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IAF deploys Sukhoi fighters in Punjab

Yep, another move that confirms that China, not Pakistan is india's main focus of attention
Please Read the news again . It is replacing Mig 23 at Halwara Air Base . So It has not Much to do with Pakistan .

Actually Halwara AFB is very close to Pakistan. This move is clealry to streghthen air combat capabilities vis-a-vis PAF.
Actually it's been deployed there to provide locals with some shade out of the Sun.:laugh:


Who the Hell has designated him an ELITE member? :angry:

Post Reported!!!
Now more tension along border! IAF will have continue problems with their nav System and will going to cross border several times. I think we should try to down some jets then they will not going to do that!
i am more concerned about the point that the indian govt and certain indian members try to push i.e. india dont consider Pakistan a threat.

P.S. i think we have already discussed this, so why run in circles? Let me focus on those who still live in denial.

You are right about running in circles. Indians think Pakistan as an enemy by default. Its pumped into the brain from the day they are born. So we should assume and read between the lines, that Pakistan is still the focus when they post.

What current youth generation(born after 1990) has been seeing the discussion on China more than before. After 1962, no major conflict to keep the feelings alive towards China and the previous generation moved on. This 1990 onwards gen. which became teenager and youth post year 2000 saw intrusion from Pakistan decreased relatively after Kargil and witnessed WoT, rise of terrorism against Pakistan and Chinese aggressive policy vis-a-vis India.

Terrorist attack in India kept the feeling alive against Pakistan but the other factors also resulted in change of perception of China. Arunachal Pradesh and other events triggered the old conflict even when trade was increasing.

This I think is the reason that Indians talk more often about China relatively. The former generation leading the govt. also saw the emergence of China and felt more insecure than what they felt regarding Pakistan.

Indians should look at the perception change in our society. Look at the articles published news broadcasted and other media outlets related to China and the enemy they are presented as. String of pearls, alleged support to Maoists, building of roads and railways towards Indian borders for strategic reason as well as for economic reason, list is too long. But given the choice almost everyone will take Pakistan as more serious threat even if they don't agree
The huba huba is about what certain indians want us to believe:

China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat | NDTV.com

Thank god that military decision are not taken by general population, if that would have been the case than i don't know how many times Pakistan would have been attacked by India since every major terrorist attack makes people here want to take revenge against our neighboring country. Mate, believe me if everything was about what the people think in India than 26/11 was enough a reason to rage war against Pakistan & i bet international support would have been with us, but our military & political top brass takes every decision carefully by assessing it's every pros & cons.

It doesn't matter where the planes of IAF are deployed or on which border majority of IA personnel are placed. The important thing is that it's well within the Indian territory & India can place it's troops wherever it wants till they remain on Indian soil. Do you think that su-30mki deployed on Western front are only for challenges posed to country by Pakistan?? No, a su-30 with range of 3000+ km (without refueling) can easily be deployed for a contingency against China as well. Our Armed forces may have assessed every eventuality that India can be faced with & thus they plan accordingly. Whom they think is a bigger threat to India is a question, i guess, should be left to the military of India as they are capable enough to neutralize any threat.

Even than if u want the answer of your question that which is bigger threat to India, than i have some figures for u:

India independent since 1947 (65 years)

Wars with Pakistan - 1948, 1965, 1971 & 1999 (each time India was the defender).

Wars with China - 1962 (not a full scale war but a border skirmish).

+ many terrorist attacks having it's roots in Pakistan.

So how can India ever take Pakistan lightly even if China can pose a great future threat??
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