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how would you characterize HR abuse and deficiencies?


Mar 26, 2013
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How would you characterize it?

For example, Holocaust was a deliberate camp used for killing minorities and others. The Chinese cultural revolution work camps are there to work the prisoners. These things and policies are built with the intent of abusing a person and nothing else. They serve no other purpose.

What I think a deficiency is like the prison system, be it the abolished Chinese re education through labor or current world's prison system. There's abuses sure, there's things that shouldn't happen. But these things are not the intention nor the government's position or desire to happen.

Petty people abuse people when there are close to no checks on their power. But this is true either the abolished labor system, or any prison, be it American or Chinese.

This to me is a deficiency and not a act against humanity. People in there are genuine criminals. Of course, there are wrongly convicted, but which country can claim 100%?

Then there is torture. Places like Gutanamo or other prison camps by the Americans are there for torture, let's not kid ourselves, America's got enough prisons. But then there is talk of torture in Chinese prisons.

To me it is different, the American ones are there for exactly that purpose, to extract information, Chinese interrogations on the other hand may have hitting sometimes, but these are the act of individuals and not the intention of the state or people.

Just like American prosecutors and police that want the honour of solving a case so do Chinese. Americans do it too, maybe on a lesser scale? Maybe not.

The organ selling of Execution criminals is a problem, this I believe may count as an act against humanity, even though abuses sometimes happen due to the greed and not the intention, but selling of organs is not essential to the process like interrogation which must happen regardless of where, or prison systems for punishment and reform.

This is non essential and is just for cash and any problems associates with it must be seen as a crime for the nature of this practice.

This is decreasing due to new regulations and the imminent banning of such practices. But this is one of the things I do agree that must be brought to justice.

So what do people on this forum characterize abuses with deficiencies?
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