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How to Sink a U.S. Navy Carrier: China Turns to France For Ideas


Feb 25, 2014
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"The revelation that a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier group could be so vulnerable to a nuclear submarine did not make the mainstream media... However, the Chinese defense media does not miss much."

Early in 2015, a curious and disturbing report surfaced briefly and then disappeared—almost without a trace. The report, apparently published and then quickly retracted, had been posted by the French Ministry of Defense and concerned the successful operations of the French nuclear submarine Safir in an exercise pitting it against the U.S. Navy’s Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. The somewhat shocking content of the report—that the French submarine had succeeded in sinking “half the battle group” during the exercise—may explain its rapid purging from the internet. After all, close brothers in arms may demonstrate their tactical and operational prowess in a naval drill, but they should not gloat about that, and especially not in public, right?

The revelation that a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier group could be so vulnerable to a nuclear submarine did not make the mainstream media, and no mention was made by the many attentive defense analysts on this site, so it seems. However, the Chinese defense media does not miss much, especially concerning the capabilities of U.S. Navy carrier groups. In fact, a special issue of 兵工科技[Ordnance Industry Science and Technology] (2015, no. 8) covered this “event,” featuring an interview with Chinese Submarine Academy professor 迟国仓 [Chi Guocang] as its cover story under the title: “A Single Nuclear Submarine ‘Sinks’ Half of an Aircraft Carrier Battle Group.”

Prof. Chi makes clear that he understands that “演习无法与实战相比 [an exercise can hardly be compared to real combat] and that, moreover, he evaluates U.S. Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) to be a “highly efficient” and “harmonized” system comprised of multiple layers of defense for an aircraft carrier. Yet, he concludes in the interview that the French report “有比较大的可信度” [has a reasonably high degree of credibility] and this edition ofDragon Eye will examine his logic in this respect, attempting to gain insights into emergent Chinese views on the utility of nuclear submarines in modern naval warfare.

At the outset of the interview, Prof. Chi asserts that submarines are the “克星” [nemesis] of aircraft carriers. He explains that over the course of World War II, no less than seventeen aircraft carriers were sunk by submarines. With another nod to the U.S. Navy’s prowess, Prof. Chi points out that eight of those seventeen were put down by U.S. submarines. Yet the historical episode that comes up repeatedly in the interview is not from WWII, but rather the Falklands War. This short, but sharp conflict from the early 1980s seems to have had an outsized impact on Chinese naval development, yielding Beijing’s singular and relentless focus on anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) development. He demonstrates a very close study of that conflict, for example outlining the probable explanation for Argentine torpedo failures (complex and difficult hydrological conditions). He emphasizes the fact that the British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror was able to track its prey, the General Belgrano, in that conflict over the course of fifty hours without detection before administering the coup de grace, as an example of the prowess of modern nuclear submarines. Yet he acknowledges that Argentine Navy ASW could not be compared to U.S. Navy ASW, of course.

So, the Chinese interviewer then asks bluntly: How is it that the French Navy was able to penetrate the formidable American ASW screen around the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, allegedly “sinking” the big deck and some of its escorts too? Prof. Chi offers many hypotheses with respect to this question, but focuses in particular on the small displacement of the French submarine. He observes that the Rubis-class submarine is the world’s smallest nuclear submarine (2,670 tons submerged) and that could make it more difficult to detect. According to this Chinese expert’s analysis, the Los Angeles-class submarines protecting the aircraft carrier have about three times the displacement—placing them at a disadvantage, especially in a circumstance where both crews have a similar level of training proficiency. This is not the first time that Chinese submarine experts have admired France’s small displacement nuclear submarines, which they seem to think could be particularly well suited for the shallow waters of the Western Pacific. It is argued in this Chinese analysis, moreover, that the French submarine’s comparatively slow maximum speed (25 knots) seems hardly to be a major deficiency.

Prof. Chi makes note of the comparative weaknesses of diesel submarines. In a related point, he explains that very significant U.S. air ASW assets are quite reliant on radar detections of submarines on or near the ocean surface. Against nuclear submarines, therefore, he concludes that the air asset ASW search is “如‘大海捞针’一样难” [as difficult as fishing a needle from the vast ocean]. Other points made in this Chinese analysis include the observation that the larger the battle group, the easier it is to track this more conspicuous target at long distances. Prof. Chi also notes that the employment of ASW weaponry can inadvertently aid a submarine’s escape following an attack, because the weapons may significantly complicate the acoustic environment, thus hindering searches for the attacking submarine.

Another possible explanation for the skillful (simulated) attack of the Safirmight be the French commander’s capable use of naturally occurring complex hydro-acoustic conditions. Prof. Chi describes a long list of such conditions, including well known phenomena such as “convergence zones,” “sound speed gradients,” as well as the more mysterious “cold eddy” [冷涡] and “afternoon effect” [午后较应]. Likewise, the Chinese expert mentions that weather can be a major asset for a stalking submarine as it can significantly hinder the operations of surface and especially air ASW forces without significantly impacting undersea operations.

At the end of the interview, Prof. Chi is asked whether the Soviet nuclear submarine-centric model for naval development or the American aircraft carrier group-centric model is inherently superior. But the Chinese expert rejects the question as too simplistic. He says that Soviet Admiral Sergei Gorshkov wanted a “balanced fleet,” but Moscow’s efforts in the naval realm ultimately fell short of that aspiration. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy, Chi contends, did succeed in this endeavor, so that the Washington’s fleet has “作战实力和能力无人能比” [combat power and capabilities without any peer] across all domains of naval warfare. It is likely positive from a deterrence perspective that Chinese experts have such esteem for American naval prowess, of course, but the article also illustrates how Chinese military analysts are diligently probing for cracks in the U.S. Navy’s armor, as they seek to develop their own naval capabilities that likewise cause “有人敬畏,有人怕” [people to admire and people to fear].

