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Human Rights Watch urges Pak Govt. to protect minority Shia Muslims

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Human Rights Watch urges Pak Govt. to protect minority Shia Muslims | TopNews

New York, Sep. 6 : The Pakistani government should urgently act to protect the minority Shia Muslim community in Pakistan from sectarian attacks by Sunni militant groups, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should hold accountable those responsible for ordering and participating in deadly attacks targeting Shia.

While sectarian violence is a longstanding problem in Pakistan, attacks against ordinary Shia have increased dramatically in recent years, Human Rights Watch said. In 2012, at least 320 members of the Shia population have been killed in targeted attacks. Over 100 have been killed in Balochistan province, the majority from the Hazara community.

"Deadly attacks on Shia communities across Pakistan are escalating," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The government's persistent failure to apprehend attackers or prosecute the extremist groups organizing the attacks suggests that it is indifferent to this carnage."

In the most recent violence, in two separate attacks on September 1, 2012, gunmen attacked and killed eight Hazara Shia in Quetta, Balochistan's capital. In the first attack, witnesses told Human Rights Watch that four armed men riding on two motorbikes shot dead five Hazaras at a bus stop in the Hazar Ganji area of the city. The victims, all vegetable sellers, were returning from the vegetable market. Within two hours of the attack, gunmen riding a motorbike attacked a nearby bus stop, killing two people from the Hazara community. An eighth victim, also a Hazara Shia, died in the hospital on September 2.

On August 30, gunmen riding a motorbike shot dead Zulfiqar Naqvi, a Shia judge, his driver, Essa Khan, and a police bodyguard, Abdul Shakoor, as Naqvi headed to work in Quetta.

On August 16, four buses passing through the Babusar Top area of Mansehra district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly the North-West Frontier Province) were ambushed by gunmen who made all the passengers disembark.

The attackers checked the national identity cards of each passenger and summarily executed 22 passengers identified as belonging to the Shia community. A spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the killings.

Similar attacks targeting the Shia population have taken place repeatedly over the last year in Balochistan, the port city of Karachi, predominantly Shia populated areas of Gilgit Baltistan in the northern areas, and in Pakistan's tribal areas, Human Rights Watch said.

Sunni militant groups such as the ostensibly banned Lashkar-e Jhangvi have operated with widespread impunity across Pakistan while law enforcement officials have effectively turned a blind eye on attacks against Shia communities.

Some Sunni extremist groups are known to be allies of the Pakistani military, its intelligence agencies, and affiliated paramilitaries, such as the Frontier Corps, Human Rights Watch said.

While authorities claim to have arrested dozens of suspects in attacks against Shia since 2008, only a handful have been charged, and no one has been held accountable for these attacks. The August 31 arrest of Malik Ishaq, the leader of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, in Lahore in a case filed against him for inciting violence against the Shia community on August 9 is an important development, coming after repeated failed attempts to bring him to justice, Human Rights Watch said.

Despite being the accused in some 44 cases, involving the killing of some 70 people, mostly from the Shia community, Ishaq has previously been acquitted by Pakistani courts in 34 cases and granted bail in the other 10.

The government recently detained him under provisions of the Maintenance of Public Order Act as it deemed him to be a threat to public security. A review board of the Lahore High Court ordered his release in January 2012 on the grounds that Ishaq's continued detention was unjustified because he had been granted bail in all cases pending against him.

"The arrest of Malik Ishaq, who has been implicated in dozens of killings, is an important test for Pakistan's criminal justice system," Adams said. "Sectarian violence won't end until those responsible are brought to trial and justice."

Human Rights Watch urged Pakistan's federal government and relevant provincial governments to make all possible efforts to promptly apprehend and prosecute those responsible for recent attacks and other crimes targeting the Shia population.

The government should direct civilian agencies and the military responsible for security to actively protect those facing attack from extremist groups, and to address the growing perception, particularly in Balochistan and Pakistan's tribal areas, that state authorities look the other way when Shia are attacked.

It should increase the number of security personnel in Shia majority areas and enclaves at high risk of attack, particularly the Hazara community in Quetta. The government should also actively investigate allegations of collusion between Sunni militant groups and military intelligence and paramilitary forces and hold accountable personnel found to be involved in criminal acts.

"Pakistan's government cannot play the role of unconcerned bystander as the Shia across Pakistan are slaughtered," Adams said. "Pakistan's political leaders, law enforcement agencies, judiciary, and military need to take this as seriously as they take other security threats to the state." (ANI)
Please somebody save these innocent Shia Muslims in Pakistan. i.e. Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :cry:
why only shia,what about other minorities which is almost finished...

OOO ya shia is also muslim where as other minorities are not...
Human Rights Watch urges Pak Govt. to protect minority Shia Muslims | TopNews

New York, Sep. 6 : The Pakistani government should urgently act to protect the minority Shia Muslim community in Pakistan from sectarian attacks by Sunni militant groups, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should hold accountable those responsible for ordering and participating in deadly attacks targeting Shia.

While sectarian violence is a longstanding problem in Pakistan, attacks against ordinary Shia have increased dramatically in recent years, Human Rights Watch said. In 2012, at least 320 members of the Shia population have been killed in targeted attacks. Over 100 have been killed in Balochistan province, the majority from the Hazara community.

"Deadly attacks on Shia communities across Pakistan are escalating," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The government's persistent failure to apprehend attackers or prosecute the extremist groups organizing the attacks suggests that it is indifferent to this carnage."

