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How to tackle Pakistan's growing security challenges



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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Pakistan faces a number of security threats, both internal & external ones. Sometimes an amalgamation of both. The Pakistan security forces need to respond to these challenges better, but so far, only a lack of planning, strategy & farsightedness has been displayed.

Despite all of Pakistan ISI's ruthless efficiency highlighted in the local & international media, the ISI has not been living up to its reputation, in light of dealing with the rising challenges it faces. While it faces different types of terrorism (WOT militants [local & international], sectarian militants, separatists/insurgents) inside the country, it also faces the challenges of spillover from Afghanistan along its Western front. The drone strikes program further complicates matters. A US/Israel attack on Iran can further destabilize Balochistan, Pakistan; & make things a lot worse than they already are (unbelievable that things can get any worse, but they can). While destabilization can spill into Pakistan from other countries in the region, destabilization from Pakistan also has a chance of "spilling over" into other countries (into China, Iran, Afghanistan & India). That would a disaster to not only Pakistan, but the whole region. Very dangerous times indeed for the whole neighborhood, but especially for Pakistan, as the US actions in Afghanistan are only destabilizing Pakistan, with little reaction/response from the Pakistani side to counter the situation. It seems like the ISI is content to wait it out, although there are signs that Pakistan might become a nightmare for itself & the region before that.

While the ISI is facing all these challenges, it is also under pressure from the civilian government & the international community. The more time is spent trying to resolve these "issues", the more difficult it will be for the ISI to do its job properly to improve security. India has done a pretty good job arresting & clamping down on insurgents on its soil, its LEAs (unlike Pakistan's) have focused on their job without distractions from the central or provincial governments, they've spent lots of money to improve security, but most of all, they seem to have good strategy & planning on how to counter their challenges, although the challenges they face from their neighborhood are far less severe than what Pakistan has had to face. Pakistan needs to spend more time, money & resources on improving security inside the country, & develop better strategies to counter its growing security challenges.

While terrorism has decreased in Pakistan over the last few months, Pakistan still faces enormous security challenges both from within the country, & within the neighborhood. As long as the neighborhood is unstable, so is Pakistan. But a lack of strategic planning & farsightedness on the part of the ISI & Army has been horribly exposed.

The deradicalization strategy in Musharraf's time, that focused on revitalizing the youths who had become victims of extremism, & were under threat of falling under the realm of terrorism seems to be missing/failing badly. This again puts the vision & farsightedness of the ISI into question. Sectarianism, which has declined significantly over the years, seems to be on the rise, & spreading northwards into Gilgit-Baltistan & elsewhere. Sectarian outfits & their leaders get acquitted from the courts, roam around freely on the streets, giving speeches & not being accountable to law. While a local extremist group might not be a direct threat to the Pakistani administration (by not attacking them), they support and aid insurgents elements/groups that are a direct threat to the administration.

Pakistan is in a phase of war, & every country in a phase of war goes through turbulent times. This is the same case with Pakistan, where a myriad of internal problems are greatly exacerbated by a number of external factors from the neighborhood. Once these external factors are out of the picture, the internal problems will remain, but their resolution will not be as complex as it is now.
What the situation seems like is a bit of a 'stalemate': that the US is losing in Afghanistan, & Pakistan is not winning inside Pakistan either. And that the US & Pakistan are making things hard for each other, which is why there is such harsh criticism for the ISI from "leaked reports". However, we cannot say that the ISI is "winning" either just because there is fierce criticism against it. It is getting heavily criticized as it is not letting the US win in Afghanistan. And the US is not letting Pakistan win inside Pakistan, in one way or the other. While it is important for Pakistan to win the battle 'outside' the country in the neighborhood, it should not come at the expense of losing inside the country.
What the situation seems like is a bit of a 'stalemate': that the US is losing in Afghanistan, & Pakistan is not winning inside Pakistan either. And that the US & Pakistan are making things hard for each other, which is why there is such harsh criticism for the ISI from "leaked reports". However, we cannot say that the ISI is "winning" either just because there is fierce criticism against it. It is getting heavily criticized as it is not letting the US win in Afghanistan. And the US is not letting Pakistan win inside Pakistan, in one way or the other. A very dirty situation indeed.

Sorry sir to break the bubble.. however it's more like US reached an objective from so far away in a battle plan and Pakistan is losing a battle which they almost won from being so close. If there is some Indian Intelligence win (ffs they really needed one) then it got to be Afganistan and maybe it's because of the old ties and mutual respect it shared with it ... (Pathans are considered to be equal to Rajput's)... in the end Pathan's shared the same relationship with Pakistan since Pakistan was part of India or vie a versa... it all boils down to... who is actually more considerate... and I will be blunt but actually India is more considerate... sorry Pakistani bros... but ain't it true? I know we got a stupid govt like u and we all are maniacs but then there is something we are doing well and we do deserve a credit for a long lasting friendship.
Sorry sir to break the bubble.. however it's more like US reached an objective from so far away in a battle plan and Pakistan is losing a battle which they almost won from being so close. If there is some Indian Intelligence win (ffs they really needed one) then it got to be Afganistan and maybe it's because of the old ties and mutual respect it shared with it ... (Pathans are considered to be equal to Rajput's)... in the end Pathan's shared the same relationship with Pakistan since Pakistan was part of India or vie a versa... it all boils down to... who is actually more considerate... and I will be blunt but actually India is more considerate... sorry Pakistani bros... but ain't it true? I know we got a stupid govt like u and we all are maniacs but then there is something we are doing well and we do deserve a credit for a long lasting friendship.