How to Sink a U.S. Navy Carrier: China Turns to France For Ideas | The National Interest
If the report is true then the US navy will develop counter measures from new technologies to new tactics very soon.
It's better to concentrate on attacking in submarine warfare than detecting su marine warfare. Many incident or times has proved, even obsolete electric diesel submarine can penetrate advance ASW screen. If submarine goes on silent mode speed of 8-10knots. It is very difficult to detect anything.
The incident happened, Godman. In fact French Pilot posted the link to an article revealing
it on PDF himself, if in a prior incarnetion.
Maybe he should find that thread and add a link to it to his OP?

But you're right that such exercises between top allies ( there's one going on as we read and write
for top tier fighter planes acquisition chain in Virginia ) help us learn how to counter and defend an
that the lesson will be used for improvement.

Good day both, Tay.
It's better to concentrate on attacking in submarine warfare than detecting su marine warfare. Many incident or times has proved, even obsolete electric diesel submarine can penetrate advance ASW screen. If submarine goes on silent mode speed of 8-10knots. It is very difficult to detect anything.
Wrong, as usual. Before you can attack, you must FIRST detect.
30-Year Old French Sub Sinks US Carrier Group

30-Year Old French Sub Sinks US Carrier Group
(Source: compiled by Defense-Aerospace.com; published April 7, 2015)

PARIS --- The French Ministry of Defence has deleted from its website a news story relating how one of its nuclear-powered attack submarines, Saphir penetrated a US Navy carrier group and fictitiously “sank” the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt as well as several of its surface escorts (Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers).

The deletion was not acknowledged, and simply implemented by replacing the original story by an error page.


The original French navy report on the exercise was posted on March 4, 2015 (above) and deleted shortly afterwards; the link now points to an error page (below). Screen copies made on April 7.


The deletion was noted at the time by several blogs, but has only now come to our attention.

On March 6, the Russian television website RT also reported that “French delete evidence US carrier was 'sunk' by sub in drill” It reported that “A major vulnerability that allowed French submarine to “sink” aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and most of its escort during drills was apparently revealed by the French Navy and Defense Ministry in blogposts that were quickly wiped out.

“Both the French Defense Ministry and the Navy released and then quickly deleted a news post entitled “Le SNA Saphir en entraînement avec l’US Navy au large de la Floride” (“The SNA Sapphire in training with the US Navy off the coast of Florida”) that praised the 34-year-old French nuclear submarine’s success in “sinking” the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt along with best part of its escort.”

The original story, however, was copied by a French defense blog, and is still available here:

This is the relevant paragraph, in French, followed by our translation:

Dans une seconde phase, le Saphir, était intégré aux forces ennemies et avait pour mission de localiser le porte-avions Theodore Roosevelt ainsi que les autres bâtiments de la force navale amie et de se tenir prêt à l’attaque. La situation politique se dégradant de jour en jour, le Saphir s’est glissé discrètement au cœur de l’écran formé par les frégates américaines protégeant le porte-avions, tout en évitant la contre-détection des moyens aériens omniprésents. Au matin du dernier jour, l’ordre de feu était enfin donné, permettant au Saphir de couler fictivement le Theodore Roosevelt et la majeure partie de son escorte.


During the second phase, the Saphir was integrated with “enemy” forces, and its mission as to find the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt as well as the other ships of its task force, and to remain on standby to attack. As the political situation [of the exercise scenario] was worsening from day to day, Saphir covertly entered the screen of American frigates protecting the aircraft carrier, and avoided detection by the pervasive aircraft assets. On the morning of the final day, the firing order finally arrived, allowing Saphir to fictitiously sink the Theodore Roosevelt and the greater part of its escort ships.

It is obviously not to the credit of the US Navy that a 30-year old submarine was able to penetrate one of its carrier groups and to sink both carrier and most of its escort vessels, which not only failed to detect its approach, but also failed to attack it once it made its presence known by sinking the carrier.

In fact, given the claims made by US Navy chiefs about their ships’ effectiveness, and the huge sums invested in carrier groups on the strength of these claims, they deserve to be publicly embarrassed, and to be forced to explain this latest failure.

Because, in fact, this is not the first time a foreign submarine “sinks” a US Navy carrier during an exercise. In 2004, the US Navy leased a Swedish Navy submarine, the Gotland, for one year of dissimilar training, and got more than t bargained for. In fact, as reported by the Foxtrot Alpha blog,

“The Gotland virtually "sank" many US nuclear fast attack subs, destroyers, frigates, cruisers and even made it into the 'red zone' beyond the last ring of anti-submarine defenses within a carrier strike group. Although it was rumored she got many simulated shots off on various US super-carriers, one large-scale training exercise in particular with the then brand new USS Ronald Reagan ended with the little sub making multiple attack runs on the super-carrier, before slithering away without ever being detected.”

Although the French MoD diplomatically tried to limit the embarrassment to the US Navy, the bigger question remains, and is likely to further fuel the legitimate debate in the United States as to the cost and the true effectiveness of US Navy carriers.

These are already threatened by the emergence of Chinese “carrier-killer” missiles as well as more powerful anti-ship missiles, such as the Indian-Russian supersonic BrahMos missile.

I am wonder that China is asking from the watchman of USA that how to sink your master,s Navy Carrier?
We could afford to lose 17 aircraft carriers since we had 100 carriers. Japan can't replace them.
After WWII Japan changed its doctrine. Now they are a defensive force and hence don't need bombers and aircraft carriers. If this wouldn't have been the case entire world knows they would have made carriers as well.
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