In the most recent violence, in two separate attacks on September 1, 2012, gunmen attacked and killed eight Hazara Shia in Quetta, Balochistan's capital. In the first attack, witnesses told Human Rights Watch that four armed men riding on two motorbikes shot dead five Hazaras at a bus stop in the Hazar Ganji area of the city. The victims, all vegetable sellers, were returning from the vegetable market. Within two hours of the attack, gunmen riding a motorbike attacked a nearby bus stop, killing two people from the Hazara community. An eighth victim, also a Hazara Shia, died in the hospital on September 2.

On August 30, gunmen riding a motorbike shot dead Zulfiqar Naqvi, a Shia judge, his driver, Essa Khan, and a police bodyguard, Abdul Shakoor, as Naqvi headed to work in Quetta.

On August 16, four buses passing through the Babusar Top area of Mansehra district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly the North-West Frontier Province) were ambushed by gunmen who made all the passengers disembark.

The attackers checked the national identity cards of each passenger and summarily executed 22 passengers identified as belonging to the Shia community. A spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the killings.

Similar attacks targeting the Shia population have taken place repeatedly over the last year in Balochistan, the port city of Karachi, predominantly Shia populated areas of Gilgit Baltistan in the northern areas, and in Pakistan's tribal areas, Human Rights Watch said.

Sunni militant groups such as the ostensibly banned Lashkar-e Jhangvi have operated with widespread impunity across Pakistan while law enforcement officials have effectively turned a blind eye on attacks against Shia communities.

Some Sunni extremist groups are known to be allies of the Pakistani military, its intelligence agencies, and affiliated paramilitaries, such as the Frontier Corps, Human Rights Watch said.

While authorities claim to have arrested dozens of suspects in attacks against Shia since 2008, only a handful have been charged, and no one has been held accountable for these attacks. The August 31 arrest of Malik Ishaq, the leader of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, in Lahore in a case filed against him for inciting violence against the Shia community on August 9 is an important development, coming after repeated failed attempts to bring him to justice, Human Rights Watch said.

Despite being the accused in some 44 cases, involving the killing of some 70 people, mostly from the Shia community, Ishaq has previously been acquitted by Pakistani courts in 34 cases and granted bail in the other 10.

The government recently detained him under provisions of the Maintenance of Public Order Act as it deemed him to be a threat to public security. A review board of the Lahore High Court ordered his release in January 2012 on the grounds that Ishaq's continued detention was unjustified because he had been granted bail in all cases pending against him.

"The arrest of Malik Ishaq, who has been implicated in dozens of killings, is an important test for Pakistan's criminal justice system," Adams said. "Sectarian violence won't end until those responsible are brought to trial and justice."

Human Rights Watch urged Pakistan's federal government and relevant provincial governments to make all possible efforts to promptly apprehend and prosecute those responsible for recent attacks and other crimes targeting the Shia population.

The government should direct civilian agencies and the military responsible for security to actively protect those facing attack from extremist groups, and to address the growing perception, particularly in Balochistan and Pakistan's tribal areas, that state authorities look the other way when Shia are attacked.

It should increase the number of security personnel in Shia majority areas and enclaves at high risk of attack, particularly the Hazara community in Quetta. The government should also actively investigate allegations of collusion between Sunni militant groups and military intelligence and paramilitary forces and hold accountable personnel found to be involved in criminal acts.

"Pakistan's government cannot play the role of unconcerned bystander as the Shia across Pakistan are slaughtered," Adams said. "Pakistan's political leaders, law enforcement agencies, judiciary, and military need to take this as seriously as they take other security threats to the state." (ANI)

This is being carried out by some other power and making it worse is our channels to deepen the problems of Pakistan which we think are going to get ok in future.
98% shias living peacefully here and have no problems.. i hate this type of propoganda.Much fakeness to creat problems
98% shias living peacefully here and have no problems.. i hate this type of propoganda.Much fakeness to creat problems

I think we should stop the Media from exploiting the situation and look towards those problems like Planning of water and severage and electricity, gas and housing issues in Pakistan especially in Punjab.
Shia board slams Pak for attack onminorities in Pakistan

LUCKNOW: The All India Shia Personal Law Board has condemned attacks on Shia Muslims, Hindus and Sikh natives in Pakistan. Addressing reporters, spokesperson of AISPLB, Maulana Yasoob Abbas said that Pakistan had anti-Islamic polices, which are responsible for atrocities on Hindu and Sikh communities in the country.

"We condemn the series of bomb blasts took place in the cities of Pakistan targeting Muharram processions carried out by Shias and ongoing atrocities on Hindus and Sikhs," Yasoob told TOI. He announced that the AISPLB would carry out a massive protest in the state capital against killings on December 17. "Rally will be carried out from Nakkhas towards Vidhan Sabha against the anti-Shia and minorities policy of Pakistan. We have invited number of organisations and clerics to join the protest," he shared.

Yasoob alleged that though the government of Pakistan claims to provide better protection and security to the minorities there, but all those are false claims, which can be assessed through the figures of killings taken place in past some years. "Pak government should improve the security scenario in the country and should wipe of the terrorist organisations, which were stained with the blood of innocent lives," he added
Why are these rascals crying like a ****??
Why they interfere in matters which they don't know??
Don't they notice what they do in their country with christians??
do they forget golden temple incidiance??babri mosque??samghotta express??
and by the way for your info no muslim is involved in such an act and if anyone get involved then according to Islams teaching they should be punished.....and outta islam....
It's a faqe propogenda....
atleast in southern punkab i hadnot heard or seen anything lik that.......
the destablization is being created in country and then they thereself make a minor problem look like huge one....
now wtf is that?? shia minority??
they r just trying to divide muslims......:argh:
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