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How will India respond to civil war in Pakistan?

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India would be stupid to be anti State of Pakistan in this case. If the 'radical Islamists' win, their next target will 100% be India.
why would you say that what is the purpose of having nukes when you cannot use it. clearly they want pakistan to become next syria and think about it when the war on terror started did it every finished in iraq their are bomb going on every day just like pakistan if pakistan becomes syria they should take advantage of the fact that they are nuclear not on paper but in actual reality Just use them all up against every body, i have served in the army mos 15w uav operator i have flown shadow rq-7 and i know in war you use every thing you have to cause maximum damage in all aspect no matter what look at the death toll in afghanistan and iraq compared to us causalities look at the death toll in Vietnam compared to us You can buy the media and say that we lost but reality is the side that suffers more causality and equipment damage always looses no matter what the international non serving people say about what happened look at american civil war the south lost because of the causalities not because the north took over their land no south fought with north in northern lands

cool, anymore of your cool funky adventures? it sounded like one of episodes of dora the explorer :lol:
you also gotta look at the survive-ability factor even if pakistan gets nuked it is not the only muslim nation in the world but if india or israel gets destroyed they are the only one for their respective religion
Ḥashshāshīn;3978185 said:
India would be stupid to be anti State of Pakistan in this case. If the 'radical Islamists' win, their next target will 100% be India.

Most definite, India should give a very wide berth to Pakistan to sort it out. I hope the hawks think on those lines and avoid any meddling.
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