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I Tried Joining the French Foreign Legion

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The fact that the French and British continue to hold colonies, lands or islands that are thousands of miles or kilometers away from them rubbish our Bengal argument... that Bengal was too far away and divided by India which caused the break up of our country. We mistreated them and refused to allow them to form their own government which resulted in the crisis.

Our refusal to provide Bengalis with enough space and equal rights was the problem. Otherwise how does France continue to rule Reunion and Mayotte. The population of both these islands is not French rather arabs and persians. I think we need a more critical approach and condemnation of our policy in Bengal amongst ourselves. We would be 35 crore muslims in one country, the largest muslim state ever had we managed to treat our people equally, and not give excuses for our failure.

Not at all my friend. Your comparing apples with oranges. Besides the fact that we just are about holding togather a federation of four contigous provinces you overlook one vital aspect of this and its simple maths.

Do you know what the the size of Le Reunion? It is a tiny speck. Do you know what the population of Le Reunion is ? 800 thousand probably slightly more than Jhelum town.

That is like you holding a little new born baby in your hands. Bangladesh had more people then West Pakistan. That would be like you holding a adult bigger than yourself.

As regards British they have Gibralter - population 50 thousand less than Chakvwal and even smaller or Falklands population 3 thousand smaller then a village in Punjab. The big colonies broke away long time ago.

The only way Bengal could have stayed with Pakistan is if. We had said okay your bigger than us. So here is the key now you run the place. capital moved to Dhaka, army, navy airforce hq moved to Bengal, all govrnment departments moved to Bengal and then 60% of military recruited in Bengal.

If this happened trust me it would be us saying we want azadi from Dhaka.
French foreign Legion is chance for those who have FAILED in their Lives but only if they SURVIVE their Five Years there. The way they treat their recruit is like all of them are EXPENDABLES and Arms and Weapons Assigned to them are more IMPORTANT then Their Lives that is why many deserted them within Five Years of Service they require. Though its notorious but FFL is not a bad thing at all because it Creates a Soldier out of Ordinary person.
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