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Human Rights Enforcement- UNO’s Inability by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Human Rights day has been celebrated world over on 10 December, 2011. The International Human Rights Day in Indian occupied Kashmir, with rights bodies and activists demanding an end to violations. In this connection, the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) submitted a fresh list of 132 cases of disappeared persons to the State Human Rights Commission on the day. According to “The Hindu” daily, during 2011, the activism on the eve of International Human Rights Day was more visible than last few years, and apart from Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chief Yasin Malik, members of the APDP, an Independent MLA and both factions of the separatist Hurriyat Conference organised protests and programmes. However, no official programme was organised to mark the day. The first protest was led by Independent MLA from Langate S.A. Rashid, who alleged that dogs were more secure and enjoyed more rights in Kashmir than humans. He urged all international and Indian civil society groups to “open their eyes and put pressure on India to stop the human rights violations by its forces in Jammu and Kashmir.” “How long the people, politicians and civil societies of India will remain mum on the ongoing human rights violation in the Valley?” he said.

Another report titled - “Human Rights in India: An Overview” - was compiled by the Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR), an Indian coalition of human rights organizations and independent experts. The report received through email is reproducing for my readers’ consumptions. The report enlists alleged violations like arbitrary arrests and extra judicial killings by security forces in the disturbed areas of India and an eye opener for the UNO and humanity.

The UN Human Rights Council examines the human rights records of all its member states every four years. Working group members say over the period of four years there is an increase in the use of draconian laws in areas such as Indian-controlled Kashmir as well as in the country's north-east.

The report has taken a serious note of around 789 extra-judicial executions in the north-eastern Manipur state between 2007 and 2010, as well as the discovery of about 2 700 unmarked graves in India-controlled Kashmir this year.

The report submitted to United Nations says the violations are overlooked and even condoned in India and the legal framework and practice have entrenched the culture of impunity which has resulted into people losing faith over the systems of justice and governance. Human rights activists say India's national human rights commission usually defends government agencies and is not empowered to investigate violations by the army.

India has often been accused of human rights violations in some of its areas, however it denies all the accusations, saying it investigates all the cases from time to time and punishes those found guilty. According to NGOs, Indian-controlled Kashmir has the most disturbing records compared to rest of India in terms of human rights violations. Kashmir has been a major cause of rift between India and Pakistan since the independence of both countries from British rule in 1947. Official records say over the past two decades of unrest in the troubled Himalayan region nearly 50000 people have died but rights groups put the figure twice the official ones.

The largest democratic country of the world India has population of 1,147,995,904 people which include Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1%. The narrated statistics show almost 19. 5 % population consists of minorities. As per survey of 2007 its 25% of population is living below poverty line. Majority of these people are from either part of minorities or belong to the lowest Hindu casts. She is overwhelmingly Hindu but officially a secular state. Muslims, Sikhs and Christian are struggling for their rights and bearing the brutality of Indian secular system since ages. In fact so called Indian secular state is having dual face and rights of the minorities are devastating ruthlessly. The Jewish and US leadership are extending full support to Indian government for thrashing out Kashmiries, Afghans , Iraqi , Iranian and other Islamic countries and Sikhs. In this connection, Israeli’s Chief of Army Staff has carried out visits of Kashmir many times. RAW, CIA and Mossad are cooperating with each other at regional and global level. These intelligence organizations are on their joint venture of destablizining the region and elimination of Muslim and Sikh nation. Washington always backed Tel Aviv on Palestinian issue and remained involve in elimination of Palestinian from their motherland. American and its allies are steadily killing many innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Palestine through heavy aerial bombardment and ground shelling in the name of war on terror. Their notorious intelligence agencies are also whole heartedly committed in planning and launching covert operations in Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka, Iran, Russia and Nepal. Extremist Hindu supported by government exploited the situation and started obliteration of Christian too from Secular India. A mighty Christian State US seems to be intentionally ignoring Indian cruelty against Christian Community due to their own interests.

India has dual face and bluffing the world on the name of secularism where as in reality crushing the minorities through disreputable Hindu parties like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Vishwa Hindu Parishad .The government of India is involved in state terrorism against Christian, Muslims and Sikhs just to decrease their numbers with a view to eliminate them from India slowly and gradually. The violence of Kashmir, Gujarat, Amritsar, Orissa and Bengal are the real examples of Indian brutality.

Thousands of Muslims including elders, women and children have been smashed away by Hindu extremists and the security forces all over the India since independence. In 2002 under the BJP ruled province (Gujarat) in a single communal riot, more than 2500 Muslims were massacred by the Hindu extremists. Gujarat administration has provided full help to Hindu nationalists. It is notable here that since 1989 Indian forces and intelligence agencies have murdered more than 100000 innocent Kashmiris. 6300 women have been raped in various overt and covert methods of state terrorism.

Sikhs nation is also being targeted since 1947. Indian security forces and its intelligence agencies found slaughtering Sikhs nation with a view to suppress their demands of Khlistan and reducing their overall population. The climax of Indian brutality was the Operation Blue Star conducted against Golden Temple from 4- 6 June 1984.

According to the Amenity International Report of May 28, 2008 more than 250,000 Sikhs have been eliminated / tortured by Indian governments since 14 years. The report further mentioned that there had been gross violations of human rights, including Nandigram, in west Bengal, Kashmir and other parts of the India.

Christian is the third largest community but being dealt and treated as third rate citizen of India. Extremists Hindu started victimizing Christians since couple of years since in their opinion Christian Missionaries are actively preaching Christianity in their society. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that more than 114 anti-Christian attacks have taken place in various parts of the state. Dr. Sajan K. George, President of the Christian council said that the worst hit is the people in Kandhamal district, where more than 400 churches, 500 houses and many Christian institutions have been demolished. Moreover the people have fled to jungles for safety. Again in mid September 2008 Hindu mobs clashed with police and attacked homes of Christians in eastern India, in a communal violence 22 people in the region have killed. The Italian government has condemned Indian government for failing to control anti Christian riots and summoned her ambassador to stress the need for “decisive preventative and repressive action” against the Hindu culprits. In short world community should force India to stop violation of human rights by liberating Kashmiries, Sikhs, Christians and Maoists. Moreover, UNO must play its role in enforcing human rights all over the world in general and Indian held Kashmir in particular.

The writer can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com

Global Issues and World Security - zameer36
"If I said once I say it 100 times dammit- it's got to make the world love them less"


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