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IAF caught napping, Pakistan now operates more AWACS Aircraft than India

aren't Su-30 mki mini AEW&C as per the vedic science and technology pamphlet's? so all makhi Su-30 are AEW&C aircraft?

India got its behind kicked by Pakistan in Feb 27 this year. So they resort to fantasies to feel better. It’s a security blanket for Indians. Just like a 3 year old child need his blanket.

Buit India has a lots of MINI AWACS in the shape and form of SU30's----hehn---:what:---no---!!!!

You mean same SU30 which was mounted by SD10A :lol:. They kept the SU30s at a distance during entire episode mainly due to several lock ons by JF17 and F16. Massive RCS of SU30s does them no favour against BVR.
Indian Awacs in Action
India in reality actually needs at least 24 AWACS. 4 in one shift should be covering Pakistan all the time and 4 in one shift should be covering China.
Some.more bcz few of them wud be under maintainance cycle
Indians were v.v.v. successful in their operation!! They took out 1 PAF AEW&C permanently and took 2 out of action for a long long time and it was a ZERO cost to them. How can you think they failed ?!!!!!!!!

Do you understand how much in $ this has cost Pakistan, let alone capability?

AND, they managed to take out 2 x P3C Orions !!!!!! Once again at ZERO cost to themselves.

BOTH of these count as the most successful RAW organised operations in Pakistan !!!!!!

Pakistan come out very well and India lost her advantage. So where India is standing now that is matter.
Well TBH The Indian Beriev A-50 with Elta 2090 AESA Radar is one of the best AWACS systems in the world. It should not be underestimated at any cost and is much more capable then our SAAB Erieye or ZDK-3.
It was the superb execution of PAF Strike Plan with Surgical Precision and Severe underestimation on Indian Behalf regarding Pakistani Capabilities that made our day and Indian Humiliation.
We should not underestimate our enemy let our guard down due to 27 Feb victory. They are still more advanced and capable then us. Dont rely on their stupidity every day i mean.
We should push for KJ-2000/3000 Series in future to match A-50 Capabilities.


SAAB has quietly delivered without much fanfare three more Saab 2000 Erieye Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) in April to Pakistani Airforce, which comes after crucial dogfight episode with Indian Airforce in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Indian Kashmir, where both sides were actively using AWACS Aircraft to monitor airspace intrusion and also guide fighter formations.

Pakistan Air force operated 4 Saab 2000 Erieye AEW&C along with one Saab 2000 in VIP configuration, One Erieye AEW&C aircraft was lost In an attack on Kamra airbase and two more were damaged but were repaired and put back into service. Down to three aircraft, PAF decided to procure 3 more Saab 2000 aircraft from former airline operators, later upgraded with Erieye radar system, which now takes the total strength of Saab 2000 Erieye AEW&C to Six.

PAF also operates four Chinese made Shaanxi ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) which makes total strength of its AWACS Aircraft fleet to 10, which is much bigger than AWACS fleet of aircraft operated by IAF which stands at only four. IAF operates 3 Beriev A-50EI Phalcon AWACS along with One DRDO developed Netra AEW&CS.

IAF will be adding one more NETRA AEW&CS to its fleet soon but it is unclear if the third NETRA AEW&CS which will be used as a Testbed for bigger AWACS India program will ever join the fleet, since DRDO has been indicating that the third aircraft will be kept by DRDO for further testing or will be sold to friendly country in near future. IAF plans to procure two more Beriev A-50EI Phalcon AWACS from Russia and Israel has been stuck at the price negotiation stage.

Under ” AWACS India”, IAF plans to procure Six DRDO designed Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) Radar system mounted on A330 platform but the deal is yet to be concluded and with further delays expected, IAF AWACS fleet of aircraft is unlikely to grow at a much faster rate than expected in the region. IAF by 2025 plans to induct one NETRA AEW&CS along with Two Beriev A-50EI Phalcon AWACS which will still mean IAF will have combined AWACS fleet of only 7 aircraft when compared to 10 which will be in operational service of PAF.

IAF due to the larger size of its fighter fleet will require a minimum of 20 AWACS fleet of aircraft to fight a full-fledged two-front war with China and Pakistan, but the slow pace of decision making in Government of India and also IAF’s obsession with early-warning radar systems mounted on heavy-lift aircraft over mini-AWACS like NETRA, makes its AWACS fleet highly vulnerable against combined fleet of 40 AWACS fleet which both China and Pakistan operate at present.

Congratulation to Pakistan.
India in reality actually needs at least 24 AWACS. 4 in one shift should be covering Pakistan all the time and 4 in one shift should be covering China.
Why don't you apply for the replacement of Ajit Doval?
Well TBH The Indian Beriev A-50 with Elta 2090 AESA Radar is one of the best AWACS systems in the world. It should not be underestimated at any cost and is much more capable then our SAAB Erieye or ZDK-3.
It was the superb execution of PAF Strike Plan with Surgical Precision and Severe underestimation on Indian Behalf regarding Pakistani Capabilities that made our day and Indian Humiliation.
We should not underestimate our enemy let our guard down due to 27 Feb victory. They are still more advanced and capable then us. Dont rely on their stupidity every day i mean.
We should push for KJ-2000/3000 Series in future to match A-50 Capabilities.
Comon guys...what has happened to general IQ of people? Where were all these AWACS and super capabilities on 26th Feb? First of all, i agree with OP that we need more AWACS, given we have much larger airspace to protect...but lets not forget that IAF strike package was not even intercepted by PAF on 26th.....so there are gaps, to exploit!!
Comon guys...what has happened to general IQ of people? Where were all these AWACS and super capabilities on 26th Feb? First of all, i agree with OP that we need more AWACS, given we have much larger airspace to protect...but lets not forget that IAF strike package was not even intercepted by PAF on 26th.....so there are gaps, to exploit!!

The kind of performance IAF has given in those 48 hours, you guys should actually thanks us that your "strike package" was not intercepted :lol:

Anyways as per ISPR, PAF did intercept your strike package and forced it run back releasing its payload in haste and thus resulting in failure of its actual mission.
Well that mini AWACS couldn't do shit when it went down in flames go figure.
That's mere wishful thinking...however the same mini awacs defeated lot of AMRAAM's fired at it...ever wondered why a dog fight b/w F-16 and Mig-21 even took place? May be you need to figure out some things, no??
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