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I am getting tired of this...

F86 Saber

Feb 17, 2010
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As a nation, at the slightest sign of trouble, we go calling for the head of the Government, be it People’s Party, Muslim League and…..well I just realized only these two have been playing musical chairs at the helm of the Pakistani administration for the past god knows how many years in cahoots with the JJON (Jera jittay oday naal: siding with the winners) parties like MQM and ANP. The trend of our common man has always been, we vote for them, we elect them, we curse them and then we vote for them again. For the last 63 years, the politicians have justified their inabilities by giving excuses such as “The mess was created by the previous Govt.”, “We didn’t get enough time to sort out the wrongs”,” We didn’t have the mandate”, the popular “Jo ho raha hai Amrika kerwa raha hai” (It’s all America’s fault) and lately it has been “It is the Army’s fault”. The irony is that our poor, innocent (Awam) have accepted these lame excuses time and time again and at every elections voted for the same liars with renewed zeal and enthusiasm that THIS time they will come good.
I ask the people who are actually living in Pakistan and not looking from the outside shaking their heads on how bad is the situation is in Pakistan, did you vote? If yes than for whom? For one of the two musical chair contestants? Why? If you didn’t vote then why you wasted your vote? Why didn’t you vote for change? But the question here is, who will bring about the change? Who is the right person to vote?
Now for the ones cursing the Army for all that is wrong with Pakistan…..
I am amazed at the number of people right here at these forums who have termed the army as “Useless” in stopping the US drone attacks and would like to ask them this question. Tell me, you have 8 children, you are earning 3000 rupees per month, you have a neighbor who give you 20,000 rupees per month to help you survive but is having problems of varmints that originate from the in your house and infest his. Now if your neighbor asks you to spray your house, gives you the money to do it on top of the Rs. 20,000 per month he is giving as help to you, he would expect you to solve the problem of varmints completely. And if he feels that you are not taking adequate measures to control the pest problem and his home is still being infested he will feel he has the right to send his own exterminator inside your house to take care of the problem. If you feel your “Sovereignty” is being threatened, than you should first stop taking his money and instead grow your own resources, stop useless spending and wastage and take care of the varmint problem inside your house properly.
The army is unable to take down the drones because that will enrage the owners of the drones whose aid is essential to run our economy/fill the pockets of our politicians.
This goes out to each and every common Pakistani whether a manual labor or a mill owner, If you are so concerned about our “Sovereignty”, stop voting for the same people over and over again, start paying taxes, stop stealing electricity, start paying your employees better, stop the frauds and petty crimes no matter how small, bring about change. The honest people who have been hiding should come out and should be supported. And only after we have corrected ourselves, we can worry about the drone attacks.
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