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IAF rescues 4 foreign climbers from Nanda Devi

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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IAF rescues 4 foreign climbers from Nanda Devi; 8 still missing
ANI | General News Last Updated at June 3, 2019 21:55 IST


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The Indian Air Force (IAF) is conducting search and rescue missions to rescue a 12-members international expedition team which went missing while climbing the Nanda Devi peak in Uttarakhand.

Four members have already been evacuated by the Air Force.

"IAF has responded swiftly and undertaken life-saving search and rescue missions on request from District Magistrate Pithoragarh from June 1 onwards. Two Advance Light Helicopters of the Indian Air Force have been conducting missions to search and rescue a 12 member international expedition team," a Defence Ministry release said.

The international expedition team comprised of nationals from the USA, UK and Australia. The Indian Air Force helicopters have flown a total of five missions and evacuated four UK nationals, including the Deputy Leader from an altitude of 4500 m.

The search for the rest eight members continues along the trek route
@Nilgiri r @Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @kris @jetray @pahadi @Śakra @third eye @Tea addict @Sam. @Chhatrapati @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @jamahir @HydNizam
@SrNair @koolzberg @Khatri_pune @Axomiya_lora @ajpirzada @SrNair @mastaan @Sekhon Rafiqui @Aryan0395 @HydNizam @God Parshuram @mastaan @Jugger @surya kiran @Chowkidar placemat @nahtanbob @TruthTheOnlyDefense
Another successful operation by IAF; this could have gone badly for all involved. With that being said, the situation in the Himalayas is getting out of control. India, Nepal, and China need to start implementing some strict limits to the amount of climbers allowed every year, even if it means losing some revenue.
IAF rescues 4 foreign climbers from Nanda Devi; 8 still missing
ANI | General News Last Updated at June 3, 2019 21:55 IST


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The Indian Air Force (IAF) is conducting search and rescue missions to rescue a 12-members international expedition team which went missing while climbing the Nanda Devi peak in Uttarakhand.

Four members have already been evacuated by the Air Force.

"IAF has responded swiftly and undertaken life-saving search and rescue missions on request from District Magistrate Pithoragarh from June 1 onwards. Two Advance Light Helicopters of the Indian Air Force have been conducting missions to search and rescue a 12 member international expedition team," a Defence Ministry release said.

The international expedition team comprised of nationals from the USA, UK and Australia. The Indian Air Force helicopters have flown a total of five missions and evacuated four UK nationals, including the Deputy Leader from an altitude of 4500 m.

The search for the rest eight members continues along the trek route
@Nilgiri r @Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @kris @jetray @pahadi @Śakra @third eye @Tea addict @Sam. @Chhatrapati @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @jamahir @HydNizam
@SrNair @koolzberg @Khatri_pune @Axomiya_lora @ajpirzada @SrNair @mastaan @Sekhon Rafiqui @Aryan0395 @HydNizam @God Parshuram @mastaan @Jugger @surya kiran @Chowkidar placemat @nahtanbob @TruthTheOnlyDefense
Glad IAF found them alive despite I have doubts since they found their own plane after many weeks and had to announce cash prize for locals.
Glad IAF found them alive despite I have doubts since they found their own plane after many weeks and had to announce cash prize for locals.
Yeah they are alive and healthy fortunately.
As I said, there are many things that could have gone wrong with the rescue operation, considering the harsh terrain and bad weather of the region. The An-32 crash is an example of that, it crashed in an even more remote part of Arunachal Pradesh. These areas are no joke, which is why India, Nepal, and other countries in the region should put strict limitations on recreational activity around those mountains.
Yeah they are alive and healthy fortunately.
As I said, there are many things that could have gone wrong with the rescue operation, considering the harsh terrain and bad weather of the region. The An-32 crash is an example of that, it crashed in an even more remote part of Arunachal Pradesh. These areas are no joke, which is why India, Nepal, and other countries in the region should put strict limitations on recreational activity around those mountains.

Yeah but it was a military plane

I mean come on
Yeah but it was a military plane

I mean come on
F-35 lost by JSDF was also a military plane and the most advanced in the world with the 2 most technologically superior armed forces the US & Japan searching for it but still couldn't find it. A ton of countries searched for the lost MH-370 but of no avail

Sometimes, the terrain and the geographical conditions restrict for search n rescue ops and if the blackbox, transponders have been destroyed/damaged during the crash which will only make it much more difficult if not impossible

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