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Humiliation of Indian Troops bodies in Kashmir

This is how the Indian Army treat their dead soldiers. worse than the mad dog. These Indian are dreaming to fight with us...
we must not make fun of dead people they sacrificed their life for their country according to geneva convention
we must not make fun of dead people they sacrificed their life for their country according to geneva convention

You are right we shouldn't make fun of dead bodies, but at the same time most of these RSS troopers engage in killing and raping women and young Kashmiri kids for no reason.
we must not make fun of dead people they sacrificed their life for their country according to geneva convention

So this is allowed under the Geneva convention?

They are terrorist who follow no laws.
Then you have not read a lot of Indian history.
It's all shameful.

The Indians I have met abroad are very passive, they cant look into your eyes. They are afraid if you talk about Kashmir or treatment of minorities in India, next thing they say is "its all politics" etc etc
The Indians I have met abroad are very passive, they cant look into your eyes. They are afraid if you talk about Kashmir or treatment of minorities in India, next thing they say is "its all politics" etc etc

Indians will only ever confront you if its 10 of them and 1 of you.

One on one, they are very very passive.
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