipment
  • Design and Implementation of Modern PRR: Police Reporting rooms in Islamabad and KPK.

  1. Frontier Corps
  2. Anti Narcotics Force
  3. Federal investigative Agency
  4. Local Police Forces
  5. Levies
  6. Civilian Emergency Agencies

ICITAP also conducts training for:
  • Border Security Augmentation
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • First Response
  • Senior Executive Management

Other courses include:
  • High Profile Investigation
  • Command & Control for Explosive Incident
  • Civil Disturbance Management Training
  • Intro to Crime & Intelligence Analysis
  • Critical Incident Management
  • Principal of Human Rights & Dignity
  • First Responders & Basic Criminal Investigation
  • Crisis Management Course
  • Cyber Crimes Investigations course
  • Computer Forensics
  • Crime Scene Investigation



^ These images are of the new Police Report Room at Shalimar Police Station, Islamabad. Kindly funded by USG and INL.


Lieutenant Daphna Blacksea, NYPD demonstrates blood loss prevention at a first aid training course for Islamabad Police.


Former Lynchberg PD Chief and ICITAP Pakistan Coordinator Charles "Chuck" Bennett attending a Graduation Ceremony at Islamabad for Crime Scene Management for Islamabad Police.


US DoS DSS Office of ATA intervention in Pakistan has been ongoing since 2005 and included:
  • Development of Anti Terrorist training facilities in Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi, Sihallah, Islamabad Police Lines
  • Developing Instructor skills for trainers
  • Developing a custom multi-story shoot house and 200 meter range for ATS Islamabad
  • Developing manuals and training aids in local language
  • Provision of equipment for Bomb Disposal Teams in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar
  • Provision of operational equipment for ATS, EPS, SSU, SPG in Islamabad, Punjab, NWFP
  • Provision of PBI kits to CTP, PP, ANA.
  • Provision of Jay corp Tactical PepperBall Less than lethal weapon system to ATS
  • Provision of Tazer c2 and stun guns to ATS
  • Provision of Night vision and HAZMAT gear to Advanced CRT at ATS
  • Provision of EOD Robot & EOD Suit
  • Provision of Hook & Line Kit, Remote Access, Breach & Snake Camera to CTP
  • Provision of Cyber Crime Investigation Lab.
  • K9 explosive detection dog handler course New Mexico
  • Crisis Response Team Training (SWAT)
  • Advanced Crisis Response Team (conducted at JCCC Aman)
  • EIC: Explosive Incident Countermeasures course - (EOD/Bomb Disposal Course)
  • PBI: Post Blast Investigation course - ( Forensics investigation of explosive incidents)
  • Crime Scene Management First Response
  • Basic Life Support
  • Emergency First Reponder - (Advanced First Aid)
  • Vital Installation Security
  • Executive Protection (Protective Security Course) - VVIP Security
  • VIP Counter Action Team
  • Hostage Negotiation Course
  • Hostage Rescue Course
  • Crisis Management course
  • Critical Incident Managament
  • WMD responder course (Police Forces & Civil Defence)
  • Cyber Terrorism Investigations & Response
  • Hospital based mass casualty incident (HBMCI) course
  • Counter Sniper Course
  • Protecting Critical Digital Infrastructure
  • Preventing, Interdicting and Investigating Acts of Terrorism
  • Terrorist Crime Scene Investigation
ATA Trained Crisis Response Team



ATA trained Crisis Response Team training for High Risk Entry.


An ATA trained ATS Instructor coaching a Senior Officer in Marksmanship.

Direct benefits of the US cooperation with Pakistan:

  1. In addition to the countless lives saved due to better trained and equipped responders, The SIG: Special Investigation Group created by the ATA in the FIA is involved in numerous high-profile investigations local and international. THE SIG was instrumental in identifying participants involved in the 2005 London bombing; providing invaluable clues that assisted in the apprehension of Abu Faraj Al Libbi.
  2. In another case the SIG were able to use their US provided cyber terrorism training to the identify, locate and apprehend the kidnappers holding a western business executive for ransom with ZERO shots fired.
  3. Two members of a US trained CRT were able use their training and quick reflexes to save the life of former Prime minister Shaukat Aziz duing a PBIED attack on his procession.
  4. The US trained EOD technicians help make the streets, buildings and ports of Pakistan safer from the menace of explosive devices everyday.
  5. Finally, in the recent stage show drama of Sikander in Islamabad, it was the sharp eye of two ATA trained CRT instructors that led to an end of the drama without loss of life.
Looking at all these interventions, the USG has invested considerable resources both in the military and civilian security sector to enhance Pakistan’ counter-terrorism capabilities, with the focus primarily on hard security issues and deserve a heartfelt THANK YOU from every citizen in PAKISTAN.

Drone Attacks aside, from this PAKISTANI.... Thank you USA! :usflag::pakistan:
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@RescueRanger chief, i wonder how much USG paid ypu for such a nice writeup :whistle:............
Lol just kidding sir, you are 100% spot on, but somehow we tend to ignore positive aspects of certain thinngs and like to bring up megative aspects and focus on them more....
@RescueRanger chief, i wonder how much USG paid ypu for such a nice writeup :whistle:............

Lets just say I don't have to apply for my HB1 anymore :P , only kidding :D.

And your right, i see a lot of hostility towards the US, having had the benefit and pleasure of training with them, working with them and getting to know them, they get more stick then they deserve.
Lets just say I don't have to apply for my HB1 anymore :P , only kidding :D.

And your right, i see a lot of hostility towards the US, having had the benefit and pleasure of training with them, working with them and getting to know them, they get more stick then they deserve.
Just as we emphasize on coordination between institutions in our country i is equally important for foreign institutions to hve better co ordination with our agencies.....we definately need that.

We want to maintain healthy, and effective relationship with US, then we might welcome such programs too.
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