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HY-6. China's first domestically developed aerial refueling tanker.

Thank God you are no General. Why would China cause fatigue to its pilots by launching strikes from 4500 km away when it can do the same from some hundred km away ? Launching from that far makes sense only when all of the forward bases are destroyed and China have no other option but to use the far flung bases.

Stop humiliating yourself. I have seen this comment alone some 4 times now on multiple threads.
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Thank God you are no General. Why would China cause fatigue to its pilots by launching strikes from 4500 km away when it can do the same from some hundred km away ? Launching from that far makes sense only when all of the forward bases are distributed and China have no other option but to use the far flung bases.

Stop humiliating yourself. I have seen this comment alone some 4 times now on multiple threads.

Airbases near Taiwan can be bombed by Taiwanese F-16 and ballistic missiles. Kashgar airbase is out of range of Taiwanese F-16 and ballistic missiles.
Airbases near Taiwan can be bombed by Taiwanese F-16 and ballistic missiles. Kashgar airbase is out of range of Taiwanese F-16 and ballistic missiles.

Is taiwan bound to only attack an airbase from where the strikes operated?? What kind of stupid mentality is that?
Who unbanned this moron again?? He was first a russian fanboy, posting all that nonsense and now he turned into a chinese fanboy.
Please stop embarrassing yourself.

Okay? Then what idea do you have Taiwan can strike Kashgar airbase? If they can't, they are toast. You agree, humbre? Even if Taiwanese F-16 go on suicide one way mission, they still don't have enough fuel to reach Kashgar airbase. F-16 maximum ferry range is less than 4,300 km. Kashgar airbase is more than 4,500 km from Taiwan.
Shut your @ss up before I slap you across the face with your propaganda

@krash @waz

insulting other members is against forum rules
Is taiwan bound to only attack an airbase from where the strikes operated??

Well, let's see them fly F-16 over mainland. They'd be having a hard time with all those J-20 around.
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Kashgar airbase? If they can't, they are toast. You agree, humbre? Even if Taiwanese F-16 go on suicide one way mission, they still don't have enough fuel to reach Kashgar airbase. F-16 maximum ferry range is less than 4,300 km. Kashgar airbase is more than 4,500 km from Taiwan

Taiwan got what ? 113 F-16 ? China have dozens of airbases, all covered under protection from layers of air defence systems. Your statement assume that Taiwan will be successfull in destroying all of the Chinese airbases and hence China will have no other option but to use kashghar bases. To that I say shutup. Because if you think so, you are done. You should surrender yourself to local mental health unit in your county.
Taiwan got what ? 113 F-16 ? China have dozens of airbases, all covered under protection from layers of air defence systems. Your statement assume that Taiwan will be successfull in destroying all of the Chinese airbases and hence China will have no other option but to use kashghar bases. To that I say shutup. Because if you think so, you are done. You should surrender yourself to local mental health unit in your county.

J-20, J-16, J-10C will be tasked with air defense. This maximizes Chinese air defense over the mainland. The only airbase China uses to strike Taiwan is Kashgar airbase. H-6 bombers at Kashgar airbase have enough range to strike Taiwan with aerial refueling and CJ-10 cruise missiles. On the other hand, without aerial refueling and cruise missiles Taiwanese F-16 do not have range to strike Kashgar airbase. Even if Taiwanese F-16 goes on kamikaze mission, it still don't have enough fuel to strike Kashgar airbase without aerial refueling.

J-20, J-16, J-10C will be tasked with air defense. The only airbase China uses to strike Taiwan is Kashgar airbase. H-6 bombers at Kashgar airbase have enough range to strike Taiwan with aerial refueling and CJ-10 cruise missiles. On the other hand, without aerial refueling and cruise missiles Taiwanese F-16 do not have range to strike Kashgar airbase. Even if Taiwanese F-16 goes on kamikaze mission, it still don't have enough fuel to strike Kashgar airbase without aerial refueling.

On a second thought, you are right. It's already 9:30 PM here and I am in no position to argue.
On a second thought, you are right. It's already 9:30 PM here and I am in no position to argue.

J-20, J-16, J-10C will be tasked with air defense. This maximizes Chinese air defense over the mainland. China can use other airbases to strike Taiwan, but they won't in order to maximize air defense over mainland. The only airbase China uses to strike Taiwan is Kashgar airbase. H-6 bombers at Kashgar airbase have enough range to strike Taiwan with aerial refueling and CJ-10 cruise missiles. On the other hand, without aerial refueling and cruise missiles Taiwanese F-16 do not have range to strike Kashgar airbase. Even if Taiwanese F-16 goes on kamikaze mission, it still don't have enough fuel to strike Kashgar airbase without aerial refueling.

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China will do airstrikes on Taiwan from airbases in Kashgar?


The airbase is actually 4530 KM wouldn't the extra 30 KM cause huge logistical issues for China? Just saying...
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