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Hunter takes out a deer at 890 yards

I know what trophy hunting is my friend, my point was all hunting is same. Some take head as trophy and some take meat as trophy

I kill a chicken or goat or a cow to eat because their are raised for it
but i will not kill any other animal even if the animal is halal

How is meat trophy? are you playing semantics now?

And since you know what trophy hunting is then you would know it impacts some of the rarest animals that are close to extinction, did you not read the reports i attached.

You asked is there a difference between ordinary hunting and trophy hunting, yes there is. For example if you are British you can defend fox hunting as vermin control, same to badger hunting and ratting. In parts of Africa, killing wild bore is not considering hunting but culling/vermin control because they damage the few available crops.

With the exception of organised hunts, the people who take part in the above mentioned do not take trophies hope.

Furthermore you will not kill any other animal be it halal or haram because that is how you have been conditioned. If you were accustom to hunting for meat then you would think differently, trophy hunting is for the thrill and the bragging rights that come with the claim of the trophy, hunting for sustenance is another matter entirely.
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