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Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

Mate, Have seen him Rule 10 years in my state, he ensures that next time in elections the opposition win by 2/3rd majority :lol:

If that is the case , I will fully support congress in making him the PM candidate .............:D
If that is the case , I will fully support congress in making him the PM candidate .............:D

Wanted to add another thing - Not only he ensures that the opposition comes to power by 2/3rd majority but also makes sure that Congress have no chance of regaining the power for the next 20-30 years :D

This is a GEM of a statement which he said during his rule when people were fed-up of regular power cuts (4-6 hours a day in cities, 12 hours in villages):

"Urban people should get the TASTE of how people live in Villages" :enjoy:
hey guys can anybody explain what's the current status of NDA in south India especially kerala

No they dont ave any chance.Though Hindu's are unhappy with the current Christian-Muslim nexus government ,BJP is not in a position to exploit it
I would throw my hat in with BJP if I didn't feel they were too Hindu-centric. Now I might come across as ignorant but the thing is India is fundamentally a secular nation and it is not fair for a party (BJP) to come that only represents or cares about one section of soceity (Hindus). Do Sikhs,Chrisitans,Jews,Muslims etc not deserve a secular govt? When I hear all this talk of Hindu-nationalism wrt the BJP and the RSS it really makes me uneasy as the above minorities are as Indian as their hindu brothers,no? Would Sikhs for instance be seen in a poor light by the BJP/RSS?

I'll admit Indian politics is not my strong point and I am out of my comfort zone here really. If I am Ill informed then anyone please feel free to educate me.

That is actually not entirely true. May be 15-20 years ago but not anymore. BJP though seem to be more Hindu centric when compared to Congress its actually more secular. People with dubious motives and Congressis create perception that BJP or its leaders are Hindu fundametalists. This is not true. Most of the BJP leaders are quite moderate. And even Narendra Modi who is considered extreme in BJP is not pro Hindu. E.g. guess who is the biggest opposition of Narendra Modi in Gujrat. Its not congress. Its VHP/RSS. They openly campaigned against Modi in this elections. One reason why Keshubhai Patel formed a party was because he got the RSS backing.

The riot charge on him is totally blown out of proportion by vested interests. There have been so many riots under congress and and far far more people have died in those and they have been caught supporting them as well in much worse complicit state than Modi first in Delhi and then in Mumbai yet everyone has forgotten about them. We only see what media shows us and currently most of the media houses are pro Congress.
No they dont ave any chance.Though Hindu's are unhappy with the current Christian-Muslim nexus government ,BJP is not in a position to exploit it
Wrong....................BJP doesn,t have more than 6 % share in Kerala.................
BJP should not board on two boats,by two boats I mean they should ignore the middle path and instead go with fire brand Modi.Pseudo-secular faces will not win the mandate for BJP.If BJP has chance then radicalisation of saffron colour will help only. Let the radicalisation begin should be mantra for BJP from now onwards.

Sorry if they go that path they may not even cross hundred. This is no more 1992. No one is interested in going to war on Temple anymore. The judiciary is taking its course.

BJP needs to come out as a progressive and forward looking party that can fulfill peoples aspirations. They also need to show they are moderate. And personally I will be happy if they nominate Sushma Swaraj as PM candidate. She is one of the best speakers in the country, she is smart and she is the only one who can neutralize the effects of Sonia Gandhi esp on rural women. Modi should be told he will get Home/no. 2 position in the govt and asked to support Swaraj. This is the best possible scenario for BJP and India.

We desperately need to get rid of this Congress. I can't even image what will happen if the Rahul baba wins election and become PM.
No they dont ave any chance.Though Hindu's are unhappy with the current Christian-Muslim nexus government ,BJP is not in a position to exploit it

Since 90% of Kerala economy is controlled by the Christian-Muslim nexus Hindus vote for Communist to paralyze any economic exploitation.

Unless this economic nexus is broken, there is no hope for BJP in Kerala.
Since 90% of Kerala economy is controlled by the Christian-Muslim nexus Hindus vote for Communist to paralyze any economic exploitation.

Unless this economic nexus is broken, there is no hope for BJP in Kerala.

Best option for Kerala Hindu's is to vote for CPI (M) ,and ensure 2004 like result (19-1)
Since 90% of Kerala economy is controlled by the Christian-Muslim nexus Hindus vote for Communist to paralyze any economic exploitation.

Unless this economic nexus is broken, there is no hope for BJP in Kerala.
Can you give proof for bolded part.....................Rest of you post shows you illiteracy on Kerala Politics................BJP has no chance in Kerala, because Hindus of Kerala are the Most Secular............................

Best option for Kerala Hindu's is to vote for CPI (M) ,and ensure 2004 like result (19-1)

Now Don't say that only Hindus vote for CPM........................How come they win in Christian & Muslim dominated areas.........
Can you give proof for bolded part.....................Rest of you post shows you illiteracy on Kerala Politics................BJP has no chance in Kerala, because Hindus of Kerala are the Most Secular............................

Now Don't say that only Hindus vote for CPM........................How come they win in Christian & Muslim dominated areas.........

Almost all Hindus are secular in the true sense of the word (..not congress definition of secularism) and this has been proven by history of the last 2000 years.

I have provided details of Kerala economy earlier and dont wish to repeat my post. You can look it up.

any remote chance of BJP and commies joining hands over there

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