I don't understand what you are saying. What objective has the US achieved? How has India 'won' in Afghanistan, when the Karzai government is under threat of getting toppled over any time? It seems to me like no nation (Pakistan, Afghanistan, US, India) has won, that everyone has canceled each other out. If there is any victor, it is the Taliban in Afghanistan (even though they've "taken hits").
Solving the all problems of insurgency through military or security agency like ISI is fundamentally flawed. In a democracy , only Political solutions can give enduring results.

Today Pakistan faces security threats from 'distant' regions like Baluchistan,NWFP, tribal agencies not from mainstream region like Punjab and Sindh. All what Pakistan needs to bring these 'distant' regions into 'mainstream' by providing political power share and extension of basic democratic rights. My 2 cents :D
The Pak-Afghan border has to be sealed. There are many enemies of Pakistan near the Pak-Afghan border.
tie up with india.Neither we will interfere nor will you.
90% problems will be solved
tie up with india.Neither we will interfere nor will you.
90% problems will be solved

india is the cause of the problems in Pakistan. Before India's presence in Afghanistan, Pakistan was a peaceful country.

India must be kicked out of Afghanistan. I hope Pakistan Army are working on a strategy. It is very important for Pakistan to see indians leave Afghanistan.
india is the cause of the problems in Pakistan. Before India's presence in Afghanistan, Pakistan was a peaceful country.

India must be kicked out of Afghanistan. I hope Pakistan Army are working on a strategy. It is very important for Pakistan to see indians leave Afghanistan.

your thinking is your problem.plz read my above post again.
I don't understand what you are saying. What objective has the US achieved? How has India 'won' in Afghanistan, when the Karzai government is under threat of getting toppled over any time? It seems to me like no nation (Pakistan, Afghanistan, US, India) has won, that everyone has canceled each other out. If there is any victor, it is the Taliban in Afghanistan (even though they've "taken hits").

Dear friend...military is not s solution to social,political and human issues..Even india is in the same stage where you belong to..
If any of the indian friends are thinking that India is able to win over internal strife then it is just delusion of our own nationalistic middle classy savy media who presents every thing to all of us...The need of the hour is not empowerment of security forces.
Rather empowerment of people and democratic systems..As long as this is not happening....Balochistan in Pak will be problem and same goes for Maoist insurgency in India...These are not at all military related issues....
Dear friend...military is not s solution to social,political and human issues..Even india is in the same stage where you belong to..
If any of the indian friends are thinking that India is able to win over internal strife then it is just delusion of our own nationalistic middle classy savy media who presents every thing to all of us...The need of the hour is not empowerment of security forces.
Rather empowerment of people and democratic systems..As long as this is not happening....Balochistan in Pak will be problem and same goes for Maoist insurgency in India...These are not at all military related issues....

It goes without saying that the civilian government has done a terrible terrible terrible (100x more times) job in terms of governance, but I am more interested of the performance of the security agencies for maintaining law and order in the country. While India faces a lot of security threats, they have successfully neutralized a lot more threats than Pakistan's security agencies have. The reason I attribute to this is, while India faces less external threat than Pakistan has, it faces less distractions from the civilian/provincial governments as well, it spends more resources/money on security, & has better strategy & farsightedness as compared to Pakistani security agencies too.
I would like the sensible members on this forum to discuss what they think of the performance of the ISI, & what it can do to counter the rising security challenges the country faces.
Close up the Afghan-Pak border. That's where all the Afghan illegals are coming from and causing trouble in this country. We should have a foreign policy like India has with Bangladeshi illegals, these Afghans are causing too much problems.
I would like the sensible members on this forum to discuss what they think of the performance of the ISI, & what it can do to counter the rising security challenges the country faces.

The situation in South Asia has long gone beyond the scope of something that can be handled by ISI or for that matter any spy agency. Either the leaders in India and Pakistan will decide to co exist peacefully, which means, Pakistan backing off the Kashmir issue and India granting a never before heard anatomy to J&K, or this war of attrition will go on for ever.. Or atleast till one of the 2 countries splinters and ceases to exist as it does today.

At this time, Pakistan seems to be bearing the brunt of this attrition war but you never know when things turn on their head.

So in short, the solution is not the performance of ISI or RAW or CIA, but the political will of the leaders of India and Pakistan to break out of this spiral of mutual animosity..